"Your words are spirit Lord and they are life !
You have the message of eternal life."
Quarterly Collection—now due (Please collect envelopes at Piety Stall)
Peter’s Pence—Second collection Saturday/Sunday 30th June and 1st July.
The Year of Faith—The Holy Father has announced a year of Faith, beginning in October and ending on the Solemnity of Christ the King. There will be further information for observing the year, later as we approach the Autumn. An extract from the Papal Document “Porta Fidei” - St. Paul expects the Corinthians, who have the most of everything, to respond most generously to the task at hand. “We want to celebrate this Year in a worthy and fruitful manner. Reflection on the faith will have to be intensified, so as to help all believers in Christ to acquire a more conscious and vigorous adherence to the Gospel.” (PF8 The Year of Faith asks us, who have been blessed with the gift of faith, to rededicate ourselves to its transmission.)
Thanks—We would like to thank everyone who joined in our Strawberry Tart teas and coffee on Sunday 17th June 2012 and we are delighted to have raised £100 for the Yorkhill Children's Foundation.
Supermarket Vouchers for Schools—A huge thank you to everyone who handed in their supermarket vouchers. There was a great response to this appeal and they have all now been forwarded to St. Andrew’s Primary. Your support is much appreciated.
Justice and Peace—In the latest edition of their magazine, Justice and Peace Scotland gives food for reflection on some of the less obvious issues raised by the London Olympics such as the working conditions of some of those who supply merchandise and sportswear, the intense nationalism promoted by the games compared with their founding principles, the expenditure on private and public homeland security necessitated by the games, the observed development of more authoritarian forms of governance to ensure the games promote national prestige and as already glimpsed in Bearsden, the significant opportunities for promotion that the games give to parts of the corporate sector. For more details see www.justiceand peacescotland.org.uk also labourbehindthelabel.org.
AGAP Film & Faith Club at St. Michael’s Church Hall, 1350 Gallowgate (opposite Parkhead Forge Cineworld); Thursday 5th July at 7.30 p.m. “Main Dancin” (2003) is a Glasgow-based film about a man released from prison who gets the part of Jesus in a church Passion Play but can people accept the change in him? Matinee Club: Friday 6th July at 10.30 a.m. “The Miracle of Marcelino” (1955) is the moving story of an orphan boy who grows up in a Monastery and begins a conversation with an old wooden crucifix that has miraculous results (Finishes in time for 12.30 p.m. Mass)
Sea Sunday—8th July Please remember all who live and work as seafarers.