Free Coffee Morning Please come in and join us for a cuppa and some delicious home baking today after 10am Mass in the upper hall. As we are combining this with the Parish’s Family Baptism Sunday, it will be a free coffee morning.Thanks also to all those who came along to December’s Christmas Coffee Morning. The sum of £141 was raised for The St Nicholas Care Fund. As always, thank you for your support and generosity.
Sacrament of Confirmation for P7 pupils of St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s Parishes will be celebrated in St Joseph’s at 7pm on Tuesday 6th February. Please keep the P7 pupils in your prayers. All parents, sponsors and children are asked to be at St. Joseph’s for 6.30pm.
Lenten talks for cluster parishes. Monsignor Ryan will be giving the following talks
- Thursday 15th February, 7pm -8.30pm on Royal Scots College, Spain. Madrid 1627, Valladolid 1771, Salamanca 1988.
- Thursday 22nd February, 7pm - 8.30pm on The Spanish Mystics, “The Future of our Past” - St Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross and St Ignatius of Loyola.
Proposed trip to Castille Spain. A trip for cluster parishes to Castille 8th – 15th September based in Salamanca visiting Avila and Segovia which will be led by Monsignor Ryan. If interested please put your details on the sign-up sheet in the porch.Costs and dates dependent on interest. For further information contact Jane Dowds at [email protected] / 07737292434.
The St. Andrew’s Squad- (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please come along and join us on Sunday 4thfrom 9.00 – 9.45am in the Upper Hall. Any queries please contact Margaret Hendry on563 9993
Small Crib Boxes to be returned, please, by 11th Feb.
Dates and Times for Primary Three Sacrament of Reconciliation(First Confession) - During The Season of Lent (17th February- 1st) Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 5.15pm – 5.45pm; Sundays 9.15 – 9.40am.
Sincere thanks to everyone who regularly volunteers to assist with running the stall and to those who have recently volunteered. The rota sheet for the Piety Stall for January, February and March is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church.Any questions please call Anne MacIntosh 931-5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942-9799.
Remember in your prayers Bennett and John Johnston are journeying through RCIA. Rite of Election, which is a special stage with prayers as part of the RCIA process, will take place in St Andrew’s Cathedral on Sunday 18th February at 3pm.
Lent starts soon – Ash Wednesday – 14th February
Hall and Church Cleaning. The Halls Committee is considering re-tendering the contract for cleaning the church and the church halls and associated rooms. Consequently, we will be looking to prepare a list of commercial cleaners that we can approach for this service. If you own a commercial cleaning company or know someone who owns a commercial cleaning company and would be interested in being considered for this proposed tender exercise, can you please contact Gordon Reid on 07528 425 698. Many thanks.
Child Refugees: The UK Response In 2016, the UK Government agreed to the scheme proposed by the Labour peer Alf Dubs to admit around 3,000 unaccompanied child refugees. This was reckoned to be our “fair share” of the 90,000 or so child refugees travelling alone in Europe. By 2017 just 200 children had been admitted. Thousands of unaccompanied children have since disappeared, some stuck in shelters in Greece, with many left homeless to fend for themselves, some of whom have made the perilous journey to seek to enter the UK illegally, while others have been kidnapped and sold as slaves.
Alf Dubs, who was himself a child refugee from Nazi oppression has described this situation as disgraceful, commenting that he is bitterly disappointed by the pathetic UK response.
Please write to our MP Jo Swinson Unit 44c Huntershill Village, 102 Crowhill Road, Bishopbriggs, G64 1RP – a brief, hand-written letter is most effective - or email to jo.swinson[email protected]. (St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s Justice and Peace Group)
Padre Pio Prayer Group resumes Monday 15th January at 7pm. All welcome. For information or interest, please contact Kay Dick 0141 942 7771 or Kate Hay 0141 931 5154.
Volunteers - We recently had to provide the archdiocese with the number of volunteers in our parish, as this information is needed by the parish's insurance company.
There are currently 296 who volunteer, many of whom do more than one thing, which is a terrific number. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer in any area of parish life, please do get in touch.
email : [email protected]
phone : 0141 942 4635
Unity Supper with talk and Q&A by Bishop John Keenan
“Faith and Science - Not Being Incompatible”
Wednesday 7th February at 7.15pm in New Kilpatrick Halls.
Tickets £10 from Margaret Sanders 0141 942 7519.
We look forward to welcoming staff and pupils from Bearsden Academy, who will be attending as part of their Religion and Philosophy course.
Special Second Collection – 4th February – Education Sunday.
First Holy Communion dates – Sundays 13th and 20th May 2018 at 12noon Mass.
SVDP (St. Andrew's Conference) is here to help members of the parish. If you need assistance or support or if you know anyone who needs assistance please contact 07757848308 . Confidentiality is assured in all cases.
Parish Library Update. The Parish Library has been updated to include a section for children’s books and DVDs which will be expanded through the course of 2018. Parishioners are encouraged to take advantage of the library and to sign books in and out using the sign out book. When returning or donating books or DVDs, please use the basket provided, rather than putting the books directly onto the book shelves. will help with the administration of the library. Thank you.
The Legion of Mary - new members always welcome. Meets on Mondays at 5pm in the Hut. The Legion, over the course of the next few months, will be visiting 2017’s First Holy Communion families.
Divine Mercy Novena is prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
If you have a disability that affects your attendance at church or participation in any of the liturgies, and would benefit from some assistance or adaptations being made, please let us know. Email: [email protected] or phone 0141 942 4635.
Your donations to Drumchapel Foodbank will be gratefully received; non-perishable goods such as cans, rice, pasta toilet rolls, nappies etc are much needed and delivered to the Foodbank every Monday. Thank you for your help.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, John Gerard Miller, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Maria Giovanazzi, Geraldine Moy, Pat O’Neill, Michael Timoney, Baby Julia McLeod, Mary Croswaite, Charlene Bishop, Annamarie McGill, Gladys Chapman, Mary McGovern.
Recently Dead—Maria Grazia Andreuccetti, Terry Rooney, Tommy McFadden, Mary MacDonald, Marie People, Margaret Murphy, Babs Holloran.
Anniversaries--Corinne Miller, Gordon Wallace, Paul Gerard, Peter Lafferty.