but on every word that comes forth
from the mouth of God.”
World Day of Prayer here at St. Andrew’s at 10.30am this Friday 6th March. All most welcome. Mass will be celebrated at the earlier time of 9.00am.
Forty Hours Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament…8th, 9th & 10th March. Time during Lent for private prayer and adoration. More details in next week’s bulletin.
Coronavirus - for anyone who may have concerns, the Archdiocese has sought advice and has advised all parishes that the situation at present does not warrant changes to standard liturgical practice around the sign of peace, the sharing of the chalice or the distribution of Holy Communion. The Archdiocese is keeping this matter under review.
“Our Lady, Disciple of Christ, Mother of the Church” - a talk which will be given by Father Mark Cassidy on Thursday 12th March at 7pm in the Upper Hall. Father Cassidy is a former naval chaplain and Spiritual Director at the Scots College in Rome and currently the parish priest of St Mary’s Lochee, St Columba’s and Ss Leonard and Fergus, Dundee. Using Scripture passages Father Cassidy will help us consider the way in which Our Lady is a true model for our discipleship of Christ. Please come and join in the discussion.
Adoration for Lent: I invite you, during this holy season of Lent, to take a few extra minutes each week to be still before God at our Saturday morning Adoration. If shopping at the cross, or out for a coffee, pop in to St Andrew's for a few minutes of quiet prayer. Quiet your heart that you might hear His heart speak: Heart to heart. Come with all your concerns and worries; come with all your hopes and desires; come as you are. But most importantly simply come with your heart. Place it all before Jesus truly and really present in the Blessed Sacrament. Quietly sit in His presence. Gaze upon Him as He tenderly gazes upon you. Listen to His quiet voice: Heart to heart. Each Saturday during Lent. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) - Fr Mackle.
Dates and Times for Primary Three Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) - During The Season of Lent (29th Feb – 5th April ) Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 4.15pm – 4.45pm; Sundays 9.15 – 9.40am. Family members are encouraged, too, to take the opportunity then to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Messengers Meeting, Monday 16 March. All Messengers are asked to attend Easter Reachout meeting in the Lower Hall - Area Leaders at 7.00 p.m. & Messengers at 7.30 p.m, Please note the earlier start times.
St Andrew’s Readers’ Rota - We are currently short of readers for the 10am Sunday Mass. The usual commitment is approximately one reading per month. If interested in becoming a reader at this particular Mass, please contact [email protected]
Children’s Liturgy is also looking for more volunteer helpers. If you would like to help, please contact [email protected] Helpers on duty usually once a month.
St Nicholas’ Children’s Choir – March 8th, 15th & April 12th (to be confirmed) Any queries please contact Annamaria Strachan [email protected] / 07749715514
Lent Reboot Youth Evening – Sat 21st March 6.30-8.30pm, after St Joseph’s 5.30pm Vigil Mass – for all in P6 – S3 in the cluster ~ a chance to reboot your relationship with Jesus and your Faith. Games, activities, fun & friendship, & lovely homemade soup and bread.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 1 March God loves all men and women on earth and gives them the hope of a new era, an era of peace. His love, fully revealed in the Incarnate Son, is the foundation of universal peace. When welcomed in the depths of the human heart, this love reconciles people with God and with themselves, renews human relationships and stirs that desire for brotherhood capable of banishing the temptation of violence and war. Pope Saint John Paul II, Message for World Day of Peace, 1 January 2000
Lent Concert - University of Glasgow Choral Society & Chapel Choir are performing Dvorak Stabat Mater on Saturday 14th March 2020 at 7.30pm in the University Memorial Chapel. Ticket available at the door - £10; Students £5 with ID.
The second collections during Lent are for Sick & Retired Priests Fund except on SCIAF Sunday (22nd March). Pick up from the porch a SCIAF Wee Box/Big Change Lenten pack.
Lentfest Art Exhibition- The Sea – Works by over 20 artists to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Stella Maris, the Apostleship of the Sea. Touring various Venues ~ here in St Andrew’s from 13th - 18th March. Open 10.30 – 4.30pm daily.
Baptism Preparation Evening – this Thursday 5th March at 7pm in the Hut for parents and godparents whose child’s baptism is to be celebrated soon.
Please keep in your prayers Yvonne McCafferty and Jen Wright, who are journeying through RCIA preparing to become Catholic this Easter.
Coffee Morning—Sunday 15th March.Please come along and join us in the upper hall, after 10 am Mass, for tea, coffee and some delicious home baking. This month we are raising funds for Fr Mathew Parumoottil’s parish school in India as I received this email from Fr Matthew earlier this month, so, please come along and support this very worthwhile cause:-Hello dear Mrs.Veronica, Hope u r well. We have not been in touch for a long time. I am still working with poor students of our society. Kindly consider this year for a fund raising event for our children who are helpless. This is my humble request for the needy and orphan. I know that u r doing a lot of charity for the society. May God bless you. Fr.Mathew St Luke's church Baddi, himachal Pradesh, india Fr Matthew introduced English Language to the school he runs to improve the children’s employment prospects and they need text books, both for the school and to lend to individual children who cannot otherwise afford them.
Many thanks also to those who helped and came along to the February coffee morning. Our parishioners, Pat and Gillian Murray have sent this message:- We would like to thank everyone for their generosity. The total sum raised was £273, which is amazing! This will go towards the funding of the Milngavie Enable Tuesday club which relies on donations to keep running.
Soup run - Fri March 7th - Volunteers will leave for the city centre at 6.30pm. Sandwiches, fruit and snacks all most welcome.
Fairtrade Fortnight 24 February till 8 March Chocolate is a treat for us. But it provides a living income for cocoa farmers. However, 75 pence, less than half what they need for a decent standard of life, is all that Ivorian cocoa farmers earn in a day. And plummeting world cocoa prices have only made things worse. Fairtrade can help protect farmers from market volatility and extreme poverty prices through the safety net of the Fairtrade Minimum Price and the Fairtrade Premium. Unfortunately only a fraction of the cocoa leaving West Africa is certified as Fairtrade. What can we do to help? Why not buy more Fairtrade chocolate and cocoa products. Perhaps even one Fairtrade Easter egg this year. St A’s & St J’s J&P Group
Some Positive Things We Can Do During Lent:
14th March: Sanctuary in Scotland day conference on human trafficking;
24thMarch: Training event on human trafficking: Immaculate Conception, Maryhill ;
26thMarch: Lenten reflection, St. Joseph’s Milngavie;
28thMarch. Earth Hour event Gavin’s Mill;
5thApril: Walk to Worship
Sanctuary in Scotland - two events to explore the churches’ response to asylum seekers and refugees. Day Conference in Edinburgh Sat 14thMarch – to book, Google “Sanctuary in Scotland Eventbrite”. In Immaculate Conception Parish - practical training session Tue 24thMarch 7pm-9pm - training to recognize the signs of trafficking and how to respond. To book, Google “Hope for Justice Maryhill training”. Justice and Peace Group
Lenten Stations of the Cross Pilgrimage Milngavie –Balloch - Helensburgh: For 18-35 year olds, 20-21 March 2020. Inspired by the Polish “Extreme Way of the Cross”, the Slighe na Croise Pilgrimage (Gaelic for Way of the Cross) is a penitential pilgrimage undertaken over 12 hours from evening to morning. The pilgrimage begins and ends with Holy Mass and is undertaken in complete silence, with stops every hour to pray a Station of the Via Crucis.
With stunning views of the West Highlands and the isolation of the night, the pilgrimage is the perfect opportunity to truly contemplate the reality of the Passion.
Join us and make this Lent one of real interior conversion.
To sign up, e-mail [email protected]