Musicians and Cantors – there will be a meeting in the hall at 7pm on Thursday 29th September, followed by a short period for prayer and quiet reflection in the church.
Drumchapel Foodbank – in this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has exhorted us all to do our best to help those people worse off than ourselves. There are many of these in close proximity to own parish. You can help these people in need by donating items of sustainable foods eg tins, pasta, cereals, toiletries, eg toilet rolls, kitchen rolls. Please place these goods in plastic bags in our boxes in the porch. These are collected every Monday morning and taken to the Foodbank. Thank you for your help.
In April 2016, St. Andrew’s Church delivered Parish Census Forms to 1200 Parishioners’ homes in Bearsden. So far, only 40 per cent of these Parish Census Forms have been completed and returned by our Parishioners. This Census is important for updating the records of our Parishioners, which helps improve our services to you. So, if you haven’t done so already, please complete and return your Parish Census Form as soon as possible. P.S. If you need another form, they are still available in the entrance porch at the church. Thank You.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some preparatory act of reverence such as a bow. This should be made just before receiving Communion. General Instruction of the Roman Missal, No. 160 states: "When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before the Sacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister. The consecrated host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, at the discretion of each communicant. When Holy Communion is received under both kinds, the sign of reverence is also made before receiving the Precious Blood."
Assisted Parishes Fund - Second Collection taken up this weekend gives financial assistance to parishes who otherwise would struggle to make ends meet.
Bookkeeper required – the parish is seeking a bookkeeper who is able to do about four hours voluntary work at the end of each month, and attend to the end of year accounts. Please speak to Brian Donnelly or Fr Mackle if you are able to help.
The annual Vincentian Family Carfin Mass will be held on Saturday 24th September 2016. Details can be found on the church notice board. All are most welcome to attend. St. Andrew's SVDP
An Evening of Prayer with Padre Pio – 23rd Sept at St Mary’s, Abercromby Street. Beginning with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6.30pm. See poster in porch.
Like to get to know your faith better? Like to be part of a faith sharing group? We would like to set up faith-sharing groups within the parish. We have various DVD resources which groups may wish to use ie Bishop Barron’s Catholicism series, plus a number of presentations by authors and teachers, Scott and Kimberley Hahn. We would envisage these groups (6 – 8 people) meeting in homes within the parish – similar to the way Renew groups met in the past. If you are interested, please get in touch with Mike Ryan. Email: [email protected] We are only looking (at the moment!!) for people who are simply interested in attending a meeting.
Coffee Morning Please come along and join us for a cuppa, a chat and some delicious home baking this Sunday, 18th Sep in the Upper Hall following the 10am Mass. Proceeds will be donated to Fr Mathew J. Parumoottil for his school, St Thomas Convent School, Sandholi, in the Diocese of Chandigarh, northern India.
Toddlers and Lunch Club resumes Thursday 29th September
Be part of something special!!! Ladies' Glamorous Night in Aid of the White Lily Fund which raises money for Cancer Research in the West of Scotland— Friday 18th November at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Champagne Reception, Stalls, Dinner and Dancing. As always, it will be a great night. Tickets cost £50.00 each. Ladies only, so why not get together with some friends and take a table of 10. For more information and tickets, please contact Angela Bruno on 07730615045.
Upcoming Meetings: 19th Sept at 7pm – Youth Ministry Group; 20th Sept at 7pm – School Council; 23rd Sept at 10.30am – Reachout Ed Team; 29th Sept – Musicians and Cantors at 7pm; 29th Sept at 7.30pm – Halls Committee; 5th Oct at 7pm – RCIA.
Catholic....? Thinking about it....? Know someone who is....? First RCIA meeting will be on Wed, 5th Oct at 7pm in the Hut. Speak to one of the priests or contact 942 4635 / [email protected] for more information.
Handstitching and Embroidery Workshops - As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations for the Parish, we are hoping to set up weekly workshops with interested handstitchers to create an embroidered wall hanging to commemorate this important event. The workshops will take place on Thursdays from 4pm until 6pm in the lower church hall. We are particularly interested in targeting the 12 - 16 year old age range who would like to develop their skills in hand stitching. Maura McRobbie, a member of the Embroiderer's Guild, Glasgow will be leading these workshops from October until March 2017. If you would like to be involved, please email [email protected]
SPRED - our parish group is looking for a driver to bring one of our Friends to our sessions on Wednesday evenings, only 14 times fortnightly during school term from September to May. For more information or to express interest please phone Catherine on 942 6984 or 07713 861889
Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 30th September in the school hall from 9am until 11am. All welcome.
We are also delighted to tell you we’ve booked Trevor Graham Photography (www.trevorgrahamphotography.co.uk) to take individual and / or group photographs in the school on Saturday 1st October. This is a great gift idea for so many occasions and is also open to friends and families of St Andrew’s Primary. To book a 10 minute slot please contact Anne on 07866 009078.
Children’s Choir - Sept 18th, October 9th, November 13th, November 20th, December 11th, December 18th, December 25th (to be confirmed). Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 /[email protected]
Forthcoming Special Collections : 2nd Oct - SPUC White Flower; 23rd Oct - Mission Sunday. 13th Nov – Assisted Parishes.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Joan Davis, Margie Cornyn, Patricia Swiatek, Gilbert O’Rourke, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Davie Peacock, Lesley Cullen, Kay Reilly, Anne Rodgers, Diarmid O’Hara, Rosemary Queen, Barbara Holland, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran.
Recently Dead— Peter Healy, Maurice McGarry, Emily Robertson, Ken Fearon, Bridget Black, Marc Lahbib, Nancy McElligot, Elizabeth Adsley, James Roberts, Ann-Terese Devine.
Anniversaries—Duncan McCallum, Adrian Medford, Filomena D’Aguanno.