"You must love The Lord your God with all your heart..
You must love your neighbour as yourself"
Solemnity of All Saints—Holyday of Obligation Tuesday 1st November. Masses at 7pm (Vigil) on Monday 31st October . Masses on Tuesday at 10am and 7pm.
Commemoration of All the Faithfully Departed (All Souls) - Wednesday 2nd November Masses at 10am and 7pm.
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, November 2nd Evening Mass, 7pm.—This year it is planned to mark the above feast by a reading of the names of deceased relatives and friends during the last year, November 2010—November 2011. This will take place during the lighting of candles. You are invited to give the name of a deceased family member or friend by completing a slip which is available in the church porch. All names may be recorded in the memorial book as usual. The book will be at the Sanctuary throughout November.
November Lists—Are available through your Messenger and at the porch of the Church. Please return them to the box provided.
Evening Masses—On the Tuesdays of November for all the Faithfully Departed at 7pm in addition to 10am each weekday.
Area Leaders Meeting—Monday 24th October 7 30pm Lower Hall.
Area Messengers Meeting—Monday 24th October at 8pm Lower Hall.
Alter Servers Outing—Saturday 29th October. Contact Chris Sanders 942 7519.
L. B. Club—For all Primary 3 children celebrating Reconciliation (First Confession) in November. Please come to the upper hall on Sunday 6th November from 11—12noon. For more info call Margaret Hendry 563 9993.
Parish Pilgrimage Exhibition 2011—A highly successful Pilgrimage both spiritually and socially was enjoyed by the Group, visiting Rome (Papal Audience, Scots College and major churches) Loreto (Basilica and House of Our Lady), The Miraculous Baths and Shrine of Our Lady of Splendour at Guilianova and other historical churches along the Adriatic Coast. An Exhibition of photos etc, is on display in the Church Foyer. The Re-Union meeting is on Tuesday 25th October at 7pm in the Lower Hall.
St. Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society—National Adoption Week falls this year between 31st October and 4th November. There are many children in the care of local authorities who desperately need the love, nurture and stability that only a family can provide. If you believe that you have what it takes to become an adoptive parent we would love to hear from you. If you would like to find out more, please telephone one of our social workers during National Adoption Week between 10am and 4pm for a confidential chat to discuss if adoption is right for you. If you prefer you can drop in to meet us at 274 Bath Street, G2 4JR. St. Margaret’s are anxious to recruit new members to the Adoption Panel. Contact 0141 332 8371 for information.
Could you care for a child with a disability one weekend a month? - If phoning or visiting, please ask for Morag Darnbrough. Direct Phone 0141 420 5528, Fax 0141 420 5528, email [email protected]. Social Work Services ,Glasgow City Council.
PCT—St Nicholas Care Fund—Have joined with JustTextGiving by Vodaphone and can now receive donations by Text. This service is being offered to all mobile phone users, and all monies donated go straight to our charity. Help us to lift people out of poverty text NICK06 followed by whole amounts of £1 to £10 to 70070.
St. Margaret’s Hospice Clydebank—Forthcoming fundraising events – see notice in the porch.
First Communion and Confirmation—Parents meeting on Thursday 27th October at 7.30 p.m. at the Upper Hall.
Commitment Mass for Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) —P.3 for children and parents on Sunday 30th October at 10.00 a.m. Mass.
Enrolment for the Sacraments—Parents presenting children for the Sacraments require to complete application forms that are available on the table at the church porch.
First Communion (Yellow)
First Confession/Penance/Reconciliation (Purple)
Confirmation (Pink)
A form for each Sacrament should be completed and returned to me as soon as possible. Thank you Fr. Donnelly.
Dates for the Children’s Choir—13th November, 20th November, 11th December, 18th December—ALL AT 10AM MASS and 11th December—Family Advent Service at 3pm.
White Flower Appeal—29/30th October. We are required to take up the collection outside the church.
All parish musicians—Cantors, organists, choral group, instrumentalists etc—a meeting to consider the music suitable for the new Mass texts—on Sunday 23rd October at 2 30pm at the church. If you intend to be present it would be helpful to leave a message at the presbytery—a note or phone call. Thank you.
Tea and Coffee—After 10am mass on Sunday 23rd October. All donations of home baking appreciated (no nuts). Thank you Shivonne Hayes 942 8603
Charity Christmas Card Fair—November 20th after 10am and 12pm Masses. Would any parish groups wishing to sell cards please contact either Annamaria Strachan 942 9799 or Anne MacIntosh. If any members of the parish have connection with any other charities and would like to sell cards please contact the above to book a table.