We look forward to St Nicholas' P4s joining us for the 10am Mass, which will be live streamed through to all the pupils and teachers in their classes. Great they’ll be doing their bit for the planet with walking to and from Mass.
Wonderful! 42 children this year celebrated their First Holy Communion ~ a very special moment on their journey of faith. We thank all who have been involved in helping the boys and girls prepare for their special day over the past months at school, at home, and in the parish. We pray that the blessings of the Eucharist will stay with the children for a long time to come and that they will become committed members of the Body of Christ. Great pics on our social media.
Here's a great wee Carlo Acutis video produced for all the boys and girls celebrating their First Holy Communion this year. https://youtu.be/RGqx_wzL6xc
First Holy Communion Party ~ All the boys and girls and their families are invited to come together for a Thanksgiving Mass at 10am on Sunday 5th June followed by a big celebratory First Holy Communion Party in the upper hall.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some preparatory act of reverence such as a bow.
Liturgy Coordinator – I want, on behalf of all in St Andrew’s, to thank Elizabeth Reid for very faithfully serving as Liturgy Coordinator for almost ten years. I am very grateful to Elizabeth for all her efforts and work in the area of parish liturgy, which has been very much appreciated, especially in her role as chair of the parish’s liturgy group. Moira English has very kindly agreed to take over this role of Liturgy Coordinator, and I am very grateful to Moira for her willingness to serve in this important area of parish life. Fr Mackle
St. Andrew’s Whist will take place this Wednesday 25th May in the Lower Hall, from 2pm – 4pm. Tea and coffee will be served. Entry £2. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - We can aspire to a world that provides land, housing and work for all. This is the true path of peace, not the senseless and myopic strategy of sowing fear and mistrust in the face of outside threats. Fratelli tutti , para. 127
Laudato Si Week: this runs from 22 – 29 May and will mark the seventh anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on creation care. Learn about this global celebration via this link to the website Laudato Si’ Week 2022: Journeying Together (laudatosiweek.org)
Sacrament of Confirmation ~ 4th & 5th June at 2pm. Arrangements have been made for Confessions to be heard in the school for St Nicholas' pupils. All pupils at schools other than St Nicholas' are encouraged to make an effort to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It's a good way to prepare and be ready to be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Times of Confessions are Saturdays 10 – 11am & 4.15pm - 4.45pm & Sundays 9.15am - 9.40am
Mass will be celebrated this Wednesday in the hall for our SPRED Group. Great that SPRED gatherings can take place again.
St Andrew's SPRED group have raffle tickets to sell for Glasgow SPRED. The catechists will be outside our church after Masses this weekend with raffle books. Fabulous prizes to be won. Draw will take place on June 10th at our fundraising ceilidh in St Thomas, Riddrie. Your wonderful support is very much appreciated. Lorna Donnelly.
"Calling all youth and young adults in St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s: Join with others your age across the Archdiocese of Glasgow on an experience of a lifetime, the World Youth Day trip to Lisbon in 2023. There is a minimum age 16 from February 1, up to the age of 35 at the time of the trip. Details of costs and dates will be advised soon. Please let our youth ministry team know by emailing [email protected] and the AoG youth team by going online to https://tinyurl.com/wyd2023. Both parishes will happily assist with fundraising/sponsorship."
New P1 Welcome afternoon - 12 June 2- 3.30pm in the hall. Teas / coffees , juice & cakes will be served. An opportunity for new P1 families to get together before starting school, and an introduction to St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s links with St Nicholas’, along with, of course, some fun and games.
P7 leavers’ Party – Friday 17th June in St Andrew’s, plus Leavers’ Mass – 21st June in St Nicholas’ – more details soon.
Mass to Commerorate 100 years of Legion of Mary. Next Sunday 29th May 3pm at Carfin Grotto. All most welcome. Bus will leave at 2.00pm from Milngavie Train Station. Rosary, Procession and Benediction 5pm
Next Carfin Bus ~ Monday 13th June from Milngavie Railway station 6pm. Price £8.
PlayDays Learning ~ Saturday Mornings in St Andrew’s Hall, Bearsden for aged 1 to 5. For full details email [email protected]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays 10am – 11am. Confessions throughout
Confessions – Also on Saturdays 4.15pm – 4.45pm & Sundays 9.15am – 9.40am
Haydn Nelson Mass & Mozart Solemn Vespers will be performed in Glasgow City Halls by Bearsden Choir today Sunday 22nd May at 4pm, together with professional soloists and organ, under the baton of the dynamic Andrew Nunn. The Choir will be celebrating their first live concert since November 2019 after which COVID struck. Tickets still available. Call Chris Sanders on 942 7519.
Special Collections ~ Communications – 29th May; Pro Life – 5th June.
The Pope's Twitter (@Pontifex
The Pope's Instagram (@Franciscus)
The Pope’s monthly video
Great resources of contemporary commentary by the Holy Father on current issues.
This meeting was the last one for Elizabeth Reid as Liturgy Coordinator and Liturgy Group Chair. I want, on behalf of all in St Andrew’s, to thank Elizabeth for very faithfully serving as liturgy coordinator for almost 10 years. I am very grateful to her for all her efforts and work in the area of parish liturgy, which has been very much appreciated, especially in her role as chair of the parish’s liturgy group.
Moira English has very kindly agreed to take over this role, and I am very grateful to Moira for her willingness to serve in this important area of parish life.
The group will next meet on 13th September. – Fr Mackle
Drumchapel Foodbank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support. Our soup-run volunteers continue to collect donations from M&S, Byres Rd & Milngavie for delivery to Drumchapel & St Gregory’s Foodbanks, the Wayside Club & Aspire.
Parish Website – On the latest page and bulletin pages, click on subscribe for a daily summary of the previous day's posts.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent in by 12 Noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, the parish website and on our exterior noticeboard.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick and housebound and those in hospital
Recently Dead: Andrew Brown, Beryl Martin, Mrs McGinty, Barbara Mochan, Dermot Quinn, Gina Sarti,
Anniversary: Elizabeth Barrett, Isobel Davie, John Davie, Charlie Dolan, Bill English, Chic Kerr, Anne Laurie, Bill Shillinglaw.