blessed are they who have not seen me, but still believe!"
Once again, many congratulations to Jacks, Rebecca, Jason and Rokas. They will continue to journey over the next few months through the RCIA Easter period of Mystagogia (entering into the Mystery). With all good wishes for the Easter Season. “The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you”.
As we journey through Eastertide we should remember that the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays has been restored. We should see this as an opportunity to come together again as a community of faith to listen to the Word of God and be nourished by the body of Christ. Come back to Mass! As always, the obligation does not apply to those who are sick, and their carers, or to those who have greater vulnerability to the virus. With the schools back, the children’s liturgy at 10am Mass starts back today.
We look forward to the First Holy Communion celebrations, which will take place on 14th / 15th & 21st / 22nd May at 2pm. Please keep the first communicants in your prayers.
St Andrews Squad (SAS), Sundays 24th April and 8th May, for all Primary 4 children in the parish celebrating First Holy Communion this May. Please come along to the Upper Hall at 9am leading into the 10am Mass with children’s liturgy.
Before receiving Holy Communion,we are asked to make some preparatory act of reverence such as a bow. This should be made just before receiving Communion.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays 10am – 11am. Confessions throughout
Confessions – Also on Saturdays 4.15pm – 4.45pm & Sundays 9.15am – 9.40am
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive will take place on Wednesday 27th April in the Lower Hall, from 2pm – 4pm. Tea and coffee will be served. Entry £2. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
Walk, Cycle or Scoot to the Vigil or Sunday Mass during the Easter Season. An opportunity to take climate change action! Thinking about the air that we breathe and doing our bit to make it cleaner. Check out our WtW video on social media.
A huge thanks goes to everyone who has been involved in keeping us safe in our church and halls, especially over the past two years. Stewards will continue to minister at Mass along with passkeepers to meet and greet you on arrival.
Defibrillator. A defibrillator, which can restart a heart that has stopped beating, has now been installed in the Church. These devices are designed to be used by untrained individuals - they deliver simple, clear audio instructions to users. Despite their ease of use, we are extending an invitation to parishioners, passkeepers and stewards, to attend a defibrillator familiarisation session given by Milngavie First Responders in St Andrew’s Upper Hall at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 4 May. The session will also cover standard training in CPR, which should be started until a defibrillator can be deployed. If you wish to attend, please contact Billy Martin at [email protected]
Peer Support Group for Women Of Faith Affected By Separation or Divorce first Friday monthly 6pm St Patrick's, Dumbarton. For information contact 07970928028.
The Pope's Instagram (@Franciscus)
The Pope’s monthly video
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 24th April
Urge your MP to vote for compassion and welcome when the Nationality & Borders Bill returns to the House of Commons.
Monday 25th April 2022: 5 - 6 PM - Zoom Seminar - Lorna Gold - Catholic Schools and Care For Our Common Home: Rising To The Challenge of Laudato Si. Register via the following link
Drumchapel Foodbank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support. Our soup-run volunteers continue to collect donations from M&S, Byres Rd & Milngavie for delivery to Drumchapel & St Gregory’s Foodbanks, the Wayside Club & Aspire.
Parish Website – On the latest page and bulletin pages, click on subscribe for a daily summary of the previous day's posts.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent in by 12 Noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, the parish website and on our exterior noticeboard.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick and housebound and those in hospital
Recently Dead: Mary Lafferty, Joe Boyle, John Duke Muir, Karen Scoular, Andrew Strachan,
Anniversary: Kay Dyer, Kathleen Hocking, Thomas McKinnon, Gerard John Murray, Patrick Murray, Ella Smith, Ada Sugrue.