he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.”
Pop-up choir: If you'd like to be part of our pop-up choir for the Saint Andrew's Night celebration on 2nd December, please come along to a rehearsal on Sunday 1st October at 3p.m. Laughter guaranteed! (St Augustine: The one who sings, prays twice!)
Holy Hour – Saturday 30th September 10a.m. – 11a.m. In advance of the first assembly of the Universal Synod, which begins on 4th October (the last day of the Season of Creation), an ecumenical prayer vigil is taking place in Rome in the presence of Pope Francis and representatives of different Churches, to unite us all in praise and silence, in listening to the Word. That weekend, you are invited to our Saturday Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament – prayer time to give thanks for all that God has made and to commit ourselves to take action to protect his gift to us of the earth our common home.
Huge thanks for a terrific turnout and to everyone bringing so much excitement and fun to last weekend’s Race Night, which galloped its way to an amazing fundraising total of over £1,500 for parish funds. Massive thanks to all who supported the Night, and special thanks to the Halls’ Committee who work tirelessly arranging our parish’s socials. Next one - St Andrew’s Night Sat 2nd December. Hope you can manage along. Great music lined up.
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - These (ecological) situations have caused sister earth, along with all the abandoned of our world, to cry out, pleading that we take another course. Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last two hundred years. (#53)
Season of Creation – 1st September until 4th October. We thank you, God, for the beauty of creation: may the work of humanity not disfigure it, but enhance it to your greater glory.
SEASON OF CREATION - WEEK 4 This week, the Scottish Laity Network has organised a Zoom session on Thursday 28th September, 7.00 - 8.30 pm, on “Birthing Cosmos and Self~ Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus”.
Register through their website, http://scottishlaitynetwork.org.uk
Season of Creation Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary Sunday 1st October 4.30p.m. Some decades will be prayed outdoors in the Jubilee garden – weather permitting. “Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, now cares with maternal affection and pain for this wounded world” Laudato Si’ 241
Season of Creation: a date for the diary. On Monday 2nd October at 7p.m. there will be a screening of the Laudato Si' film, "The Letter" aimed in particular at parishioners in the 18-35 year old age group - the age range invited to Rome for a prayer vigil during the final weekend of the Season of Creation. (together23.net)
The film will be followed by the opportunity for discussion about what we can/should do next to protect our world for our children. If you can't come along but would like to get involved in some way, please send a message to [email protected]
Lobby your MSP against dangerous proposals to legalise assisted suicide. Scotland must reject assisted suicide. We should be caring for people, not killing them. Say ‘NO’ to assisted suicide. Visit the website, Scottish Parliamentary Office, for guidance on contacting MSPs. https://rcpolitics.org/assistedsuicide/
Catholic Parliamentary Office – Sign up for the latest news and articles at https://rcpolitics.org/ ~ raising Catholic pressing matters in a political forum ~ protecting Catholic values ~ making the voice of the Catholics heard in Scottish and UK Parliaments.
Altar Servers. Altar Server Training sessions will start on Sunday 1st October straight after the 12 Noon Mass. Any young member of the Parish who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle, who will gladly take your details. This invitation is aimed particularly at those children in P4 who made their First Holy Communion in May earlier this year.
Confirmation Meeting for all Parents and Sponsors ~ Thursday 28th September at 6.30p.m. in St Nicholas'.
All P3 parents intending to present their child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent 2024, please collect before Mass an enrolment form from the sacristy.
Forms to be returned, please, by Sunday, 29th October 2023. P4 parents are not required to re-enrol. Your form and all the details on it from last year (P3) will automatically roll on to the P4 list.
Children’s Choir Dates at 10a.m. mass St Andrew’s Church. If your child is not at St Nicholas’ and they would like to join the choir, please contact Annamaria ([email protected]/0141942 9799) to arrange rehearsal links. 8th October, 12th November, 10th, 17th and 25th December.
For women affected by separation and divorce – confidential and peer support Friday 6th October 2023
St Patrick's, Dumbarton 6-8p.m. [email protected]
Forthcoming Special Collection: 22nd October ~ Missio Scotland
The Church is open until 5p.m. Monday to Saturday. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass Monday to Thursday. All most welcome.
It is pleasant to spend time adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is such a priceless treasure ~ by praying before it, we are able to make contact with Christ present in the Most Holy Sacrament. Saturdays 10a.m. until 11a.m. Confessions throughout.
Confessions also on Saturdays 4.15p.m – 4.45p.m & Sundays 9.15a.m – 9.40a.m
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
You can raise FREE donations for the parish every time you shop online. Take a moment to sign up at https://tinyurl.com/StAndrewsBearsden2023
Support For Drumchapel Foodbank. Non-perishable food items are always gratefully received and can be placed in the House porch. Donations can also be taken straight to the Foodbank at Ladyloan Pl Unit 9, G15 8LB. We regularly use cash donations to purchase food items for delivery straight to the foodbank. Our rota is always looking for more foodbank volunteer drivers. If you can help, please get in touch. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our soup-run volunteers collect donations every evening from M&S Milngavie for delivery to St Gregory’s Foodbank and Aspire West End. If you are interested in volunteering once or twice a month, please get in touch with Veronica McLaughlin - [email protected].
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 6 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboards in the Church porch and the Church grounds.
Recently Dead: Patrick Boyle, Charlotte Gunn, Ellen McGarvie, Piero Merle, Jane Mulgrew, Carmen Torrente and Ray Traynor.
Anniversaries: Bridie Tolland.