St Andrew's Feast Day – Saturday, 30thNov 10am Mass followed with free Teas / coffees and St Andrew's feast day cakes served in the chapel house dining room.
Are you a former pupil of John Paul Academy or do you know someone who is? Can you share your career journey since leaving school in a few short sentences and describe the skills you required to find your way in the world of work? We would like to use this information to motivate and inspire our current students. Please contact us at: [email protected] to share your story and attach a photo.
We need to talk…. about Trident - The event organised by the J&P groups of St Andrew's, St Joseph's and the Faith group New Kilpatrick was a very successful evening of informing and educating on a very complex issue. Photos of the event have been posted to Facebook and Twitter. If you want to do something about this, why not consider joining the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which in 2017 won the Nobel Peace Prize. The citation from the Nobel Committee reads, "ICAN, more than anyone else, has... given the efforts to achieve a world without nuclear weapons, a new direction and new vigour. Please keep an eye open for future "We Need to Talk...." events. Justice and Peace Group
CST Thought for the Week - 24 November (Feast of Christ the King) The church would betray its own love for God and its fidelity to the gospel if it stopped being . . . a defender of the rights of the poor . . . a humanizer of every legitimate struggle to achieve a more just society . . . that prepares the way for the true reign of God in history. Saint Oìscar Romero
St. Andrew's Whist Drive will take place on Monday 25th November, beginning at 7.30pm, in the Lower Hall. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability. Someone will be on hand to help if you are a beginner. It is, essentially, a social night. £3 includes admission, raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Come along for a great night. We'd love to welcome you! For more details contact Susan Morrison.
General Election 2019 - On parish Facebook, there's a letter from the Catholic Bishops of Scotland. Printed copies available in the porch or visit https://rcpolitics.org/elections-uk-parliament/
It is essential that all parents hoping to send their children to schools within East Dunbartonshire Council area check the consultation on proposals to change admission arrangements to all of the council's primary and secondary schools. Visit https://www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/council/consultations/school-admission-and-transfer-arrangements-primary-secondary-school to complete the online form. Printed copies are available from the Hub. Please do take part in the consultation, which ends on December 6. It is of the utmost importance.
Next altar servers training session is scheduled for 1 Dec 2pm in the church.
Children's Choir – Dec 15 & 25 at 10am. Asda 13th Dec at 1.30pm, and St Nicholas' Christmas concerts 17th and 19th Dec. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
Adult Faith Formation – Next in the Bishop Barron Pivotal Players series of DVDs is on the life of St Francis of Assisi – Thurs 5th Dec in the Upper Hall at 7pm. Please join us for tea/coffee and Bishop Barron's insight into this important figure in the Church.
Monthly Reflection Sessions, the next session will take place on Monday 25th November after the 10 am Mass in the Church House Dining Room. We will be reflecting on the Gospel reading for Sunday 1st Dec which is the first Sunday of Advent. The Gospel reading for that Sunday is Mathew 24:37-44. Please join us for coffee/ tea and a friendly discussion.
St Andrew's and St Joseph's Youth Ministries Team invite you to joint them for Family Carol Singing on Fri 20th Dec at St Andrew's Jubilee Garden (weather permitting), followed by a social gathering in the Hall for some festive treats. Singing will commence at 7pm. You don't have to be a family to join our family, all welcome (children must be accompanied by an adult). Donations of festive treats would be welcome, more info to follow.
Passkeepers – Due to some people standing down, we are now short of passkeepers for the 5pm Vigil and the 10am Sunday Masses. If you feel you can help, please contact Fr Mackle or Michael Sheerin on 943 0935
St Nicholas' Christmas Fayre. Sat 30th Nov. St Andrew's Hall. 1pm- 4pm. Come and join us for a hot drink, a mince pie and some shortbread and have a browse around our fabulous Christmas stalls. Adults £2 ( includes tea, coffee, mince pies and shortbread). Children £1 ( includes juice and biscuits)
A huge thank you to everyone who came along and supported this year's Christmas Fair last Sunday. Sincere thanks also to Veronica Maguire and the fabulous team who helped with serving the teas and coffees after both masses, to the providers of the home baking, to those who helped us set up and put away all of the tables and chairs and to everyone who helped us serve in the stall – we are extremely grateful to you all for your assistance. We are delighted to tell you that a phenomenal £462.00 was raised for The White Lily Fund from the sale of teas, coffees, homebaking and raffle tickets. Many thanks to everyone who purchased raffle tickets, congratulations to the winners: Kate O'Hagan – Christmas hamper; Ann Smith – bottle of wine; Aileen Miller – bottle of wine
Annamaria Strachan and Anne MacIntosh
Christmas Fair – The members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem would like to thank the kindness of the parishioners at last week's charity fair. Through your generosity, we raised £342, the proceeds of which go to support the Christian community of Aboud in Palestine.
An Introduction to Prayer for Everyone- Deacon Nick - On 28th Nov 7pm – 8pm in the upper hall Deacon Nick will be speaking on "An Introduction to Prayer for Everyone." - a one hour session prior to Advent to get your prayer juices flowing. We are all called to be holy but we are not all called to be priests or religious people. This is aimed at everyone whether you are a busy working parent, a student or a retired person: there is a prayer style for everyone and it doesn't have to eat into your busy life. Come along and be inspired.
Milngavie and Bearsden Fair Trade Group is holding a Christmas Fayre in the Upper Hall 3.30 – 5.00 pm on Fri 29 Nov. Mince pies and non-alcoholic fruit punch together with fairtrade goods (including Christmas cards and Advent calendars) will all be for sale. All are welcome.
Our soup run volunteers and folk group will take Christmas gifts and sing carols at two centres on Fri Dec 6. We plan to distribute gift bags and they should include a hand-written Christmas card, and an assortment of hats, gloves, scarves, underwear, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, female sanitary products, toothpaste and toothbrushes. If you are able to provide any or all of these items, including gift bags, please put in the soup run box at the back of the church by Sun, Nov 24. In addition, extra new or excellent condition inexpensive men's underwear is desperately needed and will be distributed at the Wayside Club. Many thanks for all your support over many years.
29 CLUB Pre Christmas Draw top prize £1000 - deadline 27th Nov. New Members very welcome!! Speak to Brian or Fr Joe if you wish to join – £6 Monthly by bank standing order Or £65 Annual payment. All proceeds go to Parish Funds and Charitable causes. A Big Thanks to existing members for their prompt renewal payments recently with only a handful still outstanding. Draw results will be published early December. Good luck!! Thanks and God Bless Brian Donnelly942-6085
Upcoming Meetings
25th Nov – Youth Ministry – 7pm – House
25th Nov – Justice & Peace – 7pm – Hut
29th Nov - Emmaus - 10.30am – House
Recently Dead--Maria Farmer, Nora Cameron, Harry Hynds, Ann Ferguson, Betty Holloran, Carmen Mullen, Betty Gray, Michael Watson, Derek Norman, Andrew Brown, M. Andre Gayral, John Donohoe.
Anniversaries--Clare McTavish, Elizabeth Duncan, Catherine Mulhern, Jack Mulhern.
6 Months Mind--Gerald O'Hara