search and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you."
8th Annual “Tea in the Garden” - Sunday 28th July 2pm—5pm. 1 Pendicle Road, Bearsden G61 (beside Bearsden Station). Well established, interesting and surprising half acre garden, freshly brewed tea & coffee, wonderful baking, soft, gentle music a veritable cornucopia of delights! Minimum donation £5.00. If you are coming, it would be helpful, but not essential, if you would let us know Dan & Nancy Stevens 0141 569 5285 or: [email protected]—see notice in the porch for raffle and tombola details. In aid of St. Margaret’s Hospice.
Upper Hall Redecoration—The Upper Hall will be getting redecorated from 6th—16th August. Consequently, it will be unavailable for use or lets over this period. If you want to book the newly redecorated hall for an event, fund raiser or birthday party, please call the Halls Letting Secretary on 07528 425 698.
Parish Celebration of Marriage as a Sacramental Institution—7th September 20013—Married this year? Getting married later this year? Celebrating a ‘special’ wedding anniversary this year (i.e. 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th (or later)). Then you and your immediate family are invited to the Vigil Mass in the church at 6.00 p.m. on Saturday 7th September, and to a wine and cheese party thereafter in the Upper Hall. There will be a special emphasis on Marriage at the Mass, during which you will receive a memento of the occasion. This year marriage and what it means have been under particular attack from the secular society. In this way the parish can affirm the importance of marriage and its sacramental nature. To help in planning the event, if you are coming please complete a form at the back of the church and leave it in the box provided or contact Dominique (943-0975).