may be ready"
Place: All Saints, Drymen Road
Time: 3pm - 5pm Sunday, 1st December
Prayers and/or short reflection on the hour and half hour, otherwise just space and peace and sanctuary. People are free to come along whenever and stay as long or otherwise as they please.
SVDP Christmas Appeal—Last year, thanks to your wonderful generosity, more than £3000 was raised and all of this was directed to where we felt it was best needed, to local families, as well as those in Possilpark, Govan, Maryhill and Drumchapel. Last year, we were grateful to Elizabeth and Anne of the Mother and Toddler Group for arranging the wrapped presents, labelled age and gender specific; this was a great help. Hopefully, for the third year, car loads of toys will be sent to many needy families, including very grateful asylum seekers, identified by our friends in Govan and St Laurence’s SVDP in Drumchapel. As well as those who helped, we are particularly grateful to Kay Dick of the Padre Pio Prayer Group and other individual parishioners who responded so generously, and in some cases, significant sums were given to our appeal. We are always looking for new members and, if you could feel you could spare some of your time to support us in our work, then please contact Michael Henry ( 942 1170). Again many thanks for your wonderful support.
The Halls Committee are looking for some new members to help with the management of the halls. This would be for a 3 year term. If you feel you can help in any way - we meet only a few times per year - please contact Fr. Mackle giving your name and phone no. and we will be pleased to discuss the matter with you.
Mass for the Victims of Typhoon Haiyan will be celebrated by Archbishop Tartaglia on Sunday 8th December, at 3:00pm at St Aloysius’, Garnethill. Filipinos in Glasgow and in Scotland are doing what they can and praying in solidarity with all those affected by the deadly typhoon in the Philippines. Everyone is welcome. Tea/Coffee will be served after the Mass.
The rosary is recited—Each weekday morning at 9.40 before Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Children’s Choir Dates— December 8th, December 15th plus December 25th. All at 10.00 a.m. Mass. For queries contact Annamaria Strachan 942-9799 or 07749715514.
The Piety Stall—has a large selection of Christmas cards and calendars. Cards for all occasions.
Visit Scotland for Marriage website and sign the marriage petition today.
Short Clips on Vocations & Priesthood—Google www.youtube.com/agapchannel
R.C.I.A. Group—Meets fortnightly in the hut. Next meeting—4th December 7.00 p.m. The Rite of acceptance into the order of Catechumens will take place during the 12 noon Mass on December 8th.
Padre Pio Prayer Group - meets in the church every Monday for one hour beginning at 7:00 p.m. All are very welcome.
Choirs for Christmas - In Bearsden and Milngavie. See posters in porch for details of Scotland’s Russian Choir in St Joseph’s on 6th December at 7.30pm; Milngavie Choir in Cairns Church on 7th December at 7.30pm; Kelvin Choir in St Andrew’s on 15th December at 3pm; and Bearsden Choir in New Kilpatrick Church on 18th December at 7.30pm.
Marriage and Family Life- Online consultation allows you to respond to the various questions in an anonymous way. Visit www.surveymonkey.com/s/RCAGsynodconsult Please consider responding.
Diocesan Pastoral Provision Information Evening PPCs and clergy of the deanery – Monday, 9th December at 7pm in St Mary’s Hall, Duntocher. Please make sure you receive today a copy of the leaflet, “This affects you – the future of our parishes”.
Carol Singing at ASDA - on Saturday, 14th December 12pm – 1pm. Members of New Kilpatrick, Westerton and St Andrew’s parishes will gather to deliver some festive cheer to shoppers. All donations will go to Robin House and Glasgow City Mission.
Family Christmas Party -The Parish Family Christmas Party will take place on Saturday 14th December 2013, 2pm to 4pm in the Upper Hall. Tickets are priced at £6 per family. Please bring a wrapped gift for a child labelled Boy/Girl and age range as a donation to charity. Tickets will be on sale at the Toddler Group every Thursday 10:30am to 1:30pm in the Lower Hall or contact Elizabeth Flanagan on 07714 241092 or Caroline Flanagan on 07867 862022.”
St Nicholas Care Fund Box - Collect any loose change during advent and hand it in at Christmas please. The 2nd collection on 14th / 15th will be for the Care Fund.
"Journey Through Advent with Pope Francis”. Free daily delivery of a short thought or message from the Holy Father, including extracts from his new Exhortation “The joy of the Gospel”. To participate, follow the Archdiocese on Facebook - www.facebook.com/archdioceseofglasgow or on Twitter - @ArchdiocGlasgow
The December Soup Run - Friday the 6th December. All donations (soft fruit, soup, biscuits etc.) to the lower hall from 7pm. as usual. If you have any clean towels that you no longer use, you might wish to consider bringing those to us for distribution. Your ongoing help is very much appreciated.
Christmas Gifts for the Soup Run will be distributed on Friday 13th December. Gift Boxes are being donated by the pupils of St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School. This is being organised by Mrs Creevy, one of our parishioners, who is a teacher at the School. Due to your generosity last year we will not be making an appeal for further gifts or monies this year. But again thank you for your support.
Maryhill Foodbank Collection continues to be very well supported within the Parish. Last week some 46 families, approx. 100 people, where supplied with much needed provisions by the Foodbank. Your support in proving non-perishable goods (tins of soup, beans, meats etc., pasta, rice, toiletries) is still greatly needed and much appreciated.
Conversations in Faith - Supporting Interreligious Dialogue
A series of six sessions, plus a film, to foster understanding and respect among people of faith that will inspire us to work together for peace. Admission by donation. Ignatian Spirituality Centre, 35 Scott St., in partnership with The Bishops’ Committee for Interreligious Dialogue Visit www.iscglasgow.co.uk for more details.
Hymn to St Andrew
1. When Christ our Lord to Andrew cried: 2.When Andrew's hour had come, and he
" Come, thou and follow me," was doomed like Christ to die,
the fisher left his net beside he kissed his cross exultingly,
the Sea of Galilee. and this his loving cry:
To teach the truth the master taught, "O noble cross! O precious wood!
to tread the path he trod I long have yearned for thee;
was all is his will, and thus he brought uplift me to my only good
unnumbered souls to God. who died on thee for me."