blessed are they who have not seen me, but still believe!"
A Big Easter Thanks - I just want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and say a big thank you to all those who have been working so hard in so many ways in these limiting circumstances ~ preparing the sanctuary for Holy Week and Easter ~ taking photographs ~ keeping our website, Facebook, Twitter and M&B Herald column up to date ~ attending to the Easter floral arrangements ~ attending to maintenance issues ~ looking after finance & admin ~ keeping the grounds and gardens looking good.
Parishioners have been sharing some lovely prayers, hymns and video clips - please, keep them coming. Always happy to share them with others through our parish's social media.
The beautifully decorated cross for Easter will remain on the sanctuary up until Pentecost Sunday.
The foodbank and soup run / GWR volunteers continue to do great work, especially during these times, delivering to those in need. The parish is grateful to them for being so generous with their time, and a big thanks for all the foodbank donations that many of you hand in.
RCIA - If these had been other circumstances, Yvonne and Jen would have been fully received by now in to the Church. We look forward to the day when they will become full members of the Catholic Church.
With all good wishes for the Easter Season.
"The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you". Romans 8:11
Monsignor and Fr Mackle continue to celebrate Mass separately throughout the Easter Season praying for the parish community and their intentions.
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday- the Divine Mercy image in the Blessed Sacrament chapel will be blessed during today's Mass.
'Priest School' - Sunday, 19th April at 9.00pm - BBC Scotland Channel: Last year, the Bishops' Conference agreed to grant the TV production company Solus Productions access to the Pontifical Scots College in order to produce an hour-long documentary. The programme will give Scottish audiences an insight into the formation and faith journey of the class of 2018/2019, with special focus on five young seminarians at differing stages in their studies. NB: The programme will not be broadcast on BBC One Scotland, but on the new BBC Scotland Channel - (Sky and Freeview 115, Freesat 106 and Virgin Media 108).
Visiting of Sick and Housebound:- The clergy and extraordinary ministers of holy communion are not permitted to visit the sick and housebound as these are high risk people and we need to avoid bringing the virus to them. Please don't hesitate to phone 942 4635 for telephone ministry.
Virtual Mass:- the Cathedral streams Mass 3 times per day (0815, 1300, 1715 on Weekdays and on Sundays with Vigil Mass Saturday at 1715, Sundays 1000, 1200, 1715). You can join in spiritually through the link on their website or by going directly to the link https://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-andrews-cathedral
Drumchapel Foodbank In the past 8 days four deliveries of donations left in the Church House porch have been made to Drumchapel Foodbank. In one day, two car boot loads and a trolley full of Easter Eggs were collected from the porch. Drumchapel Foodbank is very grateful and has asked that their thanks be passed on to the parishioners of St Andrew's. Sincere thanks to everyone who made an effort to donate in the lead up to Easter. So if you can this week as part of your daily exercise drop off a food donation in the porch, we will ensure if gets to those who are in need of help. Thank you.
Milngavie Food Bank Families and individuals today are experiencing unprecedented levels of economic hardship. If you know of anyone who is lacking in resources to buy food and is running low on supplies, please mention the Food Bank at St. Joseph's Milngavie (hall on left hand side), which opens from 14.00-15.30 on Fridays and 12.30-13.30pm on Sundays
Delighted that in these difficult times there are many instances of parishioners helping others in need both in the parish and beyond. Our parish's soup run and some new volunteers have organised and are delivering more than 600 hot meals each week to families and individuals in need for a variety of reasons. This includes deliveries to Drumchapel and St Gregory's foodbanks, those in emergency accommodation across the city and a registered charity in Drumchapel supporting vulnerable families. Thanks to GWR for their generosity in this venture as well as all other businesses providing support to other support initiatives. Thank you also for all your donations that have enabled support to continue to Drumchapel foodbank each week. Donations left in the chapel house porch are delivered by our parish's volunteers each Monday.
Safeguarding Information - COVID-19: Reporting abuse at this time. If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult and believe them to be at immediate risk, do not delay in contacting the Police or Social Work Services (Telephone: 0300 343 1505). It is the policy of the Catholic Church in Scotland to report all allegations of abuse to statutory authorities, regardless of whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past, or whether the accused person is living or dead.
If you are in any role within the Archdiocese of Glasgow, you must refer allegations directly to Caterina O'Connor (Safeguarding Adviser), caterina.o'[email protected].
If you are a member of the public, you should refer allegations either directly to the Police and/or to Caterina O'Connor (Safeguarding Adviser).
You can also contact the Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Service (SCSS) by telephoning 0141 332 7177 or by email at [email protected]
Other Concerns - For many survivors of abuse, isolation can intensify feelings of fear and anxiety. We have a section on Support Services on our website. Many of these helping agencies have telephone and email services that can be contacted for advice and support during these difficult times.
Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for recently dead, month's mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the chapelhouse or sent by email: [email protected] by 12noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin will be available on Facebook, Twitter and on the parish website.
Flourish – this month and next is available at www.flourishnewspaper.co.uk
Parish Website – Bulletin - Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
RCAG Youth are offering a variety of online opportunities for the young people of Glasgow in this time. These include Morning Prayer LIVE!, Lectio Divina Online and weekly audiences with guest speakers, amidst other things. To find out more, please check out www.facebook.com/RCAGYouth"
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - Sunday 19 April It is essential to draw near to new forms of poverty and vulnerability, in which we are called to recognise the suffering Christ, even if this appears to bring us no tangible and immediate benefits. I think of the homeless, the addicted, refugees, indigenous peoples, the elderly who are increasingly isolated and abandoned, and many others.
Evangelii Gaudium
Have you ever considered adoption as a way to grow your family? Could you provide a loving, stable family environment for a child who needs a forever home? If you would like to find out more about the adoption process, please visit www.stmargaretsadoption.org.uk or contact us on 0141 332 8371 or e-mail [email protected].
Vision Aid Overseas - Do you have old spectacles at home you no longer use? If so we are collecting old glasses for Vision Aid Overseas to recycle during Lent. Please put any unwanted spectacles in the box in the house Porch.
Recently Dead – Elise O'Hagan, Charlotte McDermott, Frank Muldoon, Jimmy Gordon, Joe Buirds, Annette Wallace, Janet Fraile, James Andrews, Mary Innes, Elise O'Hagan, Mary Gallagher, Nora Beti, Dom John Moakler, Thomas and Agnes O'Brien
Anniversaries – Pat and Mary Kelly