Pope Francis Faith Award Parish enrolment Mass – 10am 3rd Nov.
October Devotions in honour of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. Rosary & Benediction Sundays 4.30pm – 5.00pm. Praying especially during this Extraordinary Mission Month for the entire Church to bear witness to our faith with missionary vitality.
Children's Choir – Nov 10 & 24, & Dec 15 & 25. All at 10am. Asda 13th Dec at 1.30pm, and St Nicholas' Christmas concerts 17th and 19th Dec. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514--[email protected]
Primary 6 Day Retreat - 1st Nov beginning with 10am Mass. We're very grateful to the Youth Ministry Team and parish catechists for all the preparations they are making to look after the retreat day. Grateful, too, to the class teachers, Caritas candidates and Pope Francis Faith Award participants who will be assisting.
All Saints Day– Friday 1st Nov– Holy Day of Obligation – Masses – 10.00 am. and 7.00 pm. Mass in St Nicholas' School 11am for pupils and staff only.
All Souls Day– Saturday 2nd November – Mass - 10am.
Coffee Morning— Please come along and join us today in the upper hall after 10 am Mass, for this month's charity coffee morning. We are raising funds for our parish soup run and to buy essential items for those moving from temporary accommodation to a permanent home.
The Befriending Service: Bearsden & Milngavie aims to tackle loneliness and social isolation in the communities of East Dunbartonshire. Locally the service provides this by telephone, 1-2-1 and group support. It's free and has a variety of social events during the year, and is always looking for more volunteers. If you need support or want to volunteer, contact: [email protected] 0141-345-0432 The Befriending Service will have an information stall in the hall at this Sunday's coffee morning.
Monthly Reflection Session after the 10 am Mass Monday 28th of October will take place in the Church House dining room. Please join us for coffee/ tea and a friendly discussion. We will be reflecting on the gospel for Sunday 3rd of November which is Luke 19:1-10.
Date for your Dairy - 14th November The Justice and Peace Groups from St Andrew's, Bearsden, and St. Joseph's, Milngavie, have joined with members of New Kilpatrick, Bearsden, in organising an evening to hear the views on Trident of church representatives and local politicians. Father John Gannon and the Very Reverend Dr. Alan D. McDonald will present the churches position. Local schools will also be represented. The event will be held in St. Andrew's church hall from 7.30pm – 9pm with refreshments and a chance to speak with speakers at the break. Please come along and hear all views.
We are 2 messengers short to deliver the Reachout in the Castlehill area. If you would like to volunteer to do this twice a year, please contact D. MacLean - 587 7319 - Thank you.
Some financial information – this year's insurance premium has been paid - £5669. The boilers have now all had their annual service and we are ready for the winter months. Our 5 year electrical installation testing of church, halls & house has now been completed. Plus, we took delivery this week of 120 bags of de-icing salt.
Piety Stall - New rota for the remainder of 2019 is on the Piety Stall door – we would be particularly grateful for volunteers to assist after 10am Mass on a Sunday. For more information, please either call Anne MacIntosh 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Calling S1 Young People – the Youth Ministry Team is organising a social / reunion for the P7s who left primary in June. If you can help in any way to advertise this with WhatsApp etc and in the schools, the parish would very much appreciate it. A social and catchup in St. Joseph's Hall, Milngavie - Saturday 9th November. 630pm to 830pm. Games, crafts,Pizza, Karaoki and much more. Tell your friends. Caritas students will be helping with the evening.
For the attention of all volunteers in St Andrew's parish working with children or protected adults - please check the date on your PVG form. Those whose form is dated 2014 are now required to update their PVG and are asked to contact the Safeguarding Office on 226 5898 [email protected], as soon as possible. For those who still require to attend the mandatory Level 1 Training, please note the next dates, which take place in Eyre Hall, Archdiocese of Glasgow, G1 4JY are: Sat 23rd Nov (2 sessions am & pm) Saturday 7th Dec. Induction part 2training is also mandatory for volunteers. Training dates are: Sat 26th Oct (2 sessions am & pm) in Eyre Hall, Archdiocese of Glasgow; Wed 13th Nov in Our Lady of Lourdes, Cardonald, G52 3QU; Mon 2nd Dec in St Mary's, Duntocher, G81 6DL; Sat 7th Dec in Eyre Hall, Archdiocese of Glasgow, G1 4JY. It is essential to book a place to ensure that there will be handouts for you. Please call 226 5898 or book directly from www.rcag.org.uk.
A Pro-Life torchlight procession will take place this Thursday, October 24. Assemble at George Square at 6pm. The Rosary is at 6.30pm, followed by the procession to St Andrew's Cathedral for 7.30pm Mass.
Schoenstatt – Milton of Campsie - A celebration of 30 years. Mass and Procession. Sunday 27th Oct. 3pm. All most welcome. See noticeboard for full details.
"Whatever Happened to the Hippocratic Oath?" Theme for this year's National Pro-Life Conference: 26th Oct. Speakers are Dr Anthony McCarthy, Director of Research for SPUC UK and Dr Toni Saad, Conscientious Objection Academic and Medical Doctor. 9.15am - 4pm. Cost : £30 / £25 student includes refreshments and a hot buffet lunch. More info from SPUC Scotland: 0141 221 2094 or [email protected]
Call to Artists for Lentfest 2020 Art Exhibition: Applications are being sought from artists wishing to participate in the annual Art Exhibition. The theme is "The Sea". Guidelines and Application Forms can be downloaded from the AGAP website or from 0141 552 5527 or [email protected] (Deadline for applications is Friday 8th November 2019.)
Embroidery Group will now meet on Monday afternoons in the Lower Church Hall from 2pm - 4pm. We are very grateful to a parishioner who has kindly donated quality fabrics, threads and sewing kits to our group. We intend to make use of these, and any additional items will be sold to raise funds for the parish. More details to follow. If anyone in the parish is interested in joining our group, please come along.
Oxfam - Over the festive period we need extra help at Oxfam Bearsden. You could make a real difference to people around the world by volunteering for just a couple of hours. Please ask in your local shop to find out more.
Altar Server Training Sessions—Commencing Sunday 27th October at 2.00 p.m.
Forthcoming Special Collections –Education Sunday 17th Nov; Caring Sunday—15th Dec
Upcoming Meetings
24th Oct - RCIA - 7pm Hut
25th Oct – Reachout – 10.30am – Hut
28th Oct – Youth Ministry – 7pm - House
29th Oct – Cluster – 7pm - House
5th Nov—Fabric and Finance 7.00 p.m.—house
7th Nov—R.C.I.A—7.00 p.m. hut