and you also will testify."
Saints Peter and Paul’s feast day is this Thursday and a holyday of obligation. Masses are 10am and 7pm.
St Nicholas' Leavers' Mass and presentation to say farewell to the school's P7 pupils will be held this Tuesday 27th June at 6.30pm in the school. Parents and family members most welcome. The P7s will be very much missed. We wish them the very best of luck for the future. We wish them, too, and their families and the whole school community a lovely summer!
Great Caritas pics on our social media. Going into your final year of school after summer? Interested in becoming a Caritas candidate? Get in touch. Visit www.caritasaward.org.
A wee team of parishioners had a lovely visit last week to St Nicholas’ with the children of Primary 5 to introduce them to the Pope Francis Faith Award (PFFA) which they will have the opportunity to enrol in next session. Lots of great questions were asked and we hope many of the children choose to take this Faith Journey through their final two years of St Nicholas’ Primary School. The Youth Ministries Team, school teachers and clergy will support each young person throughout their Pope Francis Faith Award and are happy to answer any questions that may come up when deciding to take this journey. So, mums and dads, after summer, do look out for the invitation to enrol, if you would like your child to become a PFFA candidate.
Family Quiz Night fundraiser for WYD23 Lisbon - with a buffet and bar - £5 per adult and £2.50 per child next Sat1st July at 6.15pm in the upper hall. Questions will be fun and suitable for all ages. Tickets on sale after every Mass the weekend before, by contacting [email protected] or by seeing me at any of the Vigil Masses. Thank you all in advance and if you have any questions about World Youth Day, please feel free to ask! Hannah Quinn.
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive Wednesday June 28th in the Lower Hall, from 2pm – 4:15pm. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served. Entry £3.Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
Interested in being part of a Parish Visiting Team? In response to the Archbishop’s call to put evangelisation at the very heart of the archdiocese’s journey of ‘Looking to the Future’, we would like to form a team to visit homes in the parish. This would be as well as all the good visiting which is already carried out by extraordinary ministers of holy communion, the bereavement support group, SVDP, Legion of Mary and Messengers. Volunteers would be giventraining and would visit in pairs. They would be required to complete a Safeguarding form and attend the Safeguarding Induction course. Please get in touch, if you are interested.
Deanery Walk / Cycle for Vocations to the Diaconate, to the Priesthood and to the Religious Life. Leaving Holy Cross, Croy at 12.45pm today Sunday, 25th June to reach Carmelite Monastery, Kirkintilloch at 4pm. You can do the walk / cycle or just meet at Carmel for a chat.
The Report from our Deanery Council - copies available in the porch and on this link. St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s are now the one pastoral area. Meetings will take place soon to explore us working more closely together. Regular updates following Deanery Council and Pastoral Area meetings will be made to the parish.
The paperback edition of People I Met on the Way by Father Joseph Dillon is now available to purchase on Amazon.co.uk at a cost of £12.00 (or for European friends and relatives its 15 Euros). There will be a feature on Fr Joe and his visit to St Andrew’s and Gavin’s Mill in the July issue of Flourish and also in the Bearsden and Milngavie Community Magazine. A limited stock of first edition signed copies are available at Gavin’s Mill in Milngavie.
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - Yet “while it is true that an unequal distribution of the population and of available resources creates obstacles to development and a sustainable use of the environment, it must be recognized that demographic growth is fully compatible with an integral and shared development”.. (#50)
SVDP Report - Thanks to the generosity of many parishioners, in the year 2022/2023 St Andrew’s SVDP was able to support some families in St Nicholas’ Primary with £370, St Gregory’s SVDP with £500, Drumchapel food bank with £100, Lincoln Flats Community Project with £750, and our twin parish in India with £120.
Sunday 2nd July is National Thank You Day, with an emphasis on those caring for family with dementia - https://www.musicfordementia.org.uk/thank-you-day Music for Dementia aims to create a record for the most people singing the one song on one day – the song being “Thank you for being a friend”, a recording being released by singer Tony Christie, who has recently been diagnosed with dementia. Three local groups, Mind that Song, Daybreak and SingSong are getting together and would be very happy for anyone, who can sing, or not, to join them singing the song at the coffee after the joint 10.30am New Kilpatrick / Cross Church service being held at New Kilpatrick. Coffee 11.30am approx. Words will be provided, so all you will need are a pair of lungs and some enthusiasm.
The church is open until 5pm Mon to Fri. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass Mon to Thurs. All most welcome.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
Saturday Adoration Do come and spend some time each week to be still before God at our Saturday Adoration. If shopping at the cross, or out for a coffee, pop in to St Andrew's for some quiet prayer. Have a heart to heart with God. Saturday 10am until 11am , with Confessions throughout. Sunday Confession 9.15am until 9.45am.
Drumchapel Foodbank. Your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our soup-run volunteers continue to collect donations 7 eveningseach week from Marks & Spencer Milngavie for delivery to St Gregory’s Foodbank for families and Aspire West end to support those trying to get back on their feet. If you are interested in volunteering once or twice a month, please get in touch with Veronica McLaughlin - [email protected].
You can raise FREE donations for the parish every time you shop online. Take a moment to sign up at https://tinyurl.com/standrews-easyfundraising Easyfunding pinged £68 to us recently.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent in by 6 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboards in the Church porch and the Church grounds.
Recently Dead: Jack Brand, Dora Cairns, Christine Clingan, Mary Dalby, Francesca Devaney, Jack Gray, Jack Kearns, Monica McCusker, Shona MacInnes and Martin McConnell
Anniversary: Donald MacLean, Anne Parker, Mark Sanders, Annie Scott and Tom Smith.