"From the bright cloud the Father's voice was heard.
'This is my son, the Beloved, listen to him.' "
Lent Masses—Tuesdays 10am.
Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays— 7.30am & 10am.
Saturdays 10am & Vigil at 6pm.
Stations of the Cross—Thursdays at 7pm (except 28th February).
Liturgy of the Word & Communion—Mondays at 10am.
Sick & Retired Priests Fund—the second collections during Lent on Sundays are for this Archdiocese Fund except on SCIAF Sunday (9/10th March).
Lent Station Mass—Archbishop Tartaglia will celebrate Mass in each of the nine deaneries of the Archdiocese during Lent. Our local North West Deanery Mass will take place at St. Laurence’s Drumchapel on Thursday 28th February at 7pm. (Stations of the Cross are cancelled this evening at St. Andrew’s).
Mass of Thanksgiving for the Petrine Ministry of Pope Benedict XV1 and to pray for His Successor.—Archbishop Tartaglia will celebrate Mass in St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday 1st March at 7.00 p.m. All welcome.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion—Are required to assist the priest (and deacon) in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. These ministers are appointed by the Archdiocese, following discussion with the Parish Priest, for a fixed, renewable, term. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, then you should contact Fr. Donnelly in the first instance, either to volunteer your services or to nominate someone you think would be appropriate for this parish service. Service will be at the Mass you normally attend and will usually be no more than once per month. Training will be given before you first exercise this ministry. Whilst we would be happy to consider anyone who might be willing to offer this service, we are particularly short at both the 10am and 12noon Masses on Sunday.
World Youth Day—25th –28th July at The University of Stirling. Open to all young adults aged 14-25. Involves a Youth Festival, daily mass, great music and a mini Pilgrimage. Cost £250 including accommodation and all meals. Anyone interested contact Erin McGonigle on 07904 648817 or via her Facebook Page. See notice in the porch.
St. Andrew’s Children’s Choir Dates 2013—17th February, 10th March, 17th March, 21st April, 12th May, 19th May, 9th June & 16th June. All at the 10am mass. Any queries, please contact Mrs Annamaria Strachan, 0141 9799/07749715514 (phone or test); [email protected]
Baptism Preparation Sessions 2013—Are planned to take place at the Lower Hall from 11.00 a.m. to 1. 15 on the following dates and a session should be attended before Baptism by parents and godparents.
2nd March, 4th May, 1st June, 6th July, 7th September, 5th October, 2nd November, 7th December. Please make arrangements with Father Donnelly. Thank you.
Area Leaders and Messengers—Meeting on Monday 25th February at 7.30 p.m. (Leaders) and 8.00 p.m. (Messengers) at the Lower Hall.
St. Andrew’s Squad—For all Primary 3 children celebrating First Confession. Please come to the Upper Hall on Sunday 24th February (not March sorry!) from 9.a.m.—9.45 a.m. Call Margaret Hendry 563 9993.
Charity Ladies’ Lunch and Fashion Show—In Aid of the White Lily Fund which raises money for Cancer Research in the West of Scotland. Come along and join in the fun! Sunday 17th March at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. A glass of bubbly on arrival at 1.00 p.m. and lunch begins at 2.00 p.m. Tickets cost £35 each. Some of the shops exhibiting are Solo, Silks and Wish. BBC weather girl Judith Ralston will be compering. Why not get together with some friends and take a table of 10. For more information and tickets, please contact Angela Bruno on 07730615045.
Altar Servers Awards—23rd/24th Feb
Messengers—In order to rationalize the messenger schedules, some re-allocations have had to be made. Therefore, would all area leaders and messengers please check their individual address list for any changes. Also would all messengers please have a word with Jim McLaughlin or John Heath at the Messengers meeting on Monday 25th February.
World Day of Prayer—1st March 2013 in New Kilpatrick Church at 10.30 a.m. Theme “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. Written by Christian women of France. Further info. from poster on notice board and leaflets on table in porch.
Rome Pilgrimage for he Pallium Ceremonies of the Archbishop of Glasgow—27th June – 2nd July 2013. See notice in the porch of the church.
Knights of St. Columba –New recruits—See notice in the porch of church
Ghanaian Catholic Community Scotland—Special Mass—See notice in porch of church.
The Newman Association—The Vatican and the American Sisters’ Group—See notice in porch of church.
Exploring Ignatian Life Workshop—Saturday 9th March 2013. See notice in porch of the church.
Objections to Conscientious Objection, Morals, Ethics and the Law—See notice in the porch.
Piety Stall—There is a selection of cards and gifts for Reconciliation (Confessions) on sale in the Piety Stall.
Pro-Life Rosary—The Pro-Life Rosary this month will be on Wednesday 27th February at 7.30 p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All welcome.
Mission Rosary—Rosaries are available at the Piety Stall—no charge—but any small donations will be sent to Missio Scotland. Thank you
Justice and Peace—Launch of the Bearsden and Milngavie Fairtrade Group. A Fairtrade Fair will be held on Saturday 9th March from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Milngavie Town Hall to launch this group. There will be a Fairtrade fashion show and stall by local suppliers showcasing their Fairtrade ranges. Two Fairtrade producers from Malawi will be present and tea and coffee will be served at an affordable price. Entry is free to all.