praising Jesus our Messiah."
Holy Week Confession Times:
· Palm Sunday – 9.15 – 9.40am
· Monday 21st – 9.15 – 9.40am and after 10am Mass
· Tuesday 22nd – 9.15 – 9.40am and after 10am Mass
· Wednesday 16th – 9.15 – 9.40am and after 10am Mass
· Holy Thursday – after 7.30pm Mass
· Good Friday – after 10am Morning Prayer & after 3pm Service
· Holy Saturday – after 10am Morning Prayer & 6.00-7.00pm
Easter Sunday – 9.15 – 9.40am
Please keep in your prayers Jackie and Geoff Harrison as they journey through this final week of their preparing to become Catholics this Easter.
Holy Thursday - Morning Prayer 9 a.m. School Prayer Service 10 a.m. (Mass of the Chrism at the St Andrew's Cathedral 11.00 a.m.) Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7.30 p.m. followed by Confessions Night Prayer of the Church 10 p.m.
Good Friday - Morning Prayer 10 a.m. followed by Confessions. Solemn Liturgy of the Passion 3.00 p.m. followed by Confessions. Stations of the Cross 7pm.
Holy Saturday - Morning Prayer 10 a.m. followed by Confessions. Also, Confessions 6 - 7 p.m. Easter Vigil 7.30 p.m.(no 6pm vigil)
Easter Sunday Masses 10.00 a.m.(Children's Choir) and 12 noon. Easter Sunday Bells - Children please bring a little bell to ring at 10am Mass during the Gloria.
Dates for Children's Choir May 8th, 15th; June 12th, 19th Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 07749715514 /[email protected]
Stations of the Cross tomorrow, Monday 7.30pm here in St Andrew’s. Part of the Association of Bearsden Churches Holy Week Services. All are very welcome. Association of Bearsden Churches Ecumenical Services are taking place around Bearsden each evening during Holy Week. See noticeboard for full details.
Maryhill Foodbank - donations of non-perishable goods e.g. cans, rice, pasta, sauces, toilet rolls, nappies will be gratefully received. Items donated are collected every Monday morning and taken to Maryhill Foodbank. Thank your for your help.
Archdiocesan Holy Land Pilgrimage - 19-27 September to mark the Year of Mercy. It will also be held as part of the 200th anniversary celebrations of St Andrew’s Cathedral, and will be led by Cathedral Administrator, Monsignor Chris McElroy. Cost - £1095 for 9 days. Call Alex Mosson on 954 3360 for more information.
Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper – this Thursday at 7.30pm. Volunteers needed, please, for washing of the feet. Sign up sheet in the porch.
Big Clean for Easter: In preparation for Easter, the Church will be cleaned this Wed after 10am Mass. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible please (men as well as women) to come along and help with this essential task.
St. Andrew`s Parish is recruiting for the Young Musicians Group who sing and play at the Saturday vigil Mass once a month. Enthusiastic singers or instrumentalists of Grade 3 or above are welcome! If you would be interested in joining this group please phone Nick Joint on 07743 473420 if you have any questions.
March Meetings –School Council - 22nd at 7pm; Youth Committee – 29th at 7pm.
Safeguarding Training for New Volunteers of the parishes of our deanery - tomorrow Mon21st March at 7-9pm in St Margaret’s Hall, Sinclair St, Clydebank G81 1AE for parish Volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults. Contact [email protected] or tel 226 5998 to book. See noticeboard for more details.
For your information – New sanctuary carpet - although the pre Christmas carpet cleaning exercise was very successful, it was agreed at the most recent F&F meeting that we should proceed with this project and aim for it to be done in time for our Jubilee Year in 2017. Church Redecoration - we are inviting tenders and looking at quotes. Stone Wall – boundary with Roman Court - this is ongoing. Church Roof Repairs – cost around £7,000 – work to start this week. We have written to the Archdiocese to request Levy exemption with regards to
repair costs and await their reply. Landscaping - the area at the entrance to our driveway is being tidied up and it was proposed that this be turned into a small Jubilee garden, a place to sit and relax. Annual archdiocesan levy - £65,100. Balance of £7,900 due 31/3/16.
Thank you to the parishioner for the £2000 donated for parish funds.
Emmaus Glasgow provides living and workspace for up to 24 previously homeless companions and is located in Hamiltonhill. Donations of furniture welcome. Call Celia 342 4089. Van Mon—Sat to collect for free.
Support in bereavement Group in the Parish and is willing to help anyone seeking assistance. If you have suffered a bereavement (not necessarily recently) and feel you could benefit from talking to someone about it, please speak to Father Mackle or Monsignor Ryan.
31 Club Prayer for Vocations - There is a calendar at the back of the Church. Please initial a day each month when you would offer Mass for Vocations to the Priesthood. Please sign up and pray for vocations for the archdiocese. Pick up a prayer card. If you think God may be calling you to the Priesthood, and for information on evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation, please contact Vocations Director, Fr Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Marie Moy, Margie Cornyn, Michael Moss, Russell Rodger, Hil Black, Alexander Pate, Patricia Swiatek, Eileen Merry, Gilbert O’Rourke, Graham Declan McCusker.
Recently Dead—Sarah Carey, Bridget Rogers, John McKendry, James Donald Robertson, Jess Tonner.
Month’s Mind—Mary Moss
Anniversaries—Nora Sharpe, Jenny McCarron, Betty O’Callaghan, Jack & Sarah Corish, Patricia Gallacher, Kathleen Ballingall, Beatrice Begen, Gerald Wilson, James Lee, Isabel Lee, Mary McTaggart.