Advent Appeal - Drumchapel Foodbank. The number of families now dependent on the foodbank, and the number of emergencies, are rising fast. All donations always gratefully received. The collection boxes in St Andrew's church porch are delivered to the Foodbank every Monday. Church open Mon – Sat 'til 4.45pm & Sun 'til 1.30pm.
Carol Singing - Our soup run volunteers and folk group will deliver gifts and some Christmas cheer to two centres on Fri Dec 6. A huge thanks for all the kind donations that have been handed in.
Christmas Masses – Christmas Eve 5pm and 9pm (Carol Service 8.30pm). Christmas Day – 10am & 12noon. Mass at Midnight for the cluster is in St Joseph's.
Adult Faith Formation – Next in the Bishop Barron Pivotal Players series of DVDs is the life of St Francis of Assisi – this Thurs 5th Dec in the Upper Hall at 7pm. Please join us for tea/coffee and Bishop Barron's insight into this important figure in the Church.
Great photos of P6's retreat day now up on the youth noticeboard. Next big event Carol Singing 20th Dec 7pm Jubilee Garden.
The General Election - There is a letter here on this website, Facebook and Twitter from the Catholic bishops of Scotland about the forthcoming general election. Printed copies available in the porch, or visit "This General Election presents us with an opportunity to elect an individual representative who reflects as closely as possible our beliefs. It allows us to revisit Catholic Social Teaching and to connect our voting to our Catholic faith. It can be a chance to proclaim the inherent dignity and value of every human being, made in the image and likeness of God, and to promote the common good."
Advent Penance Service for parishes of the cluster – priests will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation - Thursday 12th December 7pm in St Joseph's.
Advent Day of Confessions - Thursday 19th December priests will be available all day in Saint Andrew's Cathedral (from 7:45am – 5:45pm) for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Please keep in your prayers Yvonne McCafferty and Jen Wright, who have begun the RCIA journey of preparing to become Catholic at Easter. On 11th Dec there will be the Rite of Acceptance, which involves special prayers for them as part of the RCIA process.
Happy Feast Day to the staff, pupils and families of St Nicholas' Primary – this Friday, 6thDec, 11am Mass will be celebrated in the school.
St Nicholas' Mary's Meals' Fundraiser - On Wednesday 20th November, St Nicholas' Primary held its very first porridge morning in aid of Mary's Meals. The Mini Vinnies helped prepare and make porridge which was distributed throughout the school raising an impressive £114.95. The Mini Vinnies wish to thank everyone for their kind donations. Mrs Argent
A musical celebration of the festive season. Kelvin Choir Christmas Concert. St Andrew's Church. Sunday 8th December 3pm. Tickets on the door
Are you a former pupil of John Paul Academy or do you know someone who is? Can you share your career journey since leaving school in a few short sentences and describe the skills you required to find your way in the world of work?We would like to use this information to motivate and inspire our current students.
Please contact us at: [email protected] to share your story and attach a photo.
LatestTurnbull Times latest edition.on this link
Carol Singing at ASDA—Saturday, 14th December 12pm – 1pm. St Andrew's parishioners along with other churches will be helping deliver some Christmas cheer to shoppers.
Forthcoming Special Collection –Caring Sunday—15th Dec
Christmas Fair.....St Andrew's SPRED group would like to thank all who most generously supported our sale of Christmas cards and craft items. We have given all monies received to SPRED Glasgow. Our Parish SPRED Mass is at noon on Sunday Dec 8th. We hope that you will join us there and afterwards in the Lower Hall for homebaking, sales table and chat!
Altar servers' training session Sunday1 Dec 2pm in the church.
Children's Choir – Dec 15 & 25 at 10am. Asda 13th Dec at 1.30pm, and St Nicholas' Christmas concerts 17th and 19th Dec. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514--[email protected]
St Andrew's and St Joseph's Youth Ministries Team invite you to joint them for Family Carol Singing on Fri 20th Dec at St Andrew's Jubilee Garden (weather permitting), followed by a social gathering in the Hall for some festive treats. Singing will commence at 7pm. You don't have to be a family to join our family, all welcome (children must be accompanied by an adult). Donations of festive treats would be welcome, more info to follow.
Do search Youtube for the Catholic TV Network Youtube. It is good for anyone who is unable to attend Mass.
Passkeepers – Due to some people standing down, we are now short of passkeepers for the 5pm Vigil and the 10am Sunday Masses. If you feel you can help, please contact Fr Mackle or Michael Sheerin on 943 0935
The Legion of Mary - new members always welcome. Now meets on Tuesdays at 7pm in the Hut. The Legion, over the course of the next few months, will be attending to the Mission Week's follow up work of revisiting all those who requested a call back.
Advent Reflection Day at the Mill Hill Missionaries, Cardonald. 14th Dec 10am – 4.30pm. See noticeboard for more details or email [email protected]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is, perhaps, the best way to enter into prayer and draw closer to Jesus outside of Holy Mass. Adoration is sitting quietly before the real presence of Christ, who hears us and who sees us. Consider coming to spend even just a short period of time in adoration and prayer each Saturday 10.30am until 12.30pm.
How can we develop our thinking as Catholics? Find out on the website run by the US-based Word on Fire Institute, founded by Bishop Robert Barron. On you can access videos on his YouTube channel, which address issues ranging from moral teaching and theology to myths about the Catholic Church.
Upcoming Meetings
3rd Dec – Legion of Mary – 7pm – Hut
3rd Dec– Justice & Peace – 7.30pm – House
11th Dec – RCIA – 7pm – Church
Recently Dead—Maria Farmer, Ann Ferguson, Mary Devlin, Gerard Graham, Annie McGill, Margaret Clark, Felipe Ligutom, Davina Conarty
Anniversaries—Fr. John McKelvie, Frank Creighton, Freda Kathleen Faulkner, Ramona & Lifardo Sumagang
3 Months Mind—John Joseph Coyle