A National Pilgrimage of Prayer for the success of the forthcoming Synod on the Family will take place at Carfin Grotto on Sunday 6th September at 3pm. All are most welcome.
Youth 2000 Summer Festival - 27 to 31 August - a 5 day Prayer Festival, held in Walsingham, Norfolk. The Festival is packed with dynamic talks, live-band worship, powerful prayer times, fun social activities, creative workshops, in-depth discussions, evening entertainment and loads more. With top speakers from the USA and all over the UK, Youth 2000 events are primarily for 16 - 35 year olds. If you are in this age range and looking for answers to the big questions in life, then this retreat is for you! For more information please contact Kate Towie on 07947850983 or [email protected]
Milngavie Memory Walk - 30 August to help raise awareness and fundraise for Alzheimer's Scotland. Join us for what promises to be an event the whole family can enjoy. The walk will be 4k (2.5 miles ) around the Milngavie Water Works. Also, Alzheimer Scotland information bus will be based at Drumclog Car Park,Milngavie Water Works on 30 August. See poster in the porch for more details.
Forthcoming Meetings - 3rd Sept at 7pm - Baptism Preparation; 3rd Sept at 7pm - Fabric & Finance; 6th Sept at 1pm - Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion; 7th Sept at 10.30am - On-Going Faith Formation (Planning); 10th Sept at 7pm - Parish Pastoral Council; 13th Sept – Commissioning of new Extraordinary Ministers; 14th Sept at 7pm - Parish Retreat (Planning); 15th Sept at 7pm - Liturgy Group; 4th Oct – Parish Retreat; 5th Oct at 7.30pm - Halls Committee.
Please search your cupboards and drawers for surplus Rosaries and help the Catenian Association get them into the hands of those who will love, cherish and pray them. Since 2009, the Catenians have been sending Rosaries to Aboriginals in Australia and to 3rd World countries in Africa. A collection box is available in the porch.
How about holding or organising a fundraising event to raise money for Re-decoration of the church and re-carpeting of the sanctuary, the approximate cost of which is £22,000?
Ladies, are you looking for a fun challenge? Join forces with like minded women at our Ladies Only 5K Midnight Walk which brings our community of women together whilst raising the much needed funds and awareness for all those in need of our care at St Margaret’s Hospice. Saturday, September 5. Event begins 9.45pm with registration process, followed by live music and a keep-fit session before the walk itself at Midnight. Fun and fancy headwear is available to purchase on the night of the event with all proceeds going to the Hospice. After completing the walk, the ladies will then enjoy a presentation ceremony and barbecue at 1am. Entry is open to ladies only and participants must register beforehand. Children aged 6-16 may enter if accompanied by an adult. £15 entry fee (£5 per child), which includes special commemorative T-shirt and medal. Each adult is asked to raise £30 in sponsorship – which can, if preferred, be collected through the Hospice Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/smh. Call 0141 435 7018 or email [email protected] for a registration form
SCIAF Ceilidh - Time to dig out your dancing shoes and get set for SCIAF’s 50th Anniversary ceilidh in St Peter’s, 46 Hyndland St, Partick. Saturday 19th September 7pm – 11.30pm. There will be a brilliant band, good food, a bar and great raffle prizes. Plenty of fun and games for younger revellers too. For tickets, call 0141 354 5555.
Legion of Mary – 7.30 p.m. in the Hut every Tuesday. All most welcome.
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Mon. at 7.00 p.m. All are very welcome.
Appeal for Knitters--Following the appeal for knitters, we would like to convey our sincere thanks to Lily Keegan, Zena Brown and Anne Ferguson for their hard work. Thanks to their huge efforts, a magnificent 85 teddies have been passed onto Team Lewis, which will be a great support for the phenomenal work they do. We still have some wool and stuffing left so if anyone would like to put their knitting needles to good use, please text Anne on 07866 009078. Thank you, St Andrew’s Primary PTA
Coffee morning 23rd August after 10am Mass - please come along for home made cake, coffee and a blether with fellow parishioners. Donations of home baking very welcome (no nuts please). This months coffee morning will raise funds for registered charity, New Ways to help fund the digging of a borehole for clean water in Benga, Malawi.
Fitness Class--Want to be fitter, healthier and more confident? Then join our friendly group for a fun workout, motivational talks and a really warm welcome. Classes every Wednesday morning 10-11.30am in the Upper Hall. Give us a try! Call 07712581987 for more details.
Blackwhitegrey--An exhibition by Trevor Cromie at the Lillie Art Gallery. 22nd August to 16th September See notice in porch.
Award in Catholic Theological Education--Interested in developing your faith? Induction Day Saturday 5th September—Contact Fr. Mackle
Auditions for New AGAP Play--AGAP is holding open auditions for a new play that will tour parishes in late October/early November as part of Arts in Autumn. “Wilderness” is a modern day parable set within a fictional parish and explores issues raised by Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium (“The joy of the Gospel”) through comedy and dialogue. Auditions will take place on Monday 24th August at 7.30pm (for 2 hours) at St Michael’s Church Hall, 1350 Gallowgate, Parkhead (opposite the Forge Shopping Centre). Also interested to hear from people who want to help. Participants must be over 16 years of age and available on Mondays and Thursdays for rehearsals. Enquiries 0141 544 1333 or [email protected] (More info www.agap.org.uk)
The Martyrdom of Saint John Ogilvie on DVD--Following the success of the touring production, AGAP has released a DVDof a live theatre performance recorded during Lentfest. Available for £5 (+ £! Postage/packing per DVD). P)lease make cheques payable to ‘Archdiocese of Glasgow’ and post your order to AGAP, 1350 Gallowgate, Glasgow ?G31 3DJ. We would like to thank everyone who supported the performances this year—the response was terrific!
Please can you help? - Mary’s Meals work with some of the poorest people in Third World countries. We will be making an Appeal on behalf of Mary's Meals at all of the masses weekend of 26th and 27th September 2015. Mary's Meals works in 12 countries and as a result of your generosity we are now feeding over 1M children every day and your help is very much appreciated.
Mary’s meals--we offer help by collecting unwanted/unused clothing and bedding, curtains, towels, handbags, shoes, belts and turning them into funds to carry out our work overseas. Even from rags we can raise money that in turn helps us to feed starving children. A few Black Poly Bags filled with textiles could generate enough funds to feed a child in any of the countries where we work for FOR A YEAR (approx £12.20).
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Karen Hopper (Livingston), Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Sheena Smith, Charlie Melly, Steven Byrne, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Gilbert O’Rourke, Denis Campbell, Ronald Coia, Valentina Colaluca, Christine Turner, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Michael Docherty, Maureen Scott, Christina Jones, Ruth MacKenzie, Patricia Swiatek.
Recently Dead—Elizabeth Millar, Matt Stevenson, James Tyrell.
Anniversaries--Gerard & Joseph Shields, James Thomas, John & Stephen McCreadie, Mary & Edward Rooney, Mr & Mrs J McCreadie, Edward Donogue, John Pitt, Daniel Collins, William Doherty, Rev. Michael McGovern SDB