"Christ was humbler yet, even to accepting death,
death on a cross. But God lifted him high and gave
him the name which is above all names."
Monday 2nd April
Way of the Cross 7 30pm—with our friends from A.B.C.
Tuesday 3rd April
Penitential Service with visiting Confessors at 7.30pm.
Wednesday 4th April
Mass 10am
Passover Meal and Mass at 7.30pm. (Please enter names on the sheet at the church notice board if you intend to take part).
Holy Thursday 5th April
Morning Prayer 10am.
Chrism Mass at St. Andrew’s Cathedral at 11am.
Solemn Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm.
Night Prayer at 10.15pm.
Good Friday 6th April
Morning Prayer at 10am.
Liturgy of the Passion (with Children’s Liturgy) 3pm.
Special collection at the Solemn Liturgy for the Holy Places.
Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm.
Good Friday is a Day of Fast and Abstinence.
Holy Saturday 7th April
Morning Prayer 10am.
Easter Vigil Mass of the Resurrection at 8pm.
Easter Sunday 8th April
Masses at 10am and 12 noon.
The children are invited to bring small bells to ring at 10.00a.m. at the joyful Gloria Hymn to celebrate that Jesus is Risen.
Easter Celebration Party—after the Easter Vigil Mass to welcome Norma Donohoe & Lisa & Lloyd Creevy to celebrate their reception into full communion with the church—all welcome—at the Upper Hall.
Regina Coeli—replaces the Angelus during the Easter Season.
Easter Water—you are invited to take Easter Water to bless homes and families at Easter.
2011/12—St Andrew’s Parish Groups—Annual Return—It’s that time of year again when we require accounts and information from your group in order to complete our Parish return for the Archdiocese and the Scottish Charities Regulator. We require the following information for the financial year ending 31 March 2012.
Name of Group/Activity
Name(s) and contact numbers of office holders.
A copy of your Group accounts for the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 inclusive.
Sight of the group bank statements/passbook covering the same period. Please ask your local bank for a printout early April. These will be returned to you.
Any comment you deem relevant to the group finances.
The above information to Brian Donnelly (Finance Coordinator) c/o Chapel House no later than 15 April. Any problems contact Brian on 942 6085 or Bernard Sheridan on 956 7991. Thanks and God Bless
Dates for the Children’s Choir—13th May 10am Mass, 20th May 10am Mass, 10th June 10am Mass, 17th June 10am Mass. Contact Annamaria Strachan 0141 942 9799, 07749715514, email [email protected]
Date for your Diary—Ecumenical Vespers. The Archdiocese arranges Vespers each year and invites a speaker from another Christian tradition. This year Archbishop Conti has asked to come to St. Andrew’s Bearsden on Thursday 26th April at 7pm. All welcome
Soup Run—The next soup run will be on Friday 6th April. Donations taken at the lower hall from 7pm. Soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc most welcome. Any queries please call Phyllis 0141 570 1343. Many thanks as always.
Area Leaders meeting—On Monday 16th April at 7 30pm in Lower Hall.
Area Messengers meeting—on Monday 16th April at 8pm in Lower Hall.
Presbytery Roof Repairs—Begins on Tuesday 10th April.
Carmelite Spirituality and Prayer—For information www.carmelglasgow.co.uk or email [email protected]
Richard (Dick) Docherty and his sons, Christopher and Richard—Sincerely thank Fr. Donnelly, Fr Maguire, Fr Broderick, all those kind parishioners and in particular the Padre Pio group, who prayed for Anne during her recent illness and after her death. The family also thank those who sent Mass cards and who so kindly expressed their sympathies. Mass will be offered for their intentions.
Family Ceilidh—28th April—As part of our 25 year celebrations, St Andrew's is holding a family ceilidh on Saturday 28th April in the Upper Hall from 7pm—10pm. B.Y.O.B. and soft drinks and we’ll provide hot dogs and pizza. £15 per family ticket.
Contact Shivonne Hayes on 942 8603/email [email protected] or
Veronica Maguire on 942 0607/email [email protected]
Vouchers for Schools—St. Andrew’s School is collecting the Tesco Vouchers for schools, Sainsburys “Active Kids” Vouchers and Morrisons “Let’s Grow” Vouchers and anyone wishing to donate these please deposit them in the basket on the table behind the main door, next to the Piety Stall where they will be collected periodically. Many thanks for your support.