Holy Souls Day – Monday, 2nd Nov. As well as Mass at 10am, there will be an evening Mass at 7.00pm.
Mass for the Dead of the Past Year – takes place next Sunday 8th November at 10am Mass. The families of those who have lost a loved one over the past year have been invited but, of course, everyone is welcome who wishes to pray for those whom they have lost. Refreshments will be served in the hall after Mass.
Ecumenical Service in New Kilpatrick Church this evening, Sunday 1st November at 6.30pm. All welcome. Association of Bearsden Churches united in praying for persecuted Christians. Charity Concert Opera in New Kilpatrick 13 Nov 7.30pm. See poster.
Soup Run – this Friday 6th November 7pm in Lower Hall. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc most welcome. Any queries, please call Phyllis on 570 1343. The soup run next month will be on the 11th December.
The St Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 15th November after 10am and 12 noon Masses. This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities at the event. Could parishioners who would like to host a stall please contact either Anne MacIntosh (931 5861) or Annamaria Strachan (942 9799) to confirm. All profits from the Piety Stall go to Church funds. Tea, coffee and home baking will be served at this event.
Toddlers and Lunch Club - Thursdays Toddlers from 10am til 12 and Lunch Club 12 til 2pm for 4 year olds who will be starting school next August. Bring a packed lunch and the children can eat together and have a play. Contact Caroline Flanagan 07867 862022 for any further details. Last meeting Thursday 17th December.
The St Andrews Family Christmas Party will be on Saturday 5th December 2pm til 4pm.
Busted Halo (www.bustedhalo.com) – good for spiritual seekers. Has engaging answers to almost every moral and Catholic question you can think of. Particularly good for teenagers and young adults and great for finding up-to-the-minute commentary on world and Church affairs.
We had a very successful Youth Mass / short retreat / pizza evening last Saturday. We are so proud and thankful to the youth for their great effort...they all did superbly! Thank you to the parishioners who assisted with all the organisation and arrangements. We would like to build on this. We would like to have more Masses and events for the youth of our parish. To do this, though, we need the help of more adults. We would like to get more parents / grandparents involved, and they could perhaps become part of a parish youth commission. See notice below.
Sign Up Sunday. St Andrew’s parish needs you. Help us put in place what you have asked for.We need volunteers for existing and new ventures, especially
New ; Youth commission existing; St Vincent de Paul
Transport to Mass Piety stall
Bereavement support Legion of Mary
Social activities group Justice and peace
Without your help we cannot take everything forward. Come to Sign-up Sunday, upper hall, 28/29 November.
Do This In Memory of Me – the latest vocations initiative in the archdiocese. Visit www.rcag.org.uk or find it on facebook. If you think God may be calling you to the Priesthood, and for information on evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation, please contact Vocations Director, Fr Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Mass for Vocations on the Feast of St Andrew, Monday, 30th November at 7pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral. Celebrant: Archbishop Tartaglia. All welcome.
Pilgrimage for the Year of Mercy July 3rd - 10th. 5 days Rome; 2 days Assisi. BnB at Sta. Maria Fornaci (near St Peter’s) and Hotel La Terraza (Upper Assisi) Direct Flights; Glasgow - Rome. Full day walking tour of Rome, half day in Perugia or Nettuno. Coach available all week. Full spiritual programme to celebrate the Jubilee and pass through the Holy Door. Cost in the region of £800 (depending on numbers)
Places disappearing fast! Information meeting; November 4th at 7.30 at the Immaculate Conception hall. Chance to meet the travel agent and hear the whole programme and options for more information. Further info [email protected]
Parish Clustering Plan - Our PPC will meet this Thurs, 5th Nov to discuss this. Parishioners comments welcome – please email Tricia Carroll [email protected] .
2015 -2018 Parish Clustering Plan.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish (who has made his/her First Holy Communion) who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle, who will gladly take your details.
Children’s Choir dates - November 8th & 15th, December 13th, 20th & 25th.
Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 [email protected]
For young people, led by young people. An evening of prayer, adoration, live music, testimonies and reconciliation. 6th November at St Andrew’s Cathedral at 7pm. See poster for more details.
During a special ceremony called Institution of Lector, Nick Pryce will take the next step toward becoming a Permanent Deacon. All are invited to this ceremony, which will take place on Sunday, 15th November at 12noon Mass in St Andrew's, Cathedral. Keep Nick in your prayers.
Parish Musicians and Cantors – there will be a meeting on Thurs 12th Nov. 7pm in the hall. Liturgy Group will meet on Tues 17th Nov. 7pm in the house.
White Lily Ladies’ Dinner 2015 - Friday 13th November at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Tickets -£50 each. For information / tickets please contact Angela Bruno 07730615045
Maryhill Foodbank - Non-perishable food items are greatly needed by our near neighbours. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Sheena Smith, Charlie Melly, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Gilbert O’Rourke, Denis Campbell, Ronald Coia, Valentina Colaluca, Christine Turner, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Michael Docherty, Maureen Scott, Christina Jones, Ruth MacKenzie, Patricia Swiatek, Baby Eva Berrey, Marie Moy, Margie Cornyn, Michael Moss, Russell Rodger
Recently Dead—Flora Frame, Maureen Morton, Caroline Kane, John Heeney, Frances O’Donnell, Adrian Medford, John James Farrell, Rosaleen MacDonald, Pearl Milne, Eileeen Morris.
Anniversaries—Alexander Angus, Thomas Joseph McKinnon, Catherine Doherty, Ted Conlin.