We welcome Survive Miva whoare visiting our parish this weekend to speak to us about their Missionary Vehicle Association’s work. There will be a second collection taken up to support the good work of this charity.
St. Andrew's Whist Drivewill take place Monday 25thJune, beginning at 7.30pm, in the Lower Hall. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability. Someone will be on hand to help if you are a beginner. It is, essentially, a social night. £3 includes admission, raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Come along for a great night. We'd love to welcome you! For more details contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07397319029
Parishes Cluster Meeting –Thursday 28thJune 7pm in St Andrew’s
Carpet Bowls Our summer outing is on Thursday 28th June. Bus leaves 10am from Hub at Bearsden Cross, a visit to Cardwell Garden Centre, on to Largs for afternoon and then to Seamill Hydro for High Tea at 5pm.We extend an invitation to anyone wishing to join us for a fun day out.The cost is £25 per person. We return approx. 9pmIf you would like to come please phone D, MacLean - 587 7319 to book your seat on the bus.We look forward to hearing from you.
Feast of Saints Peter & Paul – Friday 29thJune Holyday of Obligation – Masses 10am & 7pm Special Collection: 1stJuly – Peter’s Pence.
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for 2018 / 2019 school year P7 pupils of St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s Parishes in St Joseph’s Church at 7pm on Thursday 29thNovember 2018.Enrolment forms available in the porch to be returned please by 19thAugust.
Soup run -The next soup run is on Friday 6th July. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit etc can be brought to the lower hall between 6.30 and 7pm. For food hygiene purposes, ideally it would be really helpful if sandwiches could be in packs of two or four. Many thanks for all donations of sportswear and toiletries, much.
We need more volunteers so if you think you may be able to come along even on an occasional basis, please either give me a call or just come along. Veronica - 942 4775
P6 to S1 St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s Parishes. A Date for your diary. Saturday 1st September from 6.30pm – 8.30pm. in St Joseph’s Hall, Milngavie. Games, Open Mic, Disco, Food & Fun.
The Caritas Award 2019 So far, five of our young parishioners have signed up.Still not too late if you would like to become a Caritas candidate. If you are interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected]
“Come and see”leaflet. St Andrew’s parish receives a large number of visitors and come to attend celebrations, including First Holy Communion Masses,and Marriages. Our aim as a parish is to spread the Good News in a supportive way by extending not only a very warm welcome to everyone to Church, but to reach out with a meaningful invitation to “Come and see”
Reachout - We’re going to twin with St Joseph’s to produce theAdvent / Christmas Reachout. If you have any ideas or suggestions for content for this, please email John [email protected] editorial teams of both parishes will meet soon to start making preparations.
Celebrate Scotlandare holding a Catholic Charismatic Family Weekend at St Ninian’s High School, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, G46 6UG on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September following the success of last year’s event. For more information and to book, go to www.celebrateconference.org/scotland. Early bird discount for every adult ticket booked and paid for by Sunday 8th July.
20-40 Network EventsAged 20-40? Join the mailing list for details of events.[email protected] Next event - Laser Station at Soar, Braehead 14thJuly 7:15pm. Tickets £12 Email to book.
Catholic?Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? RCIA programme of learning and instruction will begin in the autumn. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
The Eco gardeners are very grateful to those who have very generously responded to their recent appeal to givesome of their time to help do a little weeding in the Spirit of Peace Jubilee Garden and in the top patio. Many thanks.
Annual Gathering for Parents: 18thAugust in St. Charles’, Paisley. This gathering is organised and run by the Scottish Catholic Education Service Parent Group.In this historic year, as we mark the centenary of our Catholic schools being run in partnership with local government, and when we see the introduction of a new Education Bill into law, it is more important than ever to promote the role of parents as the first educators of their children.This one-day event gathers parents from across all of our Dioceses and offers support, encouragement and the opportunity to talk with other parents about the challenges and joys of sharing faith with children and young people in today’s world. event is free. To organise catering and resources, please contact SCES on 0141 556 4727 / [email protected]
Privacy and GDPR – Every parish will soon be changing to an email address which will be provided by the Archdiocese of Glasgow.
Musicians Wanted:is celebrated each Monday at 7.15pm in Barlinnie Prison.The chaplains would appreciate the help of singers and musicians to lead the singing at the Mass.Commitment would be no more than once a month but could be less. If you can help, please telephone the chaplaincy on0141 770 2059email[email protected]
Please help the Passkeepers by leaving your hymn books and order of Mass cards tidily after Masses, and by taking your bulletin away with you. Many thanks.
If you have a disabilitythat affects your attendance at church or participation in any of the liturgies, and would benefit from some assistance or adaptations being made, please let us know. Email: [email protected]or phone 942 4635.
Day Trip to Carfinfor the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 2nd. Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign sheet in porch, if you would like to go.
AGAP Theatre's production, "Mungo: Legend of Glasgow's Saint"will be performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th August at 1.30pm in St Patrick's Church, Cowgate (Tickets £8/£5 from www.edfringe.comor 0131-226-0000). There will be two performances in Glasgow Archdiocese ahead of this: Friday 13th July at 7.30pm in Our Lady & St George's Church Hall, Penilee and Saturday 14th July at 7.30pm in St Eunan's Church Hall, Clydebank. Tickets £5 from 0141-552-5527 or ww.agap.org.uk(Click on 'Events').
Busted Halo (www.bustedhalo.com) – good for spiritual seekers. Has engaging answers to almost every moral and Catholic question you can think of. Particularly good for teenagers and young adults and great for finding up-to-the-minute commentary on world and Church affairs.
Emmaus Glasgow provides living and workspace for up to 24 previously homeless companions and is located in Hamiltonhill. of furniture welcome. Call Celia 342 4089. Mon—Sat to collect for free.
Drumchapel Foodbank As school meals are not provided during school holidays, many families are under additional pressure to provide for their children. If you're able to bring even just one tinned meal to Mass each week over the summer months and leave in the porch, these would be very gratefully received. Many thanks.
The National Evangelisation Team (NET) in Scotland is still looking for host homes for one week periods for next year’s mission. Whether you have extra beds or floor space for sleeping bags, email [email protected]for more information to host team members. Thank you! Next NET Retreat here in St Andrew’s - 27thJan 2019 for P7 Confirmation pupils.
For support, motivation and lots of fun,join our fitness classes every Wednesday in the upper hall at 10am. Call Rosemary on 01416397477 for details.
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead—Richard Harvie, Paul Younger.
Anniversaries--Ian McColl, Christopher Dunn, Anne Parker.