Please find below points to be noted from a letter from Archbishop Tartaglia which describes the particular procedures to be followed in the Archdiocese of Glasgow in the light of the recent statement from the Bishops’ Conference.
1. Churches are to remain open for some hours every day so that people can benefit from the presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and from private prayer and devotion.
2. Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Anointing: Priests are asked to accommodate parishioners who ask to receive Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of Anointing.
3. Confession: Priests are asked to respond generously to requests for Confession. Confessional rooms/boxes can be used if they provide an adequate barrier between the Penitent and Confessor. Otherwise the Confession should take place in an open but private area allowing a separation of at least one metre.
4. Sick Calls: Routine visits to the sick should be suspended, by both Clergy and Extraordinary Ministers. Urgent requests for the Sacrament of Anointing in danger of death should be responded to observing all the necessary hygiene precautions.
5. Priests should celebrate Mass each day alone.
6. Technology permitting, Masses and other Acts of Worship from your church
could be streamed on the internet.
7. Baptism of Infants/Children: can be re-scheduled unless it is pressing, in which case only parents, godparents and celebrant are present, observing the usual precautions.
8. Funerals: Given that public Masses have been suspended and that, in our context, it is practically impossible to limit numbers or have a “private” Funeral and Requiem Mass in a Parish Church, “Funeral” in effect has to mean the Committal, whether an interment or a cremation. In these circumstances, the Funeral Director will advise on number. The Priest should commit to saying Mass in private on the same day for the repose of the soul of the deceased.
9. Marriages: Given the veto on public gatherings, most weddings will probably be postponed. If a wedding takes place in church, it has to be celebrated only in the presence of the celebrant, the bride and groom, and the two witnesses.
10. First Holy Communions can be postponed for the time being.
11. Confirmations are suspended for the time being.
12.RCIA: Catechumens and candidates have been preparing for a long time for baptism or reception into the Church. To allow them to answer the call of faith, priests may still celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation with them despite of the general suspension of public Mass.
St Andrew’s will be open every day so that people can benefit from the presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and from private prayer and devotion.
Mass from St Andrew's Cathedral is streamed daily on the internet.
Important Notice to all parents - You will have heard by now that Public Masses are suspended in the Archdiocese of Glasgow from after the 19th March for an indefinite period, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This will mean that the Sacrament of Reconciliation for primary 3 pupils, and First Holy Communions for primary 4 pupils are postponed for the time being.
Confirmations are suspended for the time being.
It may be a while before this crisis abates and Masses resume, but once they do, we'll begin to look again at making arrangements for your child's celebration of the Sacraments.
Please note, St Andrew’s is open every day so that people can benefit from the presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and from private prayer and devotion.
We would ask you and all parishioners to join in a National Day of Prayer this Sunday 22nd March, Mothering Sunday. It seems appropriate that as Catholics we pray together the Rosary, the prayer of our Blessed Mother Mary, at 12 noon, asking Her intercession for our country and our world in this time of need.
Easter cards – a great selection on sale at the piety stall. Why go elsewhere to buy a card when you can get one at St Andrew’s and it goes to a good cause.
Please keep in your prayers Yvonne McCafferty and Jen Wright, who are journeying through these final weeks of Lent preparing to become Catholic this Easter.
The Soup Run is cancelled, until further notice, as a precautionary measure, due to the coronavirus situation.
Your donations to Drumchapel Foodbank will be gratefully received; non-perishable goods such as cans, rice, pasta, toilet rolls, nappies etc are much needed and delivered to the Foodbank every Monday. Thank you for your help.
Vision Aid Overseas - Do you have old spectacles at home you no longer use? If so we are collecting old glasses for Vision Aid Overseas to recycle during Lent. Please put any unwanted spectacles in the box in the Church Porch.
Community Justice Glasgow is seeking thoughts from parishes to consider how they might support the vision for a network of support hubs in Glasgow for vulnerable people caught up in the justice system serving a community or prison sentence. There will be a consultation event in the City Chambers on 21st April 9am-2pm. If you would like to represent St Andrew’s at the event, email [email protected] and mention too to Fr Mackle
Today is SCIAF SUNDAY - This Lent, your £1=£2 (and even more if you Gift Aid it).
From 21st February to 20th May, all public donations made to the WEE BOX BIG CHANGE appeal will be doubled by the UK government. Your donations will help SCIAF’s life changing work around the world, while match funding from the UK government will transform the lives of thousands of extremely vulnerable women affected by sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Please show your usual generosity. In these circumstances, without there obviously being a collection, all donations are to be sent direct to SCIAF
Justice & Peace group
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 22 March (Nearest Sunday before the Feast of Saint Óscar Romero (24th March)
We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us.
Saint Óscar Romero, Bishop & Martyr
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead—--Anne McGinley, Mary O’Neil, Margaret Brown, Teresa Morgan, Charlotte McDermott
Anniversaries—Kathleen Fitzgerald, Jenny McCarron, Jack Corish, James Brannan.