Sunday 1st March
- At the end of the 12noon Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Time for private prayer and adoration.
- 5pm – Evening Prayer & Benediction. 9pm – Night Prayer of the Church
- 10am Mass concluding with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Time for private prayer and adoration.
- 7pm – Holy Hour ending with Benediction led by Fr Peter Dowling, Blessed Sacrament Father. Confessions available throughout. 9pm Night Prayer
- 10am Mass concluding with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Time for private prayer and adoration.
- 7pm – Holy Hour ending with Benediction led by Fr Stephen Reynolds, priest of Opus Dei in Glasgow. Confessions available throughout. 9pm Night Prayer
Special note for Readers and all who use Missals - on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays in Lent, as these are RCIA Sundays, the readings are taken from Year A.
Would you like to contribute to the liturgical life of the parish? There are various groups that support Mass each Sunday, as well as at special celebrations such as Christmas and the Easter Triduum. They comprise Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers, Musicians, Passkeepers, Readers, SVDP and the Children’s Liturgy. We are looking for new members for each of these groups. If you think that you would like to contribute to the parish life through assisting with one of these groups, why don’t you join us for a tea and a chat after Mass on 14/15 March? There will be liturgy group representatives in the Upper Hall after the Vigil Mass and at the coffee morning after 10 am Mass and in the Lower Hall after 12 Noon Mass. If you are unable to attend, but want to know more, please contact Father Mackle or the Liturgy Group Coordinator, Elizabeth Reid (563 9717).
RCIA Please keep in your prayers Jennifer Aire and Alison McDonald as they journey through these final weeks of Lent to become Catholics this Easter.
Mass attendance – 21 / 22 Feb – 596
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Times for First Confession. During The Season of Lent (18th Feb – 29th March) Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 5.15pm – 5.45pm; Sundays 9.15am – 9.40am. Family members are encouraged too to take the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Turnbull High Times / St Andrew’s Primary – pick up copies from the porch of the schools most recent newsletters.
Fairtrade Fortnight – 23 Feb – 8 March. Why not buy a Fairtrade item and ensure that the producers receive a fair wage? Pick a leaflet from the porch.
Stations of the Cross – Fridays in Lent at 7pm. Rosary daily at 9.40am. This Lent the UK Government will match every penny you donate to SCIAF’s 50th anniversary Wee Box, Big Change appeal. During Lent the second collection is for the sick and retired priests of the Archdiocese, except for the 4th Sunday which is for SCIAF. Please Gift Aid your SCIAF donation if you can. Envelopes in the porch. This will add an extra 25p to every £1 you give. Pick up a copy of Lentfest 2015 events programme to find out what’s on and where. Visit www.lentfest.co.uk An imaginative fusion of faith and the arts.
St John Ogilvie 400th Anniversary – national celebration in the Cathedral on 10th March at 7.30pm. Stephen and Aileen Miller are our two parishioners who have been invited by Archbishop Tartaglia to attend.
The Vatican has declared that 2015 is to be celebrated as a Jubilee Year in St Jude’s and St John Ogilvie’s, the Cathedral & St Aloysius. This special honour means that anyone who attends a liturgy in honour of St John Ogilvie may obtain a Plenary Indulgence, for themselves or for the dead, as may anyone who privately prays before a statue or picture of St John in one of these churches and says the Our Father, Hail Mary, Apostles Creed, and a Prayer in honour of the saint. Usual conditions required of going to Confession, receiving Holy Communion, and praying for the Pope’s Intentions. Novena in honour of St John Ogilvie 2nd – 10th March. Novena leaflets available in the porch.
Father William Donnelly: As many parishioners are aware, Fr Donnelly celebrates his 50th anniversary of Ordination in June. He greatly appreciates the celebrations and hospitality that he has received during his time at St Andrew’s and in particular his recent retirement function. He feels that it is not appropriate to have another big celebration and will be marking his 50th anniversary with his close family. The parish offers him our warmest congratulations and good wishes.
St Andrew’s PTA Fish and Family Fun Night on Sat 14th March in Bearsden Burgh Hall 7pm – 10pm. The event will include a disco, some ceilidh dancing, children’s party games and fish suppers. Admission by ticket only as places are limited. Please call Anne on 07866 009078 for more information.
Messengers Meeting – Thursday, 5th March in the Upper Hall. Area leaders at 7.30pm, and Messengers at 8pm.
A series of talks on the Catholic Faith for young people 16 – 25. Thursday evenings at Turnbull Hall. See porch for full details.
Invitation from the Parish of the Immaculate Conception to their St Patrick’s Night Dance on the 14th March. See notice in porch for all the details.
Scottish Classical singer Martin Aelred charity fundraising concert in aid of “Let The Children Live” here in St Andrews on Sunday 22nd March at 7.00pm. Organised by the parish’s Justice & Peace Group, the concert aims to raise essential funds as well as awareness of children living on the street in the Shanty towns of Colombia, South America. Tickets are priced at just £5 (children’s tickets are free) and are available on the night of the concert. Refreshments will be served in the hall after the concert.
Children’s Choir 8th & 15th March, 10th May, 14th & 21st June. Any queries, call Annamaria, 942 9799 / 07749715514 or [email protected]
The parish’s SVDP is keen to increase its membership and would welcome anyone who is interested in its work to join and take an active part in influencing the work undertaken. Please speak with one of the SVDP members in the porch after Mass.
Soup run this Friday 6th March 7pm in Lower Hall. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc most welcome. Any queries please call Phyllis on 570 1343.
Bearsden Choir. Concert on Sat 7th February in Paisley Abbey at 7.30pm, comprising Elgar’s Te Deum and lyrical short songs, Parry’s ‘I was Glad’ and ‘Blest Pair of Sirens’ and two sacred works by Stanford. Details on handbill in Church porch.
St Andrews Toddler and Preschool Group.
Toddlers run every Thursday 10.30 - 12 at the lower church hall
Preschool club runs 12 - 2pm at the lower church hall
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Karen Hopper (Livingston) Alison Burns, Clare Burke, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Mick Henry, Sheena Smith, Mary Cowan, Charlie Melly, Steven Byrne, Archbishop Tartaglia, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Margaret Mirrilees.
Recently Dead—Sr. Dorothea Sweeney SND, Sr. Patrick Brigid Chaplin SND, Euan MacDonald, Helen McCormack, Bob Webster, Mary Kate Simpson, Margaret Connolly, Dave Mason.
Anniversaries—Kathleen Fitzgerald, Catherine Doherty, Angus McKinnon, Chris Cole, Lawrence Russell, Marie Maguire.