give me living water, that I may never thirst again."
Coffee Morning - Please come in and join us for a cuppa, a chat and some delicious home baking after 10am Sunday Mass in the Upper Hall. This month we will be raising funds for Inclusive Skating. This charity hopes to hold the first World Inclusive Skating Championships and has created local family based clubs for disabled children and their families to skate and receive crucial respite care and support. They also run annual events that they hope will ultimately lead to World Inclusive Skating Championships and the inclusion of ice skating in the Paralympics. They strive to work as efficiently as possible, so all donations will go directly towards helping disabled ice skaters and their families.
Stations of the Cross - Fridays at 7pm during Lent.
Deanery Station Mass with Archbishop Tartaglia will take place in St Joseph’s, Faifley on Tuesday 28th March at 7pm. All most welcome.
3 Lenten Reflection sessions on the Gospel readings - in the upper hall Mondays 13th, 20th & 27th March, after 10am Mass. Approx 45mins with tea/coffee available. All most welcome.
Remember in your prayers, Karen, Mark and John, who are journeying through RCIA process of becoming Catholics this Easter.
Washing of the Feet – Volunteers required to have their feet washed at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm on Holy Thursday, 13th April. Please enter your name on the sign up sheet on the noticeboard.
“Catholic Schools: Good for Scotland” – In 2018 we will reach the centenary of the 1918 Education Act. This was the Act that saw Catholic schools transfer from Diocesan control to State governance. The Bishops’ Conference has authorised the Scottish Catholic Education Service to propose plans to use this centenary to celebrate the positive impact that this very important partnership between Church and State has had for Scotland…..A planning group has been established to consider potential activities and to coordinate events.” Archbishop Tartaglia.
At our next Parish Pastoral Council in June, we will begin to consider ways in which we can, as a parish, add to this story. An update from the planning committee is attached to the noticeboard. SCES would welcome any archive material you might have regarding history of Catholic education is interesting stories and photographs. Please send to SCES, 75 Craig Park, G31 2HD or [email protected]
St Andrew’s Primary’s Easter Service will be held in the church on Thursday, 30th March at 10am. All most welcome. Please note, morning Mass will be at 9am.
Passover Meal - Wednesday April 12th 2017 Upper Hall 7:30pm Following the success of this event over the last few years it is proposed to run the event again on Wednesday 12th April. As this event involves quite a bit of preparation we need to gauge how much support it will have from Parishioners before confirming that it will definitely go ahead. If you intend to participate in this event please add your name to the sign-up sheet on the noticeboard in the porch. If you can help with preparations on the day please add your name to the separate column.
New Gift Aid Envelopes - 2017/2018 - Parishioners who use the Envelope system for Gift Aided donations please pick up your new book from the table at the back of the Church. The new envelopes should be used from early April.If you are a taxpayer and would like to sign up to make donations via Gift Aid, please speak with one of the team or enter your name and address on the sheet on the table.Finally, HMRC refund last year was about £15000 - many thanks to you allin helping to achieve this amount.Brian Donnelly942-6085. Finance & Fabric Team.
St Andrew’s Primary’s group of enthusiastic Eco gardeners will be visiting the Spirit of Peace Garden this Thursday to plant a small tree in a planter, check how the bulbs are coming on, and top up the bird feeders.
Drumchapel Foodbank – All items such as cans of food, pasta and toiletries are gratefully received. Collection boxes are taken every Monday morning.
Volunteer Required Please - To lock up the church at 4.45pm on Tuesdays. Please speak to Fr. Mackle.
As part of marking our parish's 50th, we have a selection of Mass cards in the piety stall, designed by Siobhan McLaughlin, each with a feature of St Andrew's church.
Motherwell Choir Concert - Thursday 6th April at 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Church. A musical reflection on the Passion and Death of Our Lord. Tickets including refreshments £5. Call 942 4635 or email [email protected]. Part of our 50th anniversary celebrations
50th Anniversary…..St Andrew’s church. A booklet has been produced as a guide to both parishioners and visitors. Along with a history of the church there is an explanation of the mosaics and emblems. The booklet is available from the Piety stall, price £1. Proceeds will go to one of our anniversary charities.
SCIAF Stations of the Cross - an interactive and multi media meditation on Our Lord's journey - for parishes of the cluster at St Joseph’s, Milngavie, next Sunday 26th March at 5pm. All most welcome.
Children’s Choir - 19th March; 14th & 21st May; 11th & 18th June. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 /[email protected]
Award in Catholic Theological Education - Adult Faith Formation - If you would like to apply for this two-year part-time course and train to become a parish catechist, speak to Fr Mackle.This course is also suitable for those who wish to study for their own purposes.Course fees for parish catechist training are fully covered by the parish. Applications should be submitted by 31st March. For further information, call the RE Department on 226 5898 or email: [email protected]
Music Director - Susan Morrison, who has very faithfully served as the parish's Music Director for a number of years, has decided to retire from this role and responsibility. Our very sincere thanks to Susan for all her efforts in the time she has been involved in music and the liturgy, and particularly for organising the music rota for the Masses over the years. Susan's work and service has been very much appreciated. We wish her a very happy retirement and all the very best in it.
Upcoming meetings:
Lenten Gospel Reflections – 20th & 27th March at 10.30am
Bereavement Support Group – 20th March at 7pm
School Council – 21st March at 7pm
Youth Ministry - 27th March at 7pm
50th Planning – 27th March at 7pm
Fabric & Finance – 30th March at 7pm
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Gilbert O’Rourke, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran, Maura Murphy, Isabelle Cox, Maria Giovanazzi, Clare MacTavish, Gordon Cummings.
Recently Dead—Nan Hennan, Rachel McGhee, Gerard Holloran, Joseph Clancey, Enid Taylor, Charlie Coyle, David Imlach, Bruno Edone, Agnes Nicol.
Anniversaries—Jenny McCarron, Edward Noble, James Lee, Isabel Lee, Mary McTaggart, Jack & Sarah Cornish, Kathleen Ballingall, Michael O’Gorman, Betty O’Callaghan, Eelin Docherty.
Month’s Mind—Mary Moss.