and kindle in them the fire of you love."
Mary’s Meals—Work with some of the poorest people in Third World countries. We offer help by collecting unwanted/unused clothing and bedding (all textiles) and turning them into funds to carry out our work overseas. For better clothing, we receive a better price but even from rags we raise money that in turn helps us to feed starving children. (2 Black Poly Bags filled with textiles could generate enough funds to feed a child in Malawi FOR A YEAR (approx £7.00) world-wide and with your help we hope to continue expanding our feeding programme). PLEASE NOTE THE VAN WILL COLLECT AFTER THE SUNDAY MORNING MASSES ON SUNDAY, 26th MAY 2012—WE REGRET WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT BRIC-A-BRAC and we are unable to COLLECT IN THE EVENING. 2nd Collections on 25/26th May for Mary’s Meals.
The Andrea Kearney Fundraising Dinner—Saturday 1st June 2013. Tickets are available for the Andrea Kearney Fund Dinner—In the Radisson Hotel, Glasgow on Saturday 1st June at 7.00 p.m. This charity is the only one in the UK which offers financial help to women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy. The ticket price of £55.00 includes drinks on arrival, a delicious 3 course meal with wine and entertainment from some of Scotland’s talented musicians and performers. Why not save money and book a table for 10 for £500.00? To book tickets, please go to www.andreakearney.org or telephone 0141 –881 1320. If you can offer any raffle prizes or items for auction at this special event, please contact Veronica Maguire on 942-0607 (happy to uplift) as soon as possible. Many thanks.
Many thanks –For last Sundays “Communications” appeal. The sum raised was £656 00 and also for the SCIAF Lent Boxes—£718 00.
Trinity Sunday—26th May—the end of the period for fulfilling Easter Duty.
Exercise Classes—Three new exercise classes have started in the Lower Hall. On a Wednesday and Thursday evening at 8.30pm there is a 30 minute high intensity Metafit bodyweight training class. Also, on a Wednesday evening at 7.30 there is a 45 minute Kettlebell Class. All three classes are open to all age groups and suit all abilities. For more details please call Simon Denny on 07762 905 143.
Canniesburn Care Home—Is looking for voluntary mini bus drivers. PVG disclosure and any other expenses paid for by the home. Please contact the home on 0141 943 2003.
Catholic Parliamentary Office—An all-night prayer vigil will be held beginning at 8pm on 7th June in Turnbull Hall Glasgow. John Deighan will speak on the challenges to marriage and the family.
Scotland’s Rio—National World Youth Day gathering (25th—28th July. Last chance to book!) Aged 14-25? Want to take part in World Youth Day, but can’t make it to Rio? Come to Scotland’s Rio—a homegrown celebration of World Youth Day, without the jet lag! Hundreds of young people from all over Scotland and beyond will gather at the beautiful Stirling University campus this summer for four faith-filled days of catechesis, music, prayer, and choice of brilliant workshops. All accommodation, meals, and main activities for £250 per person. Contact Fr. David or Rachel at the Youth Pastoral Team for more info ([email protected]/0141 433 9521). Don’t miss out—bookings must close on 24th May. See you there!
Pro-Life Rosary—The Rosary will be prayed on Wednesday 22nd May at 7.30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Linn Cemetery Mass—The Annual Mass to remember all those who are buried in the Linn Cemetery and those whose committals took place at the Linn Crematorium will take place in the cemetery on Saturday 1st June. The Mass will start at 3pm.
All Saints R. C. Secondary School—See notice in the porch.