and all my being, bless his holy name."
Between now and Easter, please keep in your prayers Jackie, Rebecca, Jason and Rokas, who look forward to being received into the Church at Easter.
Our synodal gatherings will be after each Mass this weekend and one this Thursday at 7pm. Don’t worry if you haven’t booked. Please feel free to walk in after Mass. Look out for the Synodal ‘Have Your Say’ survey, which will be posted soon.
St Andrews Squad (SAS), This Sunday and 6th & 20th March , for all Primary 3 children in the parish celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent. Please come along to the Upper Hall from 9am till 9.45am leading into 10am Mass with children’s liturgy.
Confirmation ~ We’ll be posting details soon of our joint parishes’ catechesis for P7s.
The NET Ministries Scotland Team will be joining us for ‘Strength in Numbers’ retreat next Sunday 27th February. Begins with Mass at 10am or come along at 11am. It will be a fun day with many activities. For all young people from P6 – S6. Lunch will be provided. All Covid restrictions will be met and a booking system will be in place for track and trace purposes. Please see social media for a link to book or email
[email protected].
World Youth Day, Lisbon 1 – 6 August 2023. If you are interested in going and you will be 16 (as of 1st Feb 2023) up to 35 (at time of trip), please let our
St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s Youth Ministries Team know by emailing [email protected] and the Archdiocesan Youth Team by following this link: The Youth Ministries Team and both parishes will assist with fundraising/sponsorship for any young people interested in attending.
Mary’s Meals collection raised £1986.46 ~ a terrific amount which will help the charity in its vital work of providing children in need with a full meal in their place of education.
Ash Wednesday is March 2. Ashes will be distributed at 11am and 7pm Masses. Please note that there is no 10am Mass. There won't be the "normal" mode of giving Ashes by making a sign of the cross on the forehead. Instead, this year, we will be copying how the Pope receives the Ashes in the Vatican. That is by sprinkling Ashes on the crown of the head... no touch necessary. We look forward to St Nicholas' P6 pupils and teachers joining us for the 11am Mass. It is hoped that the Mass will be live streamed through to all the school with the opportunity for pupils and staff to receive ashes.
Day of Prayer for those who have suffered abuse ~ Friday 4th March. There will be prayer and reflection during the 10am Mass, and throughout the day the rosary will be recited every hour on the hour through to 5pm. There will be Stations of the Cross at 6pm.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 20th February (World Day of Social Justice) God is not indifferent. He does not look away from our human pain. The God of mercy responds and takes care of the poor, of those who cry out in desperation. God listens and intervenes in order to save, raising men able to hear the groan of suffering and to work in favour of the oppressed. Pope Francis, General Audience, 26 January 2016
The Whist Drive that was scheduled to take place on 23rd February has had to be postponed for one week. It will now take place on Wednesday 2nd March (Ash Wednesday), 2pm – 4.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you all again!
St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s Justice & Peace Group’s recent study finds a disappointingly high level of SUP (Single Use Plastic) in packaging of Fruit and Veg by Major Food Retailers. A full report of the study is on our social media.
Safeguarding ~ Part 1 Zoom Training dates are ~ 31st March at 7pm; 21st May at 10am; 23rd June at 7pm. Part 2 Zoom training dates are ~ 21st Feb at 7pm; 14th March at 7pm; 24th March at 7pm; 21st Apr at 7pm; 9th May at 7pm; 19th May at 7pm; 13th June at 7pm; and 23rd June at 7pm. Volunteers who work in the parish with children and vulnerable adults and wishing to book are asked, please, to email [email protected] with their name / parish and role. Please note, Part 1 Training is mandatory for all volunteers.
World day of Prayer will be held on Friday 4th March at 11am in Bearsden Cross Church. All are most welcome. Theme : ‘ I know the plans I have for you’
The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend at St Mary’s, Kinnoull, Perth 25th – 27th March for those who find themselves suffering from bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood. For more details contact Catherine on 0131 665 3383 or email [email protected] before 12th March.
The Pope's Twitter (@Pontifex)
The Pope's Instagram (@Franciscus)
The Pope’s monthly video
Great resources of contemporary commentary by the Holy Father on current issues.
Drumchapel Foodbank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our soup-run volunteers continue to collect donations from M&S, Byres Rd & Milngavie for delivery to Drumchapel & St Gregory’s Foodbanks, the Wayside Club & Aspire.
Parish Website – On the latest page and bulletin pages, click on subscribe for a daily summary of the previous day's posts.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent in by 12 Noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, the parish website and on our exterior noticeboard.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick and housebound and those in hospital
Recently Dead: Tony Brady, John Keating, May McGhie, Dougie Miller, Trish Mitchell, Dennis Monaghan, Helen Waterstone
Anniversaries: Michael Begen, Michael Coffield, May Filbin, Walter McCarron, Maisie and Jack McGhie, George McGhie, Margaret McPherson, Grant Purdie
Three Months’ Mind
Maureen McGhee.