Thank you for all the thoughtful expressions of sympathy and for the Masses offered for my brother, Martin. I am very grateful to all for your kindness and your prayerful support. It is very much appreciated. Monsignor Ryan.
Season of Advent begins next Sunday ~ a time of preparation for Christmas. It is a season to learn to watch and wait for the coming of Christ. We look forward to the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas (only 34 days to go), and we wait for Christ to come at the end of time. Advent is a time of listening and prayer, a time to renew hope within our lives. Church is open on Saturday mornings now for anyone who wants to pop in for a quiet prayer, and 45 mins before each Mass.
Advent Confessions - as well as Confessions throughout Sat 10am -11am Holy Hour, there will also be Advent evening Confessions 7-8pm on Mon 20th & Tues 21st Dec.
Children’s Liturgy: each week in the form of a video of the week’s Gospel reading. This is an excellent resource for parents to use until the children’s liturgy at Mass resumes. Available at: https://www.rpbooks.co.uk/celebrate-following-your-faith
Catholic Education Week - Education Sunday is today 21th November - reflecting upon the Catholic school as a community of celebration and worship, with Jesus Christ at its centre. A very warm welcome to the pupils and staff from St Nicholas’, Turnbull High and
St Aloysius’. This Catholic Education Week there is an appeal for teachers, so anyone who would like information on becoming a teacher in a Catholic school should please contact the Scottish Catholic Education Service: [email protected].
Remember in your prayers Jacqueline, Rebecca, Jason and Rokas, who are journeying through RCIA. At the 10am Mass on 12th Dec there is the Rite of Acceptance, which involves special prayers for them as part of the RCIA journey.
Legion of Mary – meets Tuesdays at 7pm in the Hut. New members always welcome. The Legion’s Memorial Mass for deceased members will be at 10am on Monday 29th Nov.
Advent Appeal 4th & 5th December ~ Soup Run – Christmas Gifts – Although our soup run volunteers cannot visit their usual places, we have continued throughout lockdown, with some additional volunteers, to deliver food each day to various charities and organisations in Glasgow including St Gregory’s foodbank, Aspire and The Wayside. Our intention this year is to give Christmas gifts to the Wayside and Aspire for distribution to homeless in Glasgow. As ever, your help is needed to make this happen please.
This year, all donations will need to be gift wrapped into one parcel or gift bag and include all the items on the list below. Gift wrapped parcels or gift bag should be left in a box in the church porch before or after each Mass on Sat 4th and Sun 5th December.
Please make clear whether the gift is for male or female. Please include all the items below: A hand written Christmas card, small selection box or pack of chocolates, hat, gloves, scarf, socks, underwear, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrush. If ladies gifts can also include sanitary products that would be appreciated.
Many thanks for your support. Veronica& soup run volunteers
St. Andrew’s Whist will take place on WEDNESDAY 24th November in the Lower Hall, from 2pm – 4pm. Tea and coffee will be served. Entry £2. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome. COVID safety measures will be in place and face-coverings must be worn unless seated.
The church is now open on Saturdays 10am – 11am. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet. Confessions available throughout .
Daily Rosary has resumed. Mondays in the church (live streamed 9.30am ), and Tuesday to Friday 9.30am in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
29 Club pre Christmas draw will take place 29th November with a top prize of £1000 and 5 x £100 prizes. My thanks to those who have renewed their subscription however we still have small number yet to renew!! Our fundraising is used to support the Parish Development Fund; various Charitable causes and ... you can win one of the many cash prizes on offer during the year, We appreciate YOUR support please!! Vacancies are available now for the 2021/22 season with membership £6 per month by standing order or £65 annually.
Interested?? then contact Fr Joe or myself. Deadline for entry to the pre Christmas Draw is 26th November 2021. My thanks and take care. Brian Donnelly - Finance & Fabric Coordinator Email – [email protected] Text - 07484 707750
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 21st November (Feast of Christ the King, and International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women) “I pledge to protect and defend vulnerable people in the name of Jesus.” The Matthew 25 Pledge ( Matthew 25:35-45 is the description of the coming of Christ the King, where Jesus says: How you treat the most vulnerable is how you treat me. The Matthew 25 Pledge began in the USA in early 2017 as a response to the political climate following the targeting of specific minority groups during Presidential election campaigning. It is described as a “rising up at the grassroots level and among faith leaders — within faith communities, congregations, denominations, seminaries, and faith-based organisations. Rather than just watching, grieving, and feeling sorry for what is happening to the most marginalized, who are named in the 25th chapter of Matthew, Christians can pledge to join together in circles of support in the name of Jesus.” )
Transform lives this Christmas Real Gifts - SCIAF’s range of ethical Christmas gifts which not only provide joy to those you give them to, but also mean real change for families living in poverty. To find out more, SCIAF’s parish catalogue is now available at the back of the Church, or alternatively you can visit sciaf.org.uk/realgifts
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick and housebound and those in hospital.
Recently Dead: Desmond Balmer, Provost Alan Brown, Mary Frances Bruce, Michael Facenna, Diane McGloin, Anne McGuinness, Eugene McLaughlin, Doris O’Brien,Theresa O’Hare, Marion Robertson, Martin Ryan.
Anniversaries: Charles McGarry, Sister Elspeth McGaughrin, Claire McTavish, Margaret and Joe Monaghan, Nora O’Hare.