Sunday 1st March
- At the end of the 12noon Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Time for private prayer and adoration.
- 5pm – Solemn Evening Prayer of the Church & Benediction
- 9pm – Night Prayer of the Church
- 10am Mass concluding with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Time for private prayer and adoration.
- 7pm – Holy Hour ending with Benediction led by Fr Peter Dowling, Blessed Sacrament Father. Confessions available throughout.
- 9pm Night Prayer
- 10am Mass concluding with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Time for private prayer and adoration.
- 7pm – Holy Hour ending with Benediction led by Fr Stephen Reynolds, priest of Opus Dei in Glasgow. Confessions available throughout.
- 9pm Night Prayer
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Times for First Confession. During The Season of Lent (18th Feb – 29th March) Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 5.15pm – 5.45pm; Sundays 9.15am – 9.40am. Family members are encouraged too to take the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Stations of the Cross – Fridays in Lent at 7pm. Rosary daily at 9.40am. Short Term Pledge for Lent (Pioneer Association) - See notice in porch.
Remember, this Lent the UK Government will match every penny you donate to SCIAF’s 50th anniversary Wee Box, Big Change appeal. SCIAF Stations of the Cross booklets in the porch for you to use during Lent. SCIAF also has a beautiful and moving PowerPoint on its website.
Pick up a copy of Lentfest 2015 events programme to find out what’s on and where. Visit www.lentfast.co.uk An imaginative fusion of faith and the arts.
St John Ogilvie 400th Anniversary – Novena in honour of St John Ogilvie 2nd – 10th March. Novena leaflets available in the porch.
Turnbull Times – pick up a copy of the February edition of Turnbull High’s newsletter.
Fairtrade Fortnight – 23 Feb – 8 March. Why not buy a Fairtrade item and ensure that the producers receive a fair wage? Pick a leaflet from the porch.
St Andrew’s Primary PTA is running a Fish and Family Fun Night on Saturday 14th March in Bearsden Burgh Hall from 7pm – 10pm. The event will include a disco, some ceilidh dancing, children's party games and fish suppers. Admission is by ticket only as places are limited. Please call Anne on 07866 009078 for more information.
Messengers Meeting – Thursday, 5th March in the Upper Hall. Area leaders at 7.30pm, and Messengers at 8pm.
A series of talks on the Catholic Faith for young people 16 – 25. Thursday evenings at Turnbull Hall. See porch for full details.
Scottish Classical singer Martin Aelred is holding a charity fundraising concert in aid of registered charity “Let The Children Live” here in St Andrews on Sunday 22nd March at 7.00 pm. Organised by the parish’s Justice & Peace Group, the concert aims to raise essential funds as well as awareness of children living on the street in the Shanty towns of Colombia, South America. Tickets are priced at just £5 and are available in the porch and on the night of the concert. Please come along and hear repertoire from Cavalleria Rusticana, Turandot,Don Giovanni and Rigoletto through to themes from films such as Titanic, Braveheart, Gladiator and Once upon a time in America plus more. Refreshments will be served in the hall after the concert.
Joint Parish SPRED Dance Fundraiser Many thanks to all of you who contributed with your attendance or by donation to a great night last Saturday. The event raised a fantastic £1750 in aid of Glasgow SPRED which does such wonderful work with our friends and parishioners with special needs. Our thanks once again.
4th, 5th and 6th Year Students Are you thinking about doing a Duke of Edinburgh or Caritas Award? Do you know that volunteering to help with the Children’s Liturgy at the 10 o’clock Mass on a Sunday counts towards these awards. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Sharon Warner on 942 6901.
An Appeal to all artists and aspiring artists in St Andrew’s. You are invited to create a piece of art (tapestry, installation, photograph, pottery etc) based on the Holy Week / Easter story. It could be a scene from the scriptures, or one of the Stations of the Cross. Your artwork will be part of the Bearsden Churches Holy Week Art Exhibition.
RCIA Please keep in your prayers Jennifer Aire and Alison McDonald, who are engaged in the RCIA process of becoming Catholics this Easter. RCIA Retreat will be on 21st Feb, and the Rite of Election on the 22nd.
Children’s Choir 8th & 15th March, 10th May, 14th & 21st June. Any queries, call Annamaria, 942 9799 / 07749715514 [email protected]
The annual SPUC Youth Conference 6th - 8th March at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Southport (near Liverpool) for all aged 16 to 35. Cost £100, including all meals and accommodation. If interested in attending, speak to Fr Mackle. A kind parishioner has offered to sponsor the total cost of £100 for one young parishioner who wishes to attend. The Youth Conference has been very successful in recent years in educating and motivating the youth of today to engage in peaceful and effective pro-life work.
Mass attendance – 14 / 15 Feb – 646
Maryhill Foodbank. Donations of tins and packets of food will be gratefully received.