"As for you little child, you shall be called a prophet of God the most High.
You shall go ahead of the Lord to prepare his ways before him."
Assisted Parish Collection—Last weekend—thanks for the sum of £462 collected.
Solemnity of Sts Peter & Paul—A Holyday of Obligation. Vigil mass on Thursday, 28th June at 7pm. Masses on Friday 29th June at 10am & 7pm.
Peters Pence Second Collection—Saturday/Sunday 30th June and 1st July.
St Mary’s Spirituality Retreat Centre, Kinnoull, Perth—For events, see notice in the Upper Hall corridor.
7th Tea in the Garden—proceeds to St. Margaret’s Hospice—see the notice in the porch.
Congratulations—To Mgr. Eugene McGee, celebrating the 60th anniversary of Priesthood on 28th June.
Justice & Peace—The United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture—Is held annually on 26th June to speak out against the crime of torture and to honour and support victims and survivors. Torture—which still occurs in many countries—encompasses many forms of suffering, both physical and psychological. It is illegal under international law and is a direct contradiction of the fundamental principle of Catholic Social Teaching—the Dignity of the Human Person.
Soup Run—The next soup run will be on Friday 6th July. Donations taken at the lower hall from 7pm. Soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc most welcome. Any queries please call Phyllis 0141 570 1343. Many thanks as always.
The 29 Club Summer 2012 Bumper Draw—Our Bumper Summer Draw took place at the Church on 20th June with the following winners:-
£1000 : No. 192 : Aileen Smith
£1000 : No. 65 : Jane McCann
£250 : No. 178 : Frank Kiriwood
£250 : No. 2 : Michelle Donnelly
£150 : No. 111 : Frank Quail
£150 : No. 18 : Alice Corish
£100 : No. 112 : David & Mary T Coyle
£100 : No. 27 : Jim & Pauline Sutherland
£50 : No. 171 : Bill Tarbert
£50 : No. 123 : Rita Smith
My thanks to the Parish Pastoral Council Team for making the draw and to all you 29 Club members thanks for your much appreciated support also to the winners Enjoy!! All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development Fund and various charitable causes. Vacancies are available now for the current season with membership at £6 per month or £65 per annum. Come and Join Us!! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942 6085 or Fr. Donnelly on 942 4635.
Forty Hours Adoration—On 1st July and not on 24th June as published in the Western Calendar. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, 17 Mitre Road Glasgow G11 7EF 0141 334 5330
Cross Church Players—The small group of enthusiastic thespians who make up the Cross Church Players seek like-minded individuals for fun, fellowship and footlights with a view to expanding the group’s repertoire. GSOH essential and willingness to learn script helpful. Contact Jean on 942 0259 or [email protected]
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive—Will be held on Monday 25th June in the lower hall at 7.30pm. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome. We are very friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. Please contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along for a great night.
Pauline Books & Media—Come along to hear and enjoy stories about the life of Jesus during the summer holidays—see notice in the porch.
Parish Pastoral Council—There are two vacancies on the council and we are anxious to recruit. Please send nominations of those whom you feel suitable to Fr. William Donnelly St. Andrew’s 29 Roman Road Bearsden in writing. Please first ensure that those nominated are willing to serve. The term of office is three years.