October Devotions - honour of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, there will be Rosary & Benediction on the Sundays of October at 4.30pm. Rosary prayed daily in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9.40am.
Second collection this weekend for Annual Mission Sunday Appeal -. If you normally Giftaid your offering, could you please use a giftaid Mission Appeal slip available from the porch. This will add 25% of the value of your offering at no extra cost to yourself. Pick up a Mission Month leaflet from the porch Visit www.missioscotland.com
Coffee Morning Please come along and join us for a cuppa, a chat and some delicious home baking today Sunday after 10amMass in the Upper Hall. This month we will be raising funds for SCIAF’s Appeal for those affected by the devastating Indonesian earthquakes and tsunami. The United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs says there are nearly 200,000 people in urgent need of assistance, about a quarter of them children.
All Saints Day– 1st Nov– Holy Day of Obligation – Masses – 10.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Mass in St Nicholas’ School 11am will include the blessing of the St Nicholas candles. One for each class. Assembly Hall space allows for staff and pupils only.
All Souls Day– Friday 2nd November – Mass - 10a.m.
Calling all P7 Confirmation Candidates - next Sunday 28th October in St Joseph's Hall, 2pm - 3.30pm. In preparation for your Confirmation, an opportunity to get to know more about the Holy Spirit as a Helper and a Guide, and the chance, with some parish catechesis, to learn more about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
St Margaret ‘s Hospice Light Up A Life Appeal on Sunday, 2 Dec at 6.30pm. Light Up A Life leaflet in this week’s bulletin. Visit www.smh.org.uk.
Fess Up:Next Sunday 28th Oct @ 2.00 p.m - 4.00 p.m.. in the Lower Hall.
The Legion Of Mary accompanied by Glasgow University Praesidium will hold a short talk and discussion on 'Confessions' in the Hall. Everybody is invited to come and join in the discussion unfolding the Sacrament of Confession. Come along and the discussion and hear what others have to say about this very important sacrament which Pope Francis referred to as : Reconciliation renders present with particular efficacy the merciful face of God The Youth of the Parish are particularly asked to come along and join in the discussion. The Students from Glasgow University will also be on hand to answer questions in regard to the work of their Praesidium. Tea and Coffee will be served from 1pm, if you would like to bring a packed lunch. Teas served also after the talk.
To bring this month of Mary to an end would you like to go on a short pilgrimage to Schoenstatt on Wednesday 31 October, following Mass that morning? I can take 3 people in my car, if other car drivers would like to consider taking the short pilgrimage too it would be possible to take more people.The initial plan would be to say the Rosary in the cars on our way to Schoenstatt, say the Rosary in the small chapel there and say the Rosary on the way home in the cars and perhaps have a cup of tea/coffee at the Cross when we return.If you are interested could you ring me on 942 8229/07305023481 or email me on [email protected]. Jackie Harrison
Primary 6 Retreat - Very grateful to the parish’s youth ministry team and parish catechists for all the preparations they are making to look after leading St Nicholas’ Primary 6 Day Retreat - Thurs 1stNovember. Grateful too to the class teachers and Caritas candidates who will be assisting.
Cluster Youth MassCalling all young people P6 & P7, S1 & S2.Saturday 10thNov at 6pm in St Andrew's followed with pizza in the upper hall. We are still looking for some young people to help at the Mass as passkeepers, servers, and with the offertory and bidding prayers. If you would like to help with one of these ministries, please let us know - contact [email protected]/942 4635
University of Glasgow Choral Society and Chapel Choir World War 1 Centenary Concert.The Concert will be held in University Chapel on Saturday 10th November at 7.30pm featuring world premiere of A Glasgow Elegy by Tom Harrold and Dona Nobis Pacem by Ronald Center.Tickets £10 and £5 with student ID.available at door or reservations from [email protected]
The St Andrew’s parish Christmas Fairwill take place on Sunday 18th November after 10am and 12 noon Masses.This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities at the event.Could parishioners who would like to host a stall please contact either Anne MacIntosh (931 5861) or Annamaria Strachan (942 9799) to confirm.All profits from the Piety Stall go to Church funds. Tea, coffee and home baking will be served at this event.
St Andrew’s Music & Quiz Night- Saturday 24 November - fundraiser for SAMH (the Scottish Association for Mental Health). “Pop Up Choir” & "Man Choir" sign-up sheet is available in the porch or contact Margaret Charrier on 07933713621. Rehearsals - Sunday afternoons in November - if you can manage two out of three, that's fine. Anyone who would like to play an instrument on their own, or sing a song, please get in touch with Veronica McLaughlin [email protected] Tickets £5 on sale after all vigil/Sunday Masses. Donations for raffle prizesfor this fundraiser would be gratefully received and can be handed in to the sacristy.
St Andrew’s Readers’ Rota - We are currently short of readers for the 12 Noon Sunday Mass. If there is anyone interested in becoming a reader at this particular Mass, I would be very grateful to hear from them prior to the preparation of the next rota for the 3 month period December 2018 to end February 2019? The usual commitment is approximately one reading per month at the same specified Mass time. Please contact me at [email protected]for more details/to organise a short meeting if you are interested in joining the Readers’ Rota for the 12 Noon Mass.
Children’s Choir – November 11th and 18th; December 9th, 16th and 25th. All at 10am unless otherwise stated.Any queries, please contactAnnamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514- [email protected]
Some financial information – our insurance premium for the coming year has been paid - £5603. The boilers have now all had their annual service and we are ready for the winter months.
Drumchapel Foodbankis always gratefully for food donations received. There has been a request particularly for donations of tinned meals. Collection boxes in the porch are taken to the foodbank every Monday.
Upcoming Meetings
21stOct– Soup Run Helpers – 1.15pm.
23rdOct– Justice & Peace – 7.30pm – St Joseph’s
24thOct & 7thNov– RCIA – 7pm - Hut
26thOct – Reachout Ed Team – 10.30am – Hut
29thOct –Bereavement Support – 7pm - House
30thOct – Fabric & Finance – 7pm – House
5thNov– Halls Committee – 7.30pm – House
6thNov– St Nicholas Parent Council – 6.30pm – Bearsden Academy
8thNov– Parish Pastoral Council – 7pm – House
12thNov– Youth ministry – 7pm - House