".......a kingdom of truth and life
a kingdom of holiness and grace
a kingdom of justice love and peace "
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, November- All names may be recorded in the memorial book as usual. The book will be at the Sanctuary throughout November.
November Lists—Are available through your Messenger and at the porch of the Church. Please return them to the box provided.
Evening Masses—On the Tuesdays of November for all the Faithful Departed at 7pm in addition to 10am each weekday.
Dates for the Children’s Choir— 20th November, 11th December, 18th December—ALL AT 10AM MASS and 11th December—Family Advent Service at 3pm. And 10.00 a.m. Mass on Christmas Morning.
Choral Group—invite new members to join the existing group. Preparations are beginning for Christmas—practice will be held on Wednesdays - 30th November, 7th December, 14th December, 21st December—All at 8.00 p.m. in the church. The Choral Group will also sing at the Parish Workers Mass on the Feast of St. Andrew—30th November at 7.30 p.m. Contact Susan Morrison for information 563 7959.
Youth and the Liturgy—The young people will assist with the Liturgy at 12 noon Mass on Sunday 20th November.
Ceilidh—To celebrate Feast of St. Andrew—Saturday 3rd December at 7.30 in the Upper Hall. Bar, Fish Supper Ticket £10.00. Great ceilidh band. Contact D. MacLean 587 7319 on sale now.
Charity Christmas Fair—Our Charity Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 20th November after 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon Masses in the Upper Hall. This event will be the biggest we have ever hosted! In addition to our own Piety Stall, there will also be cards, wrapping paper and gifts from the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, SCIAF, the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres, and SPUC. Proceeds from the tea and coffee will go to The National Autistic Society. Please join us! Donations of home baking for the event would be most welcome (no nuts please)
Liturgy Group—Meeting in preparation for Christmas at the presbytery on Tuesday 22nd November at 7 30pm.
First Sunday of Advent—27th November— We celebrate the RCIA Rite of Acceptance at 12 noon Mass. Please pray for Norma Donohoe and all the RCIA Team.
Cantors' Meeting—There will be a meeting for cantors on Sunday 20th November at 2 30pm in the church to look at the music for the new liturgy. Anyone interested in joining the cantors’ group is very welcome to attend. Contact Paul Donnelly 943 0975.
Soup Run—The next soup run will be on Friday 9th December. This is the evening we take out the Parish’s Christmas gifts to the men living in homeless accommodation. A box will be left at the back of the Church for donations of gent’s toiletries (soap toothpaste, deodorant, shaving foam etc.) and small articles of clothing (socks, underwear, hats, scarves etc). If these could be wrapped and labelled with the contents that would be much appreciated. We will also be taking soup with us that evening so donation arrangements are as usual for that. Any queries please call Phyllis on 0141 570 1343. Many thanks as always.
Inter-Faith Week—Today begins Scottish Inter-Faith Week. This provides us with an opportunity of contacting and engaging with those of other faiths in the community. The theme this year is Belief in Dialogue; its purpose is to encourage good inter-faith relations in Scotland. During the visit to Britain in 2010 Pope Benedict XVI met leaders of world religions and extended the hand of friendship to them. We follow the Pope’s example and take the opportunity this week to pray that religious people may work more closely together for peace in our world.
“Clear voices—A Retreat for Men”—Thursday 1st December -
“Come Away a While” - A time of quiet and reflection for parents, guardians and carers on Tuesday 6th December.
Both events will take place at the Archdiocesan Office 196 Clyde Street Glasgow beginning with refreshments from 10.00 a.m. and ending with Mass at 1.30 p.m. There is no charge but bring a packed lunch. To book a place, please call 0141 226 5898. or e mail [email protected].
Support Marriage Campaign—Cards still available at the church porch. Thank you for the support that has been so far given to the card campaign in support of marriage. We have received many thousand of completed cards and now many members of other denominations are requesting card. The consultation period ends on 9th December and I am writing to advise that cards can be received in our office up until that date—John Deighan Parliamentary Officer.
Solemnity of Christ the King—November 20th—”I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me to drink”. Is Christ calling you to serve Him in others as a sister, brother, deacon or priest? Contact Fr. W. Donnelly, or the Archdiocesan Director of Priestly Vocations, Right Rev. Mgr. John Gilmartin 0141 8821024 or e mail at [email protected] or email Fr. Andrew McKenzie at Priests for Scotland; [email protected]. See www.priestsfor Scotland.org.uk