slow to anger and of great kindness."
Representatives from the NET Ministry's team, we’re hoping, will be free to attend Masses on 30th September and 1st October to give young parishioners a flavour of their work and to make them aware of the upcoming retreat day that they will be leading 29th October. We hope to see as many young people as possible at Mass over this weekend.
Aid to the Church in Need appeal at all the Masses this weekend. After the vigil Mass at 7pm in the Lower Hall, ACN will give a presentation on their work, and there will be an opportunity for Q&A. Teas and coffees will be served. All are most welcome. Organised by the parish's Justice and Peace Group. An invitation has been extended to all in the Association of Bearsden Churches. ACN helps and assists persecuted and oppressed Christians around the world.
There will not be a meeting of the Padre Pio Group on Monday 25th Sept, due to the Sept weekend holiday. Next meeting will be 2nd Oct.
New School Name consultation among families of both primary schools has now begun. Consultation on school badge, uniform, tie design and colour will begin after the Oct break.
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for P7 pupils of St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s Parishes in St Joseph’s Church 7pm 6th February 2018.
A meeting for parents and sponsors – this Thursday 28th September at 7pm in St Joseph’s Church Hall, Milngavie.
Save the date – Saturday, 25th November. St Andrew’s 50th Anniversary Music Night with Parish Musicians. More details soon.
SPUC Scotland National Conference, 200 St Vincent St. Saturday 7th October. Hear top international speakers and learn about the exciting work being done to promote the right to life. 9.30 - 4pm includes lunch. Tickets £25. Call 0141 221 2094.
St. Andrews toddler and pre school group is back from Thursday 28/09 in the lower hall 9:30am-12, £1 per family, tea, coffee and friendly chat. Contact [email protected]
Children’s Choir – Nov 12th ; Dec 3rd (Golden Jubilee Mass 10.30am) December 10th & 17th 10am mass and Kelvin Choir concert 3pm. Dec 25th (Christmas mass) – All at 10am unless otherwise stated. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan01419429799/07749715514 - [email protected]
SPRED are also looking for practical support, and aof meetings for potential new volunteers will be held on four consecutive Tuesday evenings starting Oct 3rd at the SPRED centre in Provanmill. If you are interested, or perhaps even just curious, why not go along and find out more? - there’s no commitment at this stage. More information from Catherine (942 6984) or Lorna (942 0696)
Thank you for your generosity in the recent second collections – Assisted Parishes - £676; SPRED - £ 1,110; Mary’s Meals - £2,427, plus 215 bags of clothing.
Handyman wanted for some minor joinery work in the Upper Hall. Please contact Gordon Reid to discuss further if this is something you think you can help with on 07528 425 698.
Altar Servers.Any young member of the Parish who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle or Mgr Ryan, who will gladly take your details.This invitation is aimed particularly at those children in last year’s P IV who made their First Holy Communion last May.Training sessions are planned to start as soon after the mid-October half-term as practicable.
Primary Three Parents intending to present their child for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation, please complete an enrolment form available in the porch and return it by 13th October.
Mass of Commitment for Primary Three families will be at 10am on Sunday 29th October.
Raised planter at the front of the church – please see, on the noticeboard, a sketch of the plan for patio and bench in this area with a St Andrew theme.
St. Andrew's Whist Drive will take place on Monday 25th September, beginning at 7.30pm, inLower Hall. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability. Someone will be on hand to help if you are a beginner. It is, essentially, a social night. £3 includes admission, raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Come along for a great night. We'd love to welcome you!more details contact Susan Morrison on0141 563 795907397319029
St Andrew's PTA are hosting a coffee morning this Friday 29th September in the school hall from 9am - 11am. All Welcome.
Upcoming Meetings: Parent Council AGM – 7pm 26th Sept; RCIA – 7pm 27th Sept; Confirmation Preparation – 7pm 28th Sept (in St Joseph’s); Bereavement Support Group – 7pm 2nd Oct; SVDP – 7pm 2nd Oct; Justice & Peace – 7pm 5th Oct; Musicians & Cantors – 7pm 5th Oct; 50th Anniversary Planning – 7pm 9th Oct
Dementia Friends Session - All most welcome, especially those who visit the housebound and elderly i.e. EMHCs, LOM & SVDP. Monday 9th Oct at 11am Lower Hall. Contact Anne O’Donnell on 946 0966 or ao’[email protected]. .
Allander Jazz Band Alzheimer’s Fundraiser - Ellangowan Social Club, Milngavie, 14 October. Tickets £5. Raffle prizes donations welcome. Tickets / information contact:- Anne O’Donnell on same. See poster in the porch. All raised funds from this event helps to support the community activity groups which we facilitate in the East Dun/shire area so please support a local cause.
Scottish Country Dancing is recognised as an excellent way to get and stay fit.It’s also very sociable and great fun.No special footwear required; no need to come with a partner.There are classes in the area.Anyone interested or for more information, please contact Chris on 942 7519.
What’s on the next few months?
Sunday 22nd October – Coffee Morning
Sunday 29th October – Mass of Commitment for P3 Families
Sunday 29th Oct – Youth NET Ministry Golden Jubilee Retreat
Sunday 19th Nov – Coffee Morning & Jubilee Christmas Fair
Saturday 25th Nov – St Andrew’s Music Night with Parish Musicians
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm.
Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
Drumchapel food bank - all items left in the porch are taken each Monday to the foodbank.
Many thanks.
Upcoming Special second collections
Mission Sunday – 22nd Oct
Assisted Parishes – 12th Nov
White Flower – 26th Nov
Arts in Autumn – Pick up an events leaflet from the porch or visit www.agap.org.uk Open auditions 12th Oct 7pm at St Mungo’s, Townhead for “Mungo: Legend of Glasgow’s Saint” – Contact 552 5527 or [email protected]
Monday Evenings in our Hall - SoundRoutes Singers - Fun, friendly and inspiring choir now recruiting! Adults of all ages are welcome, even those who think they can’t sing! Monday 8:30-10:00pm in the Upper Hall. No auditions, no pre-booking - just turn up. Cost £5 a week. Email: [email protected] Call: 07811 504141
Please remember in your Prayers
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran, Maura Murphy, Maria Giovanazzi, Clare MacTavish, Jim Cameron, Mary Magovern, Jackie McCann, Vikki Allinson, Eileen Brown, Annamaria McGill, Shona Doherty, Michael Moss.
Recently Dead—Peter Tarbert, John Watters.
Anniversaries--Rose & Charlie Boyle, Dermot O’Leary.
Months Mind--Mary Moss.