Retreat day for the Primary 7 pupils of St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s this Wednesday, beginning with 9.30am Mass in St Joseph’s Church.
Coffee Morning - Please come along and join us for a cuppa, a chat and delicious home baking today, Sunday, after 10am Mass in the Upper Hall. This month we are raising funds for SCIAF's famine relief programme in East Africa. UN has warned it could be the worst humanitarian crisis since its inception in 1945.
Welcome! Congratulations to Karen, Mark and John who became members of St Andrew’s during last weekend’s Easter Vigil. Please welcome them into the Parish Family and keep them in your prayers throughout the Easter Season. RCIA continues with Mystagogia (entering into the mystery) meetings on 3rd & 17th May at 7pm.
A Huge Thank You to all those who worked so hard in so many ways with all the Triduum’s preparations, and to everyone who attended the liturgies for their participation in them.The beautifully decorated children’s liturgy cross will remain on the sanctuary until Pentecost Sunday.
On 22nd April the Padre Pio Prayer Group will celebrate the 35th Anniversary of its formation in 1982, with Holy Mass at the 6:00pm Vigil. We give thanks to God for the commitment of so many during those years. The focus of our meetings is to pray for the sick. The prayer group meets every Monday at 7pm.
Novena for Vocations. Journey towards Good Shepherd Sunday (7th May) praying for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life. Pick up a novena booklet from the porch to use at home or in the church. Novena starts this Friday, 28th April.
St Andrew’s 50th Anniversary Art Exhibition in the church - and runs until 7th May - well worth a look round. Art exhibition catalogue is free.
For the 50th Anniversary - a booklet guide to both parishioners and visitors. Along with a history of the church there is an explanation of the mosaics and emblems. Price £1. Proceeds will go to one of our anniversary charities. A selection of Mass cards in the piety stall, designed by Siobhan McLaughlin, each with a feature of St Andrew's church.
Eco gardeners will be returning to the Spirit of Peace Jubilee garden this Thursday to begin making preparations for the garden’s official opening on 19th May.
Kirkintilloch to Schoenstatt 5oth Anniversary walk on Sunday 7th May. Meet at the car park at St Andrew’s leaving for walk at 1:15pm by bus to Kirkintilloch. Bus will drop off at the start of the walk along the old Strathkelvin railway. Distance is approximately 5 miles on a good path suitable for buggies and prams. Drinks and snacks will be available to all at Schoenstatt. You might want to bring a packed lunch. Please ensure suitable footwear and clothing for the day. Bus will pick up at approximately 4:30pm to return to St. Andrew’s. There is a sign-up sheet for those interested at the back of the church.
St. Andrew's Whist Drive will take place on Monday 24th April, beginning at 7.30pm, in the Lower Hall. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability. Someone will be on hand to help if you are a beginner. It is, essentially, a social night. £3 includes admission, raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Come along for a great night. We'd love to welcome you! For more details contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07397319029
The sum collected over the course of the ABC Holy Week Services for the DEC Appeal amounted to £1065.85. A big thank you to all who contributed over the week.
Tickets now sold out for our parish’s Golden Jubilee & Lisbon Lions’ 50th Anniversary joint celebration - Friday, May 12.
K.V.O. Big Band Sound – Golden Jubilee Celebration on Wednesday 24th May 8pm – 10pm in the Upper Hall. If you're into the Beatles, or Sinatra's your thing. Or maybe something with more of a swing, then get your tickets for what should be a terrific musical evening marking our parish’s Golden Jubilee. Say to your friends. Tickets are £5 (B.Y.O.B). Call Dorothy on 587 7319.
Awareness and Safety in our Catholic Communities annual Safeguarding statement is being issued along with this week’s bulletin.
As part of Autism Awareness month, St Andrew’s Primary PTA are organising a coffee morning with a raffle this Friday 28th April from 9am until 11.30am in the school hall, with all proceeds going to Scottish Autism in Glasgow. Please join us - all welcome.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who visit the housebound parishioners. Next meeting – Monday 8th May at 7pm in the chapel-house.
Drumchapel Foodbank – All items such as cans of food, pasta and toiletries are gratefully received. Collection boxes are taken every Monday morning.
#priesthood2018: about being a priest? Considering the Diocesan priesthood?
There will be a day for enquirers on Saturday 6th May at Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy. For more information or to book a place contact: Fr Ross Campbell tel: 0141 339 4315; [email protected]
Vocations Vigil – Friday 5th May, 7 – 9pm at St Robert’s Parish, 310 Peat Road.
Vocations discernment evening Fri 12th May at Turnbull Hall.
Vocations to the Priesthood initiative Pick up a copy of the Vocations leaflet from the church porch. It is a good read of several young men who have discerned a vocation to the Priesthood.
Children’s Choir - 14th & 21st May; 11th & 18th June. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514 - [email protected]
Milngavie Choir Open Evening - Tuesday 2nd May from 7.30 in Cairns Church, Buchanan Street, Milngavie. Informal evening of singing. No previous experience needed, there is no audition, no solo singing, in fact nothing to fear at all! For information, please see the notice at the back of the church or call Maria Finnerty on 0141 943 1517.
Divine Mercy Novena is prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
Parish library has a very extensive range of books and DVDs covering a wide variety of religious topics. We would like to encourage you to have a look at the books and DVDs.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Gilbert O’Rourke, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper,, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran, Maura Murphy, Isabelle Cox, Maria Giovanazzi, Clare MacTavish, Gordon Cummings, Ophelia McPhail, Anne Parker, Eileen Adaya.
Recently Dead—Tom Frame, Samantha Sodden, Sir Arnold Clark, Rita Strachan, Frank Duggan, Helen Goodfellow, Bernard Henry, Charles Welsh, Sadie McShane, Theresa Austin.
Anniversaries—Ken Murray, Owen P. Fallen, Kathleen Hocking.