that takes away the sin of the world."
St Margaret’s Family & Children Society – OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator) has said that if the adoption Society continues to assess the suitability of applicants as adoptive parents in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church, then, as far as they are concerned, it is not providing a “public benefit” and they would want to remove it from the Charities Register. St Margaret’s is fighting a legal battle against this. The tribunal case to date has cost the Society £157,000. (Tribunal scheduled to hand down its judgement on 31st January 2014). All offerings through the Christmas Crib box, and through the little collection boxes will be gratefully received. Please support the Society with your money and with your prayers.
The Crib will remain up until Candlemas and the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - forty days after Christmas – 2nd February. Candlemas is a gentle feast of light in the darkness of winter. Christmastide liturgically ended on 12th January, the Baptism of Christ, but Christmas doesn't end spiritually -- i.e., the celebration of the events of Christ's life as a child don't end, and the great Christmas Cycle doesn't end until February 2. This year, it is hoped that the forty days of the crib being up in the church and the cribs in our homes will further aid St Margaret’s Adoption Society with our prayers and our offerings.
Many thanks to John Prior (Passkeeper) and Elaine Smith (Messenger) who have stepped down after many years of faithful service in their ministries. We wish them well.
Church PA System – How does it sound to you in the church, in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, in the porch? Do you rely on the induction loop system for hearing? How is it? We will be looking soon at the provision of mics for the choir and musicians area.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 18th – 25th January. There is an invitation extended to all parishioners of St Andrew’s to join with members of other churches in Bearsden for a Service of Prayer for Christian Unity, which will be held in The Cross Church, 61 Drymen Road this evening, Sunday, 19th January at 7pm. Archbishop Tartaglia reminds us that common prayer amongst Christians is “a witness to our baptismal faith in the God of Jesus Christ – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” and “a witness to the importance of faith and religious freedom in our society” as well as “a sign of our commitment to the common good of all citizens, to justice, peace, and the relief of poverty”.
Unused Keys. If you have in your possession church or upper or lower hall keys that you no longer require or are not using, can you please return them to me at the Presbytery. Many thanks. Father Mackle.
Passover Meal, Wednesday 16th April 2014: As part of forward liturgical planning a small group is required to arrange this service. There are two parts involved, setting up the hall which the Halls Committee have agreed to look after and then arranging the different parts of the actual service. This needs to be done in advance of the evening. Please speak with Fr Mackle if you can help with this latter part. In recent years this service has been poorly supported and in order to gauge interest and viability would you please sign the sheet on the notice board in the church porch.
Our parish’s annual statistical return for 2013 – Baptisms – 37; adults who became Catholics – 4; Confirmations – 36; First Communions – 39; Marriages – 7; Deaths – 24; Estimated Catholic Population – 3155. November Census Mass Attendance – 707.
The figures for 2012 were – Baptisms – 42; adults who became Catholics – 3; Confirmations – 39; First Communions – 39; Marriages – 9; Deaths – 18. Estimated Catholic Population – 3155; November Census Mass Attendance – 801.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? – contact Fr John Keenan, [email protected] (0141-339-4315) or Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (0141-776-1063)
RCIA Please keep in your prayers John Harper and Robbie McKechnie, who are engaged in the RCIA process of becoming Catholics this Easter.
First Holy Communion for the Primary 4 children of the parish will be celebrated on Sundays 11th & 18th May at the 12noon Mass. All parents are asked to attend a preparation meeting on Thursday, 30th January at 7.00pm in the hall.
Coffee Morning - after 10am Mass today Sunday 19th January. Raising funds this month for the St Nicholas Care Fund and the Homeless.
Fizz, Fish n Fun, Fundraising Night for the White Lily Charity in aid of cancer research. Bearsden Burgh Hall ---7 till Midnight Saturday 1st February. B.Y.O.B. & soft drinks. £19.50 per head. Glass of bubbly and fish supper included. Raffle, live band and dancing. Contact Veronica Maguire on 07884468212 or email - [email protected]
Justice and Peace magazine - The latest edition: comments on the significance for us of Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium – the Joy of the Gospel; assesses the results of the IF campaign and itslegacy in Scotland; and reports on how we can choose food that promotes trade justice. The edition also contains challenging editorial, accounts of recent conferences and news of upcoming events. Subscriptions can be taken out from J&P Scotland, 65 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 2BX, (0141 1333 0238) or through www.justiceandpeacescotland.org.uk.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am Mass. Today, January 19th, February 16th & 23rd (Catholic Education Sunday), March 9th & 16th, May 11th & 18th, June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Monday at 7.30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All are very welcome.
The Piety Stall January Sale now on…all Christmas stock reduced!
Annulment and Marriage Validation - See Fr Mackle to learn more about the process if you are divorced and remarried or never married in the Catholic Church.
Maryhill Foodbank Collection. Please place any donations of non-perishables (tins of soup, beans, meats etc., pasta, rice, toiletries) in the containers in the porch. Many thanks.