let us rejoice and be glad."
Congratulations and welcome to Pamela, Gabby, Joakim, Stephen and David. At the Easter Vigil, our parish community welcomedthem into our faith by celebrating their initiation as full members of the Catholic Church. Please keep themin your prayers. They will continue to journey over the next few weeks through RCIA in the Easter period of Mystagogia (entering into the Mystery), and in June we’re looking forward to an RCIA Fish Supper Night.
Next Sunday is Sign Up Sunday. St Andrew’s parish needs you. Our parish needs more volunteers to sustain our various ventures, groups and ministries. We are looking for more people to get involved in the various areas of the parish’s life and mission. If you are interested in offering even a little of your time, please come along to Sign-up Sunday, upper hall, after Mass 27th/ 28thApril. Many thanks.
SCIAF Wee Boxes to be handed in, please, by Sunday 5thMay.
First Holy Communion Masses – Volunteer first communicants still required for each Mass - to read the bidding prayers (6), to help with the offertory (6), and to read the thank you (1). One Mass ministry per child. Please email [email protected] All roles allocated on a first come first served basis.
Youth Ministry Team– As well as looking for new members, we’re always looking for ideas for youth events. If you’ve any, and would like to help out with them, let us know. Next youth ministry meeting – 7th May atpm.
SAS (St Andrew's Squad)is also looking for more helpers. SAS meets for a fun and informative session with the children preparing to make their Sacraments. These sessions last for an hour and there are only 3 of these each year, so it’s definitely NOT ahuge commitment.If you would like to assist, then please think about signing up to help on Sign Up Sunday. To find out more about what's involved in being a helper with SAS, call Margaret Hendry on 563 9993 /.com/ 07884468212
Divine Mercy Mass St. Patrick's , Dumbarton 28th April at 3pm.Procession and blessing of Divine Mercy Image begin at 2.30pm. Confessions heard throughout. Refreshments will be served in the Hall after Mass.
First Confession - Sacrament of Reconciliation- Dates & Times for P 3 -
During the Season of Lent (up to Easter Sunday, 21stApril) Saturdays - 10.30am – 11.00am & 4.15pm – 4.45pm. Sundays - 9.15 – 9.40am Family members are encouraged, too, to take the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Catholicism Series of DVDs continuesin the Upper Hall on Thursdays at 7pm.don’t have to have attended the earlier ones, but can drop into those you have time for. The upcoming episodes are:-
25th April Episode 7 The word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven (The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist)
2nd May Episode 8A Vast Company of Witness (The Communion of Saints)
9th May Episode 9 The fire of His Love (Prayer and the Life of the Spirit)
16thMay Episode10 World Without End (The Last things)
Coffee Morning – Sunday 5thMay - Due to Easter falling on the third Sunday of April, which would be our usual coffee morning date, we have decided to hold our coffee morning on Sunday 5TH MAY,so please come along and join us after 10 am Mass in the upper hall for a cuppa, a chat and some delicious home baking.
This month our chosen charity is The National Autistic Society of Scotland. The charity provides a range of projects and services for the 58,000 autistic people living in Scotland and their families. Thanks also to all who came along to our March coffee morning, helping to raise the sum of £231 for St Margaret’s Hospice, Clydebank. A letter of thanks from St Margaret’s is displayed on the Narthex board.
Archdiocesan Youth Trip: Life Teen Summer Camp, Alton Castle: In S1, S2 or S3?Join Youth on this 5-day programme of faith-filled fun: Holy Mass, prayer, games, activities, Alton Towers & SO MUCH MORE! – 8th August 2019, £350, limited places, contact [email protected] for more info. out this video from last year’s Summer Camp:
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - Easter Sunday Christ gave His life to redeem the world. The life of Christ was a life of sacrifice. The life of a Christian must be a life of sacrifice.
We cannot imitate the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary by trying to get all we can. We can only imitate the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary by trying to give all we can. Peter Maurin
Peter Maurin was a French social activist, theologian, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker.
After spending time as a De La Salle Brother in France, and homesteader in Canada he moved to New York. He was greatly inspired by the life of St Francis of Assisi and engaged in direct action for and with the poor. He educated and instructed Dorothy Day in Catholic social thought, and his own programme intended to ‘build a new world in the shell of the old’.
Maurin encouraged Day, a trained journalist, to publish the Catholic Worker newspaper. His own contributions styled as Easy Essays reflecting his thoughts on a wide range of issues.
Maurin’s model of urban houses of hospitality to care for the destitute, rural farms to educated city dwellers on agriculture, and roundtable discussions to clarify thought and initiate action remain the basis of the Catholic Worker Movement.
Peter Maurin died on 15 May 1949.
Parishes’ Cluster Update -The issue of Catholic Secondary Schooling in Bearsden and Milngavie was discussed at therecentmeeting.from East Dunbartonshire Council and the Scottish Catholic Education Servicethe potential for establishing a Catholic secondary school in the Bearsden and Milngavie area of East Dunbartonshire that any change in the current arrangements would require a prolonged campaign (6-8 years). This would involve Catholic parents supporting the current zoning provision of Turnbull High in Bishopbriggs St Ninian’s in Kirkintilloch to a point where these schools were oversubscribed. This does not appear to offer a realistic prospect of a successful campaign and so the decision was taken, very reluctantly, not to pursue this.
The importance and challenge of providing pastoral care and faith formation for secondary school pupils was discussed, well as the appreciation and value of having a dedicated youth ministry team the organisation of joint Cluster events. It is hoped that this year's's spiritual and social activities will include a summer barbecue, and the annual National June Pilgrimage to St Margaret's in Dunfermline. The importance of our new St Nicholas' Primary School providing a focus for cooperation between St Andrew's and St Joseph's was acknowledged. Nextmeeting for the cluster group is proposed for 25th June in St Andrew’s.comments or suggestions on Cluster activities may be passed to the Parish Priests or sent to[email protected].
Assisted Parishes Fund- At all the Masses next weekend there will be a second collection for the Assisted Parishes Fund. This is one of the three collections in the course of the year which goes towards the support of our parishes in other parts of the archdiocese who would otherwise struggle to meet their commitments.
Nullity of Marriage – If you wish (or someone you know wishes) any information about approaching the tribunal to see about a declaration of nullity of marriage then please speak to one of the clergy. Remember too that the marriage tribunal no longer charges fees, so that for most people there will be no costs involved
The church is openuntil 4.45pm (6.45pm on a Friday) Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God. Tea is served in the hutafter daily Mass. All most welcome.
Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways- Could God be calling you to serve as a priest? Please get in touch to find out more about discerning your vocation. Monthly evenings of discernment take place at Turnbull Hall. For information and details, please call Fr Ross Campbell on 339 4315. Email: [email protected]
The Legion of Mary - new members always welcome. Meets on Mondays at 4pm. In the hut.
Divine Mercy Novenais prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
Padre Pio Prayer Groupmeets on Mondays at 7p.m. All welcome. For information or interest, please contact Kay Dick 0141 942 7771 or Kate Hay 0141 931 5154.
A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held north of Glasgow on Tuesday 14th– Thursday 16thMay. This confidential, supportive retreat is powerful for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. For more information, please call Sr Andrea on 07816 942824 or email Marene www.rachelsvineyard.org.uk
Drumchapel Foodbank All donations of non -perishable food items and toiletries placed in the boxes in the church porch are gratefully received, and delivered every Monday to the foodbank.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead--Julie Darroch, Basil Brindley, Win Sibbald, George Hill, Richard Jones, Iris McKenzie, Eileen Martin, Anne Tolland, George McEwan, Vera Deighan, Bruce McKensey, Anne Naismith.
Anniversaries—Ella Smith, Kathleen Hocking, Owen P. Fallen, James McIntyre, Thomas McKinnon, Cathie & Robert Rowan