to accept the word of your Son."
Assisted Parishes—Special collections 17th/18th August at all Masses.
National Pilgrimage in honour of St. Columba—At Carfin on Sunday 8th September 2013 at 3pm. See the notice in the church porch for details.
Craighead Institute—”Integrating Life and Faith Course”—see notice in the porch.
R.C.I.A.—Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic or to learn more about the Church, contact Margaret Barton 563 9043 or Father Donnelly 942 4635 in preparation for the new season in September.
Redecorated Hall--The Upper Hall is currently undergoing redecoration. It will be re-launched at the coffee morning after 10.00 a.m. Mass on the 18th August. Why not come along and have a look at the hall and see how it would fit with your next fund raiser or celebration. It is available for family parties, kids birthday parties, wedding receptions, fund raisers, discos, race nights etc. You can also find out more about the other activities that go on in the halls during the week, including Zumba, pilates, choirs, slimmer’ clubs, whist drives, indoor bowls and loads of other exciting and interesting things. And to top it all, there is coffee and cake available with all proceeds going to a great charity. For more details visit here or call Gordon Reid on 07528425698.
Parish Celebration of Marriage as a Sacramental Institution—7th September 2013—Married this year? Getting married later this year? Celebrating a ‘special’ wedding anniversary this year (i.e. 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th (or later)). Then you and your immediate family are invited to the Vigil Mass in the church at 6.00 p.m. on Saturday 7th September, and to a wine and cheese party thereafter in the Upper Hall. There will be a special emphasis on Marriage at the Mass, during which you will receive a memento of the occasion. This year marriage and what it means have been under particular attack from the secular society. In this way the parish can affirm the importance of marriage and its sacramental nature. To help in planning the event, if you are coming please complete a form at the back of the church and leave it in the box provided or contact Dominique (943-0975).
Raffle—For the Joe McBride bottle of whiskey will take place at Canniesburn at 6.30pm on the 22nd August 2013 and Lisbon Lion John Clark will draw the winning ticket. If you would like to attend please inform the home on 943 2003 for catering purposes.
Ladies Cabaret and Fun Casino Night in Aid of the White Lily Fund which raises money for Cancer Research in the West of Scotland— Friday 25th October at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Champagne Reception, 3 Course Meal, Cabaret and Fun Casino Tables. As always, it will be a great night. Tickets cost £45.00 each. Ladies only so why not get together with some friends and take a table of 10. For more information and Ticket, please contact Angela Bruno on 07730615045.
Spred—(Special Religious Development) has been part of the pastoral and catechetical life of the Archdiocese since 1984. Our parish group is a small community of faith meeting on Wednesday evenings during school term-time, and we would welcome new volunteers to help our friends with learning disabilities take their rightful place within the parish community. No previous experience is necessary as training is given. More information is available on the SPRED website www.spred.org.uk. If you are at all interested, please phone Catherine (942-6984) or Lorna (942 0696.)
Mission Appeal—for the Franciscan Sister of the Immaculate Conception—Special second collections for the work of the Sisters at all Masses on the weekend– 24th/25th August.