and all my being, bless his holy name."
We look forward to St Nicholas’ P6/2 joining us for Mass on Friday.
World day of Prayer Service will be celebrated in New Kilpatrick Church this Friday 1st March at 10:30am. All are most welcome.
Sisters from the Convent of St Elizabeth, Belarus, will be visiting our parish on 2nd/3rd March. They are selling goods and wares to aid their work at the Convent in running an orphanage, a nursing home for the elderly, a home for recovering alcoholics. They also run a farm for the benefit of the local community. They will be selling icons and religious gifts made at the convent.
Next soup run is this Friday 1st March. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit etc can be brought to the lower hall between 6.30 and 7pm. For food hygiene purposes, ideally it would be really helpful if sandwiches could be in packs of two or four. Many thanks for your ongoing support - Soup run team
Parish visit to Iona - If you have not received an e-mail copy of the letter with further details on our Parish visit to Iona, please pick up a paper copy from the porch.will be a meeting for anyone who wishes to come along on 21st March at 7pm in the Blessed Sacrament chapel at St. Andrew’s.
Archdiocesan Youth Trip: Life Teen Summer Camp, Alton Castle: In S1, S2 or S3? Join Youth on this 5-day programme of faith-filled fun: Holy Mass, prayer, games, activities, Alton Towers & SO MUCH MORE! – 8th August 2019, £350, limited places, contact [email protected] for more info. check out this video from last year’s Summer Camp:
Messengers Meeting on Monday 11 March -Area Leaders are asked to attend at 7.00 pm and at.30 pm,note earlier start times.
Next Youth Event -Discovering Lent Youth Evening in St Joseph’s- 16th March after 5.30pm Vigil Mass. More details soon.
Looking for a Lenten challenge?- How about praying for the Homeless Club users and volunteers working from the Wayside Club Centre, 32 Midland St, Glasgow? We are looking for your prayers during Lent and we’re also looking for help with practical tasks evenings between 7.30pm and 10.00pm and Saturday from 1pm - 3pm or prior to opening times for the preparation of food. You could bring a family member or friend with you (website on this link).
If interested, please contact Wayside Club President Charlie Hegarty by Facebook or 0141 221 0169 (after 7.00 pm) or email [email protected]
Catholic Social Thought for the Week In short, we are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us. Pardoning offences becomes the clearest expression of merciful love, and for us Christians it is an imperative from which we cannot excuse ourselves. Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus
PPC week. August 24th to 31st We could still do with a few more people to help with the organisation and preparation of meals for our guests over the duration of their stay. If you can give up a few of hours on one of the days (for lunch or evening meal) and have some fun, meet the team and just ‘muck’ in, then please say to Fr. Mackle or contact 942 4635 [email protected]
Ladies Fashion Show and Pop Up Shop -Castlehill fundraising team are organising a charity fashion show at Bearsden Academy on 13th Marchin order to raise funds for the nursery which serves St Nicholas Primary. Clothing from retailers such as Wallis, Marks&Spencer and Next will be available at discount prices. Tickets are £10 and include a buffet and soft drink. For tickets contact [email protected].
Between now and Easter, please keep in your prayers Pamela Edmiston, Gabija Lazaraviciute, Joakim Landstroem, Stephen Miller and David Quinn who are going though the RCIA process preparing to become Catholic at Easter. Their day’s retreat will be on 9thMarch, and on the 10thMarch at 3pm they will join others from RCIA groups across the archdiocese for the Rite of Election in the Cathedral
St Aloysius College Lourdes pilgrimage: each year, 30 students(along with members of staff and a medical team) take thirteen children with additional support needs to Lourdes. The trip is entirely self-funded, including the cost of excursions and medical supplies. Any donations would be gratefully received. Please contact: [email protected] for additional information. Donations for prizes for the students tombola fundraiser will also be gratefully received and can be handed in to the sacristy. Many thanks.
NET Ministries Scotlandhave reached and prayed with over 3,500 young people this year. We’re grateful to them for their recent visit to St Andrew’s. Two upcoming opportunities for young people – Fearless and Free: Retreat for young women (S4-S6) 2ndMarch. NET Come and See (ages 16-28) 9thMarch. For details and information visitwww.netscotland.org/eventsor pick up a leaflet from the porch.
Adult Faith Formation - Catholicism: Considering doing something different for Lent? Why not come along to a series of DVD presentations in the upper hall, starting on Thursday, March 7, at 7pm and running for 10 weeks.
Children’s Choir – March 10thand 17th, April 21st(Easter Sunday). All at 10am Mass. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
All donations to the Drumchapel Foodbank are gratefully received, and are delivered every Monday. Please leave donations inside at the back of the church.
Padre Pio Prayer Group – meetsMondays at 7pm. Divine Mercy Novenais prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
The Beginning Experienceare holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood.. 22 – 24 March at St Mary’s, Retreat Centre, Kinnoull, Perth. Contact Catherine [email protected]
The St. Andrew’s Squad- (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for First Holy Communion. Please come along and join us on Sunday 17thMarch from 9.00 – 9.45am in the Upper Hall. Any queries please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993.
February / March Meetings.
Ongoing Faith Formation – Mon 25th Feb 10.30am House
Justice & Peace – Tues 26th Feb 7.30pm St Joseph’s
Musicians / Cantors – Thurs 28th Feb 7pm House
Ongoing Faith Formation – Mon 4th March 10.30am
Youth Ministry – Mon 4th March 7pm
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead--James Ward. Sister Gerard, Carolyn Harper, Lisa Geddis, Anna Devine
Anniversaries—Kathleen Fitzgerald, Kathleen Tully, Chris Cole, Tom Milne, Snr. Manus Fallon