Family Fun Walk – Please note the route has been changed. An all abilities countryside walk (about 90 minutes) to Schoenstatt, Sunday 15th Sept.Bus will leave from the Hub 1.15pmfor Strathblane and walk to Schoenstattconclude with a short prayer service. Bring a packed lunch and some drinks. Returning to Bearsden 5pm.
Day Trip to Carfinfor the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 1st.Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign the sheet in the porch, if you would like to go.
Everyone’s invited this Friday 30thAugust. 7pm Mass followed by buffet supper in the hall with entertainment. Celebrating Pilgrimage for Christ Mission Week.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:Over the years, many people have become Catholic through RCIA. Some were not baptised, some were Christians of other denominations wanting to become a Catholic maybe because of the goodness they see in their catholic spouse, and some were catholic but hadn’t completed their initiation into the Church (not Confirmed or received the Eucharist). God may be calling someone to become Catholic through you. We pray that we will be channels through which others can answer the call. The parish’s RCIA programme will begin soon. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, call 942 4635 or email [email protected]
Word on Fire:How can we develop our thinking as Catholics about Catholicism in order to spread the Good News with confidence? The US-based Word on Fire Institute, founded by Bishop Robert Barron, provides tools for laypeople to become Catholic evangelists. The Institute’s website includes theological tools, moral teaching, and provides advice on how to develop our holiness. See: You can also access a wealth of videos about our faith by subscribing to Bishop Barron’s YouTube channel. Bishop Barron addresses a whole host of matters ranging from Catholic theology to myths about the Catholic Church. Go check it out and be inspired!
School Uniform Collection.There is a letter on the noticeboard from collection organiser, Judith Reid, thanking everyone who handed in school uniforms to the collection box over the summer holidays. Over 300 families in Clydebank and Dumbarton have been helped.
'Calling S1 Young People- Save the Date!A social and catchup in St. Joseph's Hall on Saturday 26th October. 630pm to 830pm. Games, crafts,Pizza, Karaoki and much more. Tell your friends. Organised by Caritas students.
Youth Ministry TeamAs well as the S1 pupils reunion, in the pipeline for the cluster are a P6 Retreat in November, advent Carol Singing event, February NET Ministry Retreat, Lenten youth evening, P7 pre Confirmation Retreat, and Caritas.We’re hoping to get the Pope Francis Faith Award started at some stage soon. Next meeting 2ndSept 7pm.
Do search You tubefor the Catholic TV Network Youtube. It is good for anyone who is unable to attend Mass.
Coffee MorningPlease do join us in the upper hall after the 10am Mass today for this month’s charity coffee morning. We are raising funds for Society for St Vincent de Paul. Its charitable work includes visiting people at home,hospital, in a hospice or in prison, enabling volunteers get to know people and provide help in other ways.
Annual Pilgrimage to pray for the Beatification of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair.Sunday 8thSept 2pm. Contact Gerry Kane on 562 5107 / 07810228621 for bus times. Full details in the porch.
St. Andrew's Whist DriveMonday 26thAugust 7.30pm, in the Lower Hall. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability. Someone will be on hand to help if you are a beginner. It is, essentially, a social night. £3 includes admission, raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Come along for a great night. We'd love to welcome you! For more details contact Susan Morrison.
Children’s Choir – September 15th and 22nd, November 10th and 24th, & December 15th and 25th. All at 10am. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514--[email protected]
St Andrew’s Carpet Bowlswill resume Thursday 5thSept 1pm-4pm. New members will be very welcome.
The relics of St Therese of Lisieuxwill be visiting the Archdiocese of Glasgow from 16th - 19th September. The relics will stop first at HMP Barlinnie where Mass will be celebrated before being transferred to the parish of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux in Possilpark where they will remain until their transfer to the Cathedral on Tuesday 17th September. A programme of events, plus Novena prayer card are available in the porch.
Baptism Course—Parents and godparents of children to be baptised soon are asked to attend the next preparation course on Thursday 5th September at 7.00 p.m. in the Upper Hall.
Diocesan Safeguarding Conversation to reflect on safeguarding / abuse issues will take place on Saturday 7th September, 12 – 3pm, at the Archdiocesan Offices, 196 Clyde Street G1 4JY. All most welcome to attend. Even if you have not been directly and personally affected by issues of abuse, you have an opinion which matters. For more information, see noticeboard or pick up a leaflet from the porch. To book a place, contact the Safeguarding Team on 0141 226 5898 / [email protected]
Emmaus Glasgowliving and workspace for up to 24 previously homeless companions and is located in Hamiltonhill. Donations of furniture are welcome. Call Gavin on 0141 342 4089 for free uplifts.
Drumchapel Foodbankhave expressed their thanks for the tremendous support given by our parish weekly. All donations of non -perishable food items and toiletries placed in the boxes in the church porch are gratefully received, and delivered every Monday to the foodbank.
Caritas Award 2020 Still not too late if you would like to sign up. If you are in your final year of high school or just left and interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected]
The church is openuntil 4.45pm (7.30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays) Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God. Tea is served in the hut after 10am daily Mass. All most welcome.
FIND for young people S5 – 25. Discussion, prayer and pizza. Every Thurs 4pm – 6.30pm in 196 Clyde St. FORMED for P7 – S4. Chance to meet new friends. Prayer and Pizza. 4.30pm – 7pm in 196 Clyde St. Every 1stFriday. Pick up an info card from the porch. Visit
The Beginning Experienceare holding a weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood.. 4th – 6th Oct at Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. Contact Catherine 0131 665 3383 [email protected]
Mary’s Mealsbe visiting the parish to collect any unwanted, rags etc for recycling on Sunday 29th September. They regret that they cannot take duvets and pillows. They will also sell raffle tickets after each Mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is, perhaps, the best way to enter into prayer and draw closer to Jesus outside of Holy Mass. Adoration is sitting quietly before the real presence of Christ, who hears us and who sees us. Consider coming to spend even just a short period of time in adoration and prayer each Saturday 10.30am until 12.30pm.
Forthcoming Special Collections –SPRED – 8thSept; LEPRA – 21stSept.