and give thanks to your name."
We are all really excited about our trip and we are each hoping it will bring us different experiences be that it strengthens our faith, allows us to make new friends or gives us perspective on the directions we wish to go in life.
Finally thanks again to everyone in the parish community for your support and kind words. We have created a Facebook page so we can keep you all updated throughout our time away. This journey is only possible because of all of you.
Kathleen Daves on behalf of WYD pilgrims.
Parish 50th Anniversary Celebrations - To help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our Parish, we’d like to gather photos of parish life over the past 50 years for possible inclusion in a 50th Jubilee calendar. If you have photographs of any aspect of our liturgical, pastoral or social life as a Parish such as celebration of the Sacraments, Parish Pilgrimages or social occasions, please share. You can do this in one of two ways. Either hand in photographs to the parish house or sacristy or send by e-mail to [email protected]. by 29th August. If you’d like any photographs returned, please just put these in an envelope with your name and address and we will have photographs copied and returned to you.
St. Andrew's Whist Drive will take place at 7:30pm on Monday 25th July in the Lower Hall. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability. Someone will be on hand to help if you are a beginner. It is, essentially, a social night. £3 includes admission, raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Come along for a great night. We'd love to welcome you!
For more details contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381
Soup Run – Friday 5th August 7pm in Lower Hall. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc most welcome. Any queries, please call Phyllis on 570 1343.
Drumchapel Foodbank As school meals are not provided during school holidays, many families are under additional pressure to provide for their children. Please be generous with your welcome help. Thank you.
30th July is World Day against People trafficking. At any given time, an estimated 2.5 million people are trapped in modern-day slavery. Men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers both in their own countries and abroad. Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims. Please say a prayer and be aware of victims of human trafficking, Thank you. St Andrew’s Justice &Peace group.
Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? RCIA, the process by which adults are received into the Catholic Church, will begin in the autumn. If you have any questions about receiving the Sacraments as an adult, or if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith, call 942 4635 or email [email protected]
AGAP at the Edinburgh Fringe – the “Margaret Sinclair Story” will be performed from Saturday 6th August until Friday 12th August; “Among Women” will be performed on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th August. These take place at St Patrick’s Church. Tickets cost £6 from 0131-226-0000 or www.edfringe.com.
Safeguarding Training - Volunteers who work in the parish with children and/or vulnerable adults, who weren't free to attend the safeguarding training on 21st March in St Margaret's, Clydebank, are asked to attend a training evening on Monday 29th August, 7-9pm in Eyre Hall, 196 Clyde Street, G1 4JY. To book, please contact [email protected] or tel 226 5998. If you are unable to make this date / venue, please contact the safeguarding office, who will provide you with a future date for training.
Thank you to the parishioners for the £500 donated for internal redecoration.
For young people, led by young people. An evening of prayer, adoration, live music, testimonies and reconciliation. 5th August at St Andrew’s Cathedral at 7pm. See poster for more details.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle or Mgr Ryan, who will gladly take your details. This invitation is aimed particularly at those children in P IV who have just made their First Holy Communion. Training sessions will start after school summer holidays.
Day Trip to Carfin for the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 4th. Bus will leave from Roman Road at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign sheet in porch, if you would like to go.
Upcoming Meetings
25th July at 7pm – Youth Commission
29th July at 10.30am – Reachout
1st August at 7pm – 50th Planning
22nd August at 7pm – Bereavement Support
1st Sept at 7pm – Baptism Preparation
5th Sept at 10.30am – Ongoing Faith Formation
6th Sept at 7pm – Liturgy Group
8th Sept at 7pm – Fabric & Finance
15th Sept at 7pm – Parish Pastoral Council
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Joan Davis, Margie Cornyn, Patricia Swiatek, Gilbert O’Rourke, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Alan Johnston, Martin Barnes, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Sheila Donnelly, Maureen MacIntosh, Davie Peacock, Lesley Cullen, Kay Reilly, Anne Rodgers, Diarmid O’Hara, Rosemary Queen
Recently Dead—Russell Roger, Mary Frances Gerrard, Maisie McGinty, Frances Gibney, Michael Barrett
Anniversaries—Charles Mochan, James & Lucy McCluskey, Elizabeth Murray.