Alleluia, alleluia! - Jesus said:
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
No one can come to the Father except through me" .
12th June
19th June.
Any queries please contact Annamaria Strachan 942 9799 / 07749715514.
First Communions -
22nd May (10.00 a.m.)
22nd May (12 noon)
29th May (10.00 a.m. and 12 noon)
Thanksgiving Service—5th June at 3.00 p.m. followed by the celebrations party in the Upper Hall.
Pro-Life Meeting—The SPUC Branch in Bearsden would like to invite you to a public meeting, to be held on Tuesday 24th May at the Upper Hall, St Andrew’s Church, 29 Roman Road, Bearsden, G61 2SN at 7 45 p.m. With the newly-elected Scottish Parliament ready to guide Scotland’s future over the next five years, Joe Lee, SPUC Scotland, will be speaking about how this future includes the threat of legalised assisted suicide and euthanasia. Margo MacDonald has been re-elected as an MSP for the Lothian Region. She has indicated that she intends to pursue the assisted suicide agenda once more, despite the heavy defeat in December 2010 of the End of Life Assistance (Scotland) Bill. With the mainstream media taking a partisan approach to the anti-life position, it is vital that pro-lifers are educated on the reality of the situation.
Ecumenical Vespers—Tuesday 24th May 7.00 pm in St Matthew’s Church Bishopbriggs G64 2LZ
Friends of Ecumenism Meeting—Thursday 16th June 7.15—9.15 p.m in St Saviour’s Hall 37 Merryland Place G51 2QF. Refreshments available from 6 34pm. Anyone interested in either Ecumenical event is welcome to attend.
The New Mass Texts—Are due to be implemented in the Autumn. Further information to follow.
Justice & Peace—Some leaflets issued by the Archdiocese are available near the Piety Stall.
Forty Hours Devotions—– Change to Dates--
St. Jude’s Barlanark —23rd—25th October
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour—Broomhill 2nd—4th July
Day for Life—Sunday 29th May.
May Devotions—Wednesday 25th May aty 6.15 p.m. Rosary, Litany of Loretto.
Linn Cemetery Mass—On Saturday 4th June—See notice in the porch of the church.
St. Peter’s Cemetery Mass for those who are buried there or whose final committal was at Daldowie Crematorium—On Sunday 5th June 2011 at 3.00 p.m. See notice in the porch of the church.
Annual Irish Day at Carfin Grotto—Sunday 5th June 2011—The 11th Annual Irish Day takes place at the Irish Shrine in Carfin Grotto. Mass will be concelebrated on the Mass Rock at 3.00 p.m. A warm welcome is extended to all who wish to join us for this celebration. In the case of inclement weather, Mass will be celebrated indoors.
‘Strive to be Worthy’ - A new document has been published by the Scottish Catholic Education Service to highlight how some of the Pope’s messages for Catholic education, delivered during his visit in September, can be addressed by families, schools and parishes. It reminds us all of the Holy Father’s word:.….many men and women have laboured over many centuries to hand down the faith to you. Strive to be worthy of this great tradition. The document can be downloaded from the SCES website: www.sces.uk.com
A Young People’s Beginning Experience Weekend—Will take place in Skelmorlie from Friday 3rd June at 7.30 p.m. to Sunday 5th June 2011. The programme helps young people, aged 12 years and upwards, adjust to changes in their lives due to death, divorce or separation of their parents. For further information, please contact:-
Michael 0141 570 3520 or Ann 0141 889 1050