whoever eats this bread will live forever."
Last Coffee Morning before the Holidays!!!! Please come along and join us in the upper hall afteramtoday, Sunday, 18th, for the last coffee morning before the summer holidays.It's also FATHER'S DAY, treat dad to a cuppa and some home baking. We all enjoyed the Redemptorists Mission so much last week with Fr Ronnie andFr Peter that we thought it would be fitting 'thank you' to raise funds this month for their Mission in Zimbabwe.They work with the poor and abandoned there and, in, Brother Benjamin of their Order, is now feeding 25,000 childreneach day– most of them with HIV or Aids. They are all orphans, and many are also being helped with free schooling and other forms of care.it is the oldest boy or girl who has to care for the others in the family, therefore an education is vitally important for their future survival.please come along and support this very worthy cause.Thanks for all your support and happy holidays when they come!!! Veronica and David Maguire.
Caritas Award If you will be going into your final year of school after summer, or just finished secondary and are interested in becoming a candidate for the 2017 / 2018 Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid at [email protected] Interested candidates already signing up. Do think about joining them? visit www.caritasaward.org.
Nick Pryce will take the next step toward becoming a Permanent Deacon during a special ceremony called Rite of Candidacy at 12noon Mass today in St Andrew's, Cathedral. All most welcome. Nick’s Ordination will be celebrated here in the parish with Mass at 6pm on Friday 8th September. Keep Nick in your prayers
Monsignor Ryan will celebrate the Golden Jubilee of his Ordination to the Priesthood on Sat1st July at the 6pm Vigil Mass, followed by a reception in the Upper Hall to which all are most welcome. Our many congratulations and all our good wishes to Monsignor Ryan and may the days ahead be filled with many blessings.
Rev Jim Dean will be ordained to the Priesthood for the Archdiocese of Glasgow on 28th June at 6.30pm, the Vigil of the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, in St Andrew’s Cathedral, to which all are most welcome.
"We want to keep up what the Mission brought us."If you have any suggestions and ideas for following up and building on the experience of the Parish Mission - it might be setting up a Prayer Group, or a faith sharing group, or you might want to get involved in one of the parish’s existing groups, or perhaps make a commitment to become involved in one of the ministries in the parish, then please speak to Fr Mackle.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – By way of a legacy of the Parish Mission, there will be Exposition of the Blessed SacramentSaturday, beginning 24th June, from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is, perhaps, the best way to enter into prayer and draw closer to Jesus outside of Holy Mass.Adoration is sitting quietly before the real presence of Christ, who hears us and who sees us.Please consider coming to spend time in adoration and prayer each Saturday. We would like to have a number of adorers for each half hour, to ensure that the Blessed Sacrament is never left unattended. Sign up sheet for you to initial or sign is in the porch.
During the summer, on Tuesdays from 13th June until 18th July, the church will be open until the later time of 7.30pm for anyone who might want to call in for some peace and quiet prayer.
BBQ - Despite the rain we had a fantastic day last Sunday rounding off the Parish Mission with our Golden Jubilee BBQ. The food was delicious, and it was a great social occasion. Many thanks to Veronica and David Maguire and their team for looking after the food and catering. We’re also thankful to all in the planning and organising team for looking after the BBQ’s preparations and the big clear up at the end of the day. A huge well done to everyone involved.
Please help the Passkeepers by leaving your hymn books and order of Mass cards tidily after Masses, and by taking your bulletin away with you. Many thanks.
The 29 Club Summer 2017 Draw Our Summer Double Draw took place at the Church Bar B Q on 11 June 2017 with the following winners:- £1000: No. 48 - Charles & Katrianne Hocking. £1000: No. 183 - Rae Russell. £100 : No. 106 - Kathleen Milne. £100: No. 5 - Brian & Sadie Traynor. £100: No. 31 - Brian Donnelly. £100: No. 92 - Gordon & Elizabeth Reid. £100: No. 193 - John Hughes. £100: No. 103 - John & Phyllis Mulgrew. £100: No. 195 - M & T Houston. £100 : No 164 - Anne Gilbey. £100 :No. 29 - Fr Joe Mackle. £100 : No. 99 - Katherine McKay. My thanks to Parishioners Phylliss and Therese for making the draw; and to all you 29 Club members Thank You for your support … also to the winners .. Enjoy!! All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development Fund and various charitable causes. Vacancies are available now for the current season with membership at £6 per month or £65 per annum. Come and Join Us !! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942-6085 or Father Mackle on 942-4635.
Extention of 50th Art Exhibition now running until mid December 2017. Artists, please let Catherine Dunipace know if you wish to sell your work at the end of the Exhibition with any funds received being donated to charity. Also, a number of easels were provided which were not used. These can be collected from the Parish House at your convenience. [email protected]
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for P7 pupils of St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s Parishes in St Joseph’s Church on the evening of 6th February 2018. Enrolment forms available in the porch to be returned please by 28th June.
The Halls Committee is looking for new members. The halls are a valuable asset for the church and have raised over £15,000 per year for the last few years for church funds through commercial lets and private functions. Halls Committee is responsible for managing these lets together with the maintenance of the decoration of the halls, keeping consumables topped up and assisting at some Parish functions. The committee meets, on average, 4 times a year. The committee is looking for new members to help with the running of this important aspect of parish life. If you are interested in joining the committee, or want to find out a bit more about what they do, please contact Father Mackle on 0141 942 4635.
An appeal for archive material - Scottish Catholic Education Service would welcome any archive material you might have regarding history of Catholic education in Scotland over the years ie. interesting stories and photographs. Please send to SCES, 75 Craig Park, G31 2HD or [email protected] – A collection of archive material will be part of next year’s centenary celebrations of the 1918 Education Act. “Catholic Schools: Good for Scotland”
The Nigerian Catholic Community Glasgow is a thriving community of Nigerian Catholics living in Glasgow and its environs. We promote the quarterly Nigerian Mass and a host of other religious activities, including Retreats and Pilgrimages.
Next quarterly Mass - St Roch's, G21 2HN on Sunday 2nd July at 1pm. Everyone is invited. For more details and information, see notice in porch.
Reboot Live - revitalise your faith with Catholic author and speaker Chris Stefanick, Bute Hall, Glasgow University. 27th July at 7pm. See poster in porch for more details. For tickets (£10/£8 concession) call 0141 226 5898visit www.rebootlivescotland.eventbrite.co.uk
Can you bring an extra tin for the Drumchapel Foodbank? If you're able to bring even just one tinned meal to Mass and leave in the porch, these would be very gratefully received. Many thanks
Carpet Bowls Outing Thursday 22nd June. Bus leaves at 10am to Callendar for morning coffee, thereafter on to Stirling. High Tea 5pm and returning home around 8.30pm. Cost £20. We welcome any non-members who will enjoy a lovely day out. Please phone 587 7319 to book a seat.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran, Maura Murphy, Maria Giovanazzi, Clare MacTavish, Ophelia McPhail, Anne Parker, Eileen Adaya, Mary Magovern, Jackie McCann, Vikki Allinson.
Recently Dead—Tommy Reilly, Frank O’Connor, Stuart Paterson, Vera Greene, Jim Gormley, Ben Fryer, Suzanne Drake, Jeanette McDiarmid.
Anniversaries—Margaret McCallum, Robina Burnett, Mark Sanders,
David Higgins.