"The Kingdom of God is close hand.
Repent and believe the Good News."
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting—Thursday 26th January at 7 30pm at the Upper Hall.
Parish Retreat—In preparation for the Retreat 4th/5th to 9th March—Fr. Kieran Brady will speak at the Masses on 28th/29th January. Later he will meet with representatives of the Parish Council, Liturgy and the Youth and their Leaders at 2 30pm at the Upper Hall, to discuss the Retreat Programme.
ABC meeting—On Sunday 5th February at Bearsden Cross Church Hall at 8 15pm.
Church Cleaning—Could you spare 1 hour of your time once a month to help to keep the church clean? Would be pleased to hear from you. Rae 942 4808.
Piety Stall rota—We are short of volunteers to assist with serving in the Piety Stall, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass and are aged over 16, we would really appreciate your help. The rota sheet for January, February and March is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. Any questions please call Anne Macintosh 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Alice Cornish and Family—Would like to thank Father Donnelly and parishioners for their prayers, support and Mass Cards at this sad time. Mass will be offered for all your intentions. Thank you.
Robert Burns and Religion—A talk by Professor Gerard Carruthers on Thursday 26th January 2012 at 7.30 p.m. See notice in porch.
St. Joseph's Robroyston-—Little Sisters of the Poor—May I ask you kindly to join us in praying for Vocations and to take part in the Vocations' Mass here at St. Joseph's on 30th January. This year we will have the joy of celebrating the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Little Sisters in Glasgow and will be happy to keep you informed of coming events.
28th & 29th January - Special 2nd collections for assisted parishes fund
Saturday 4th February 2012—A date for your Diary! - To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the opening of the church, St. Andrew's is hosting a Fizz, Fish and Fun Night in the upper hall from 7.30—midnight. Those of you who were at the last Fizz Night a few years ago will remember what a great night it was, so please support this evening and buy a ticket. The format is a glass of bubbly, a fish supper and dancing to a live band. Tickets are £15.00 per person and please note that it is B.Y.O.B as there will be no bar. Also, see the notice board at the back of the church for further details. For tickets, please contact Veronica or David Maguire on 942 0607 or e mail [email protected]
Homelessness Sunday—Coffee and tea will be served in the Upper Hall following 10 o'clock Mass on Sunday 29th January. Proceeds will be donated to Scottish Church Housing Action who work to help the homeless in Scotland. Baking welcome—no nuts please! Justice and Peace Group
Donate your Surplus Christmas Presents to help the Homeless—Please bring along your surplus Christmas presents to the Church before Mass on the 28th or 29th January. The plan is to distribute those that are fitted to their special needs, such as hats, scarves and books, directly to the homeless, whilst others will be sold in order to raise fund. Please place your presents in the boxes provided in the Church foyer. Justice and Peace Group.
Fiddlers Rally--Glasgow City Chamber on Friday I0th February 2012. Please see notice in the porch of the church.
Life Pregnancy Care Services—As you know our Pregnancy Care Service, situated at 205 St. Vincent Street has been active in Glasgow for over 30 years providing a caring service and practical help for Mothers and Babies. We currently have a large stock of baby clothes and baby materials, due to the generosity of our support group. If you liaVe any parishioners who are expectant mothers, or mothers with young babies who could benefit ftom these items, please contact Marie Logue, Tel No, 0141 221 0080 or Helen. Graham Tel No. 01505 335571.