I am with you always, until the end of the world."
Regarding collaboration – there are already areas in the life and mission of St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s where we are working together, and we seek to develop this. Regarding Evangelisation – reaching out and spreading the gospel – dedicated efforts are made in many areas of parish life, but evangelisation is something we can learn more about in the Deanery Council / process of looking to the future.
We received over 60 consultation responses - many thanks for them all. The PPC last Tuesday evening looked at all the ideas and suggestions that have been made. They have now been collated and will be taken to Monday’s Deanery Council meeting.
The archbishop is looking to have all ideas and suggestions from all 5 Deanery Councils sent in to him by 18th June. Regular updates regarding the archdiocesan ‘Looking to the Future’ consultation will be made in our bulletin and social media.
May Devotions – Rosary Sundays at 4.30pm. Today, for Laudato Si week, weather permitting, rosary will be prayed around the church grounds.
Laudato Si’ Week 2023, May 21-28, marks the 8th anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on Care for Creation. This year’s theme is "Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity". Register here, Laudato Si’ Week 2023: Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity. (laudatosiweek.org)
We pray that the blessings of the Eucharist will stay with them for a long time to come and that they will become committed members of the Body of Christ.
You'll find photos and video on this link.
And more photos from various events here.
First Communicants' Mass of Thanksgiving today Sunday at 10am followed by a big party in the hall.
Coffee Morning 28th May after 10am and 12 noon mass. This will be a combined event to raise funds for our own parishioner Hannah Quinn who will be representing our Parish at World Youth Day in Lisbon, 1-6 August. Hannah works tirelessly for the church as an altar server, cantor and assisting the Youth Ministry.
There will also be the opportunity to meet and purchase a signed copy of Fr Joseph Dillon, SVD’s memoir ‘People I Met On The Way - 50 Years A Priest in Brazil'. Fr Dillon will be visiting the parish and as well as saying mass, he will be launching his book after evening mass on Saturday 27th May in the Lower Hall.
All parishioners are welcome to the evening launch or the book signings at the coffee mornings. Profits from Fr Dillon’s book sales will go to his health projects in Sao Paulo in Brazil.
St Nicholas’ Pope Francis Faith Award - Calling all P5s - why not think about joining the PFFA Award? Fun learning at school, and a good way to help out and get involved in your parish - could be as a server, helping out at coffee mornings, as a welcomer, reader or singing with your pals in the choir. Candidates will be invited to enrol in the new term.
We are looking for people to join the youth ministry team, especially parents. Meets every 2 months and looks after the preparations and organisation of parish youth events. If you would like to get involved, please contact [email protected] Always looking for ideas as well for youth events. So, if you have any and would like to help out with them, let us know. Regular announcements made about youth events through both parishes and the school’s social media and bulletins.
World Youth Day Lisbon - Hannah Quinn will be flying the flag for our parish joining over 60 others from across the archdiocese. Fundraiser after the vigil on 1st July. More details soon. If you would like to support Hannah & WYD23 financially, please hand any donations to one of the clergy.
SPRED fundraiser. Big raffle prizes to be won. Tickets on sale this weekend 20 /21 May.
Interested in becoming a Catholic? Please get in touch. The programme of learning and instruction will begin after summer and prepares adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more.
Carfin Grotto Bus - 13th June 6pm. Milngavie Station Cost £8. Please put your name on the list in the porch or pass it to Fr. Mackle or email [email protected] For transport to Milngavie Station please indicate on the list and someone will be in touch.
Pope Francis, Homily for the Fifth World Day of the Poor, 14 November 2021
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - The impact of present imbalances is also seen in the premature death of many of the poor, in conflicts sparked by the shortage of resources, and in any number of other problems which are insufficiently represented on global agendas. (#48)
Anyone who has surplus keys that they no longer have need of, please return with a label on them to the sacristy. Many thanks.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass Mon to Thurs. All most welcome.
Saturday Adoration Do come and spend some time each week to be still before God at our Saturday Adoration. If shopping at the cross, or out for a coffee, pop in to St Andrew's for some quiet prayer. Have a heart to heart with God. Saturday 10am until 11am , with Confessions throughout. Sunday Confession 9.15am until 9.45am.
Drumchapel Foodbank. Your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our soup-run volunteers continue to collect donations 7 evenings each week from Marks & Spencers Milngavie for delivery to St Gregory’s Foodbank for families and Aspire West end to support those trying to get back on their feet. If you are interested in volunteering once or twice a month, please get in touch with Veronica McLaughlin - [email protected].
You can raise FREE donations for the parish every time you shop online. Take a moment to sign up at https://tinyurl.com/standrews-easyfundraising
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent in by 6 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboards in the Church porch and the Church grounds.
Assistant Priest in St Andrew’s, Bearsden 1968 until 1979.
Funeral arrangements ~
the Reception of Remains and Vigil will take place at Saint Michael’s, Dumbarton on Thursday 1st June at 6.30 pm.
The Funeral Mass will be celebrated at Saint Michael’s on Friday 2nd June at 12 noon, with burial thereafter at Cardross Cemetery.
Please remember Father Harry and his family and friends in your prayers.
Recently Dead: Christopher Darroch, Christine Donaldson, Alice Mazzucco and Michelle McKechnie.
Anniversary: Elizabeth Barrett, John Davie, Terry Grogan and Jim O’Donnell.