"Your words are spirit Lord, and they are life.
You have the message of eternal life."
The Chair of St. Andrew’s Parent Council has been outlining why it is important for you to support the school and to fill out the public consultation questionnaire, particularly sections 1 and 6. Copies are available at the back of the church or you can download a copy from here. The closing date for completion of the questionnaire is Monday, 4th February 2013.
In order to preserve the future of Catholic Education on its current site in Bearsden for the future of our children, it is vitally important that you participate in this consultation exercise and encourage your friends and families to do the same. If you do not do so, it is possible, indeed highly possible, that St. Andrew’s will lose its site on Duntocher Road and the school may be moved to another much less suitable location.
The Catholic community is relatively small so we need as much support as we can gather in order for our voice to be heard. Thank you. For further information please contact St. Andrew’s Primary Parent Council Chair Terry Allan on [email protected]
Parish Diaries—Have now arrived. Would Messengers and those who normally receive a diary please collect at the Stall. No charge!
Catholic Education Sunday—3rd February.
St. Andrew’s Piety Stall January Sale! - Many statues and prayer books reduced—everything on the sale is on the counter.
Piety Stall rota—We are short of volunteers to assist with serving in the Piety Stall, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass and are aged over 16, we would really appreciate your help. The rota sheet for January, February and March is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. Any questions please call Anne MacIntoch 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Forthcoming Ecumenical Events—Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th—25th January 2013. Unity Week Service at Bearsden Baptist Church on Sunday 20th January at 7.30pm.
Coffee Morning—Sunday 20th January. Please come along and join us for the first coffee morning of the New Year on Sunday 20th January after 10am Mass. If you haven’t been before, why not make it a New Year Resolution to try it out! This month we are fundraising for the National Autistic Society. All donation of home baking welcome (no nuts please) and may be handed in before Mass, if possible. Looking forward to seeing you there and we take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Many thanks, Veronica and Shivonne.
SPRED—Welcomes people with learning difficulties into our parish community. We are desperately in need of someone who is free on Wednesday evening (school term-time only) to help with one of our friends. No experience is needed as training is given. If you are even a little bit interested or would like to know more please phone Catherine 942 6984 or Lorna 942 0696.
Forty Hours—Change of date from 27th January to 10th February. St. Aloysius’ Garnethill.
Lost Property—Please see the items on the table at the church porch. If not claimed, they will be disposed of for charity in one week.
Sacristy—After over 30 years of extraordinarily committed service, Rae Russell has retired. We thank her for her years in this important parish ministry.
Ash Wednesday—13th February. Blessings and Distribution of Ashes at Mass at 10am and 7pm. Lent officially opens on Sunday 17th February.
Holocaust Memorial Day—Is observed every year on 27th January. On this day we remember the millions who have been murdered in the Holocaust and other genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and elsewhere in the world. It is an opportunity for us to learn lessons from the Holocaust and subsequent genocides and apply them to the present day to create a safer, better future.
SVDP Christmas Appeal—Once again St. Andrew’s SVDP would like to thank all for the incredible success of their Christmas Appeal. This year, thanks to your wonderful generosity, more than £2700 was raised and all of this was directed to where we felt it was best needed; local families, as well as those in Possilpark, Govan and Drumchapel. For the second year, car loads of toys went to many needy families, including very grateful asylum seekers, identified by our friends in Govan and St Laurence’s SVDP in Drumchapel. We are grateful to Elizabeth and Anne of Mother and Toddler Group for arranging the wrapped presents, labelled age and gender specific; this was a great help. As well as all who helped, we are particularly grateful to Kay Dick of the Padre Pio Prayer Group and other individual parishioners who responded so generously, and in some cases, significant sums were given to our appeal. Thank you again.
Finance & Fabric Team—Please meet in Presbytery Thursday 7th February at 7pm.
Pro-Life Rosary—The Pro-Life Rosary this month will be on Wednesday 23rd January at 7.30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All welcome.
St. Andrew’s Children’s Choir Dates 2013—20th January, 3rd February—Education Sunday, 17th February, 10th March, 17th March, 21st April, 12th May, 19th May, 9th June & 16th June. All at the 10am mass. Any queries, please contact Mrs Annamaria Strachan, 0141 9799/07749715514 (phone or test); [email protected]
Justice & Peace: Poverty and Homelessness Action Week—This is from 26th January to 3rd February and in Scotland is promoted by Scottish Churches Housing Action, see www.actionweek.org.uk Of great relevance in Glasgow is the Scottish Refugee Council’s current campaign to change the law so that those refused asylum seekers who are unable to return, have the right to work in the formal economy or be supported and so avoid the destitution which is the effect of current policies. See www.stopdestitution.org.uk or www.justiceandpeacescotland,org.uk
Marriage Campaign—The Scottish Government consultation is on going until March. The consultation paper is at www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2012/12/9433 Please use the website www.scottishparliament.uk/msps.aspx to email MSP’s in your own words that you want marriage to be upheld between one man and one woman.