First Holy Communion Thanksgiving Prayer Service at 3pm and Party in the hall afterwards – Sunday 1st June.
May Devotions. Rosary and Benediction every Sunday in May at 4.30pm.
Ascension Thursday – 29th May and a Holyday of Obligation. Masses 10am and 7pm. Please note, there will be no Vigil Mass on the 28th May.
To: Catholic School Parents. From: Parental Involvement Group Catholic Education Commission - A number of parents have brought to our attention that SPTC (Scottish Parent Teachers Council) is currently surveying parents' views on certain aspects of what they call "religious observance" in schools. However, this survey goes beyond religious observance; it deals with many aspects of schools in which there may be a religious component (e.g. Church reps on education committees, RC Church nominee on Parent Council).
The introduction to the survey states: "The question of religion and its place in the education system has crossed our desks quite frequently lately, whether it be religious observance in schools, involvement of church representatives in Parent Councils and Local Authority education committees, or the way parents can exercise their choices in Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education (RSHP). We understand that many parents have strongly-held views on some or all of these issues - we have heard many - but we want to gain a better understanding of how you feel it is possible to accommodate these varying perspectives in our education system. We are aiming to find points of agreement rather than points of difference!”
We are concerned that there is room for some confusion in how to answer some of the questions e.g., question 9 suggests that children will be unable to reflect on their place in the world and values if they focus on "one particular religion", thereby misrepresenting the nature of religious observance in schools. We are also concerned about the purpose of this survey and the implied criticism of religion being part of education, with none of the questions implying any positive outcomes. Clearly this impacts significantly on Catholic schools. It is our concern that, in recent times, Catholic school parents have had occasion to express concerns to SPTC on its stance on a number of related issues. In the light of these concerns we would urge Catholic school parents to respond to this survey and to take the opportunity to express their views and to use question 17 as an opportunity to comment on the survey. This link will take you to the survey: www.
Appeal and Rags to Riches Clothing Collection for Mary’s Meals. Please bring any unwanted clothing / bedding to Mass next weekend 24th / 25th May. 2 bags raises £7 – enough to feed a child in Malawi for one year. The 2nd collection will be taken up that weekend for Mary’s Meals.
Pilgrimage to Rome 27 July – 3 August run from Holy Cross, Croy. B&B, coach transfers and excursion to Assisi – cost around £700. Spiritual Director – Fr Joseph Sullivan. 7 places remaining. Call 01698 262941.
Mobile phones – just to remind you, please, to turn off your mobile phone or turn it to silent mode, prior to the start of Mass.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechisis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Northwest Deanery's Future Pastoral Provision strategic meeting will be on Tuesday, 27th May at 7pm in St Mary's Hall, Duntocher. The clergy and representatives from Parish Pastoral Councils are invited to attend.
Fabric & Finance Meeting (please note change of date) now Tuesday 5th June at 7pm in the chapel-house. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact Brian Donnelly 942 6085.
Special Collections over the next couple of months – 25th May for Mary’s Meals; 1st June for Communications Sunday; 8th June – Day for Life; 15th June for Archdiocesan Assisted Parishes Fund; and 29th June for Peter’s Pence.
Thinking about becoming a Diocesan Priest? There will be short retreat (June 20th – 21st) for all those who feel that God may be calling them to serve as a diocesan priest. For more information, contact Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315) or visit
New coordinator still required to take over from this August for the P1 to P3 Children's liturgy group. Role involves preparing the rota and liaising with the liturgy leaders. Anyone can undertake the role as long as they enjoy working with children and are happy to go through PVG clearance. Particularly welcome would be a Mum or Dad who has primary aged children. Some of our existing team are looking to "retire" after many years service, and therefore we also need more volunteer helpers. Leaders and helpers are on duty about once a month. It is a very satisfying role as well as being useful preparation for anyone considering training as a teacher. No particular experience is required, as you will work with an experienced leader for the first few months. Again PVG clearance is required. If you would like to discuss this further please contact Fr Mackle on 942 4635 or Lorraine on 942 1065.
The Andrea Kearney Fund is holding its annual dinner on 31st May at the Radisson Hotel in Glasgow. It's always a wonderful event for a very deserving cause and we're delighted to support it, by performing this year. We look forward to seeing you on 31st May so please book your tickets or table now at Don't delay as tickets are selling fast! Best wishes Lorraine McIntosh & Ricky Ross
Lego Appeal - St Andrew's Primary School is hoping to set up a Lego Club and would welcome donations of any unused/unwanted Lego sets. They need not be complete. Thank you. If you can, please hand them in direct to the school, or leave in the church porch.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am - June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Monday at 7 pm. All very welcome.
Mass Attendance – 10th /11th May. Vigil Mass - 161; 10am Mass – 274; 12 noon Mass – 640. Total – 1075.
St. Andrew’s Primary PTA is hosting a Ladies Night on Friday 30th May from 7pm in the school hall. Tickets for entry are £5 and include a cocktail (BYOB). All profits will be divided equally between school funds and Brightest Star. There will be a disco, raffle, competitions and a variety of fabulous beauty treatments which are available to pre-book. Please contact either Anne MacIntosh (07866 009078) or Karen Hughes (07732 676253) for more information. All welcome.