Recently Dead-- Jack Coyle, Margaret Mullin, John Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Bradford, Theresa McSorley
Anniversaries--Dermot O’Leary, Bridie Tolland, John Tull
Pilgrimage for Christ Mission Week - 2208 homes visited, 1500 miraculous medals distributed, and a conversation was had with around 1200 people about the faith.the course of the coming months, we will be following up the tremendous work begun by the PPC teambear many more seeds for Christ.Mother of Mercy Praesidium.
Advance notice – First Holy Communion Masses – 10th & 17th May 2020 at 12noon. Meeting for all parents – Thursday 30th January 2020 7pm in St Nicholas’ school hall.
Advance notice - The Sacrament of ConfirmationPrimary 7 pupils will take place in St Andrew’s on Thursday 14thMay, 2020 at 7pm.
Confirmation meeting for parents and sponsors will be held in St Andrew’s Hall, at 7pm Thursday 20th February 2020.
LEPRA Appeal. A representative from LEPRA, the charity which does so much good work for sufferers with leprosy, will make an appeal at the end of all Masses this weekend. Please see the LEPRA poster in the church for more details. Visit www.lepra.org.uk
The Pope Francis Faith Award – Parish enrolment Mass - 10am Sunday 3rd Nov. There will be an information evening for parents and P6 pupils – Thurs 3rd Oct 7pm in St Nicholas’.
The RCIA programme begins this Thurs 26th Sept at 7pm in the Hut. If you are interested in enquiring about the Catholic faith, please contact 942 4635 / [email protected].
Guild – Buchanan Lodge - Over the past 7 years, Dorothy MacLean and Mona Jenkins have represented our parish at Buchanan Lodge on 2nd Wed of month 1pm-3pm from Oct- May. Sadly, Mona has had to retire from this.Is there anyone willing to take this on? - if so please contact D. MacLean - 587 7319.We wish to express our deep appreciation to Mona for her dedication to meeting and mingling with the Residents who enjoy this short occasion so much.
Primary Three Parents intending to present their child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in 2020 and First Holy Communion in 2021, please complete an enrolment form available from the church porch and return it by 27th Sept. Many thanks.
Mass of Enrolment for P3 families- 10am, Sunday 6th October.
Music Coordinator. Sally Mulholland, who has been the parish’s Music Director for the past five years, has now moved house. I want to take this opportunity to express, on behalf of the parish, our very sincere thanks to Sally for all her time and efforts over the years in this role. Her commitment to music and liturgy has been deeply appreciated. I am very grateful to Nick Joint, who has shared this role with Sally up until now, for agreeing to continue and take on this role on his own, the new title of which will be Music Coordinator. Fr Mackle
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 22 September (Sunday before World Day against the Trafficking in People (26 Sep)) How I wish that all of us would hear God’s cry: “Where is your brother?” (Gen 4:9). Where is your brother or sister who is enslaved? Where is the brother and sister whom you are killing each day in clandestine warehouses, in rings of prostitution, in children used for begging, in exploiting undocumented labour? Let us not look the other way. There is greater complicity than we think. Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, para 211
Volunteer needed, please, until the end of December to lock up the church on either Tuesdays or Fridays at 4.45pm. Please contact 942 4635 / [email protected]
Monthly Reflection Sessions after the 10 am weekday Mass will start again this Tuesday 24th of September (please note the change of day) in the Upper Hall. Please join us for coffee/ tea and a friendly discussion. As October is a month of historical devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary our topic for discussion will be Mary and Marian Devotion.
Adult Faith Formation – Following the success of the Bishop Robert Barron Catholicism Series which ran through Lent and into Eastertide, Bishop Baron’s Pivotal Players series will be shown on various occasions during 2019 /2020.The first in the series of DVDs will be shown on Thurs 10th Oct Upper Hall 7pm. The subject of the episode being shown is Blessed John Henry Newman who is due to be canonised by Pope Francis on the 23rd of Oct. Please join us for tea/coffee and Bishop Barron’s insight into this important figure in the Church.
'Calling S1 Young People- A social and catchup in St. Joseph's Hall on Saturday 9th November. 630pm to 830pm. Games, crafts,Pizza, Karaoki and much more. Tell your friends. Organised by Caritas students.
Tearfund Big Quiz Night Saturday 16th Nov in Bearsden Baptist Church. Quiz teams needed. See porch for more details or visit www.tearfund.org/en-SC/about_you/fundraise/the_big_quiz_night/
St Andrew's and St Joseph's continue to work various ways in an attempt to bring our parishes closer together. The clustering group meets 4/5a year and is always looking for new members. If you think that you might be interested in helping this growing endeavour, please let Fr Mackle know. Next meeting 29th Oct 7pm in St Andrew’s.
Mary’s Meals will be visiting the parish to collect any unwanted, rags etc for recycling next Sunday 29th September. If you will be handing in good clothing which can be sold in their charity shops, please label your bag clearly, otherwise it will be recycled as rags. Raffle tickets will be sold after each Mass.
Tradespeople Wanted – The church halls are a strong income source for the church. Last year over 100 parishioner events were held in the hall and there are over 20 lets a week by micro companies and social enterprises. The halls’ turnover is in excess of £17,000. However, the use of this fantastic parish resource comes with a cost! It needs to be maintained! At present, we usually employ trades from outside the parish. We really want to keep this inside the parish!. We will pay the going rate and don’t expect this service to be provided free of charge. Consequently, if there are any tradespeople in the parish, especially joiners, electricians, painters and plumbers who would like to help with the halls maintenance, can they please contact the Halls Committee Chairperson at [email protected] or call 07528 425 698. Many thanks.
Children’s Choir – Sep 22, Nov 10 & 24, & Dec 15 & 25. All at 10am. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
Forthcoming Special Collections –Missio – 20th Oct. Education Sunday 24th Nov.
Upcoming Meetings
26th Sept – RCIA 7pm - Hut
26th Sept – Parish Pastoral Council– 7pm – House
3rd Oct – Pope Francis Faith Award – 7pm – St Nicholas’
4th Oct – Reachout – 10.30am – Hut
6th Oct – Soup Run – 1pm – House
6th Oct – Extraordinary Ministers – 1pm – Church
10th Oct – RCIA – 7pm – Hut
14th Oct – Bereavement Support – 7pm - House