will give you another Advocate."
May Devotions. Rosary and Benediction today, Sunday at 4.30pm.
Ascension Thursday – 29th May and a Holyday of Obligation. Masses 10am and 7pm. Please note, there will be no Vigil Mass on the 28th May.
Baptism Preparation Course – Saturday, 7th June at 11am in the Lower Hall for parents and Godparents.
Thank you to everyone who assisted with the First Holy Communion Masses, especially the teachers and parishioners who were so generous with their time helping to prepare the children and the church for these special occasions. Many thanks to all who were involved in various liturgical ministries. A very sincere thank you to all the families and indeed to everyone for helping to make the Masses truly joyful and prayerful celebrations. Congratulations to all the children who made their First Holy Communion and to their families.
First Holy Communion Thanksgiving Prayer Service at 3pm and Party— in the hall afterwards – Sunday 1st June.
Pupils and staff of St Andrew’s Primary last Monday were delighted to welcome to their school some John Paul Academy pupils and staff who shared their experiences and learning of their recent visit to Rome for the momentous occasion of the canonisations of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII.
Day for Life 31st May – A day in the Church’s year dedicated to celebrating and upholding the dignity of human life. The Church teaches that life should be protected and nurtured from conception to natural death. “On this Day for Life let’s reflect on those for whom life is most vulnerable – the unborn and the terminally ill – and commit ourselves to being pro-life people who value life at its very beginnings, its maturing and its declining” The second collection will be taken up on 8th June to support the Church in her pro-life work.
Religious Observance in Schools Survey can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/s/NC3BR5D
In response to East Dunbartonshire Council voting through the closure of St Joseph's school in Milngavie against the united opposition of parents and Church, the Archdiocese has released the following statement: "This is a deeply disappointing decision and one that causes us great concern as the council is effectively planning to end Catholic education in Milngavie. This plan must be called in by the Scottish Government and it is our hope that it will be overturned and common sense will prevail. We recognise that the local authority has difficult decisions to make and is facing major budget restrictions. We want to work constructively with them to provide a solution which would maintain Catholic education in Milngavie"
St Andrew’s Whist Drive— Monday 26th May in the Lower Hall at 7.30pm. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome. We are very friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. Somebody will always be there to help if you have never played or if you're a bit rusty. It is, essentially a social occasion. Please contact Susan Morrison on 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along for a great night.
Dear Married Couples—How often do we invest in our homes, our holidays, our cars, our children but forget to invest in our most important relationship – our marriage? Of all the things Pope Francis could have chosen to focus on since his election he chose family life and marriage as the jewels to be treasured. He sees our worth, value and richness. But do we?? We are offering an afternoon for married couples to reflect on our married love and be reminded of the graces we received in the sacrament of marriage. Join us on Saturday 7th Jun at 3pm at St. Gregory’s, Kelvindale Road, G20 8DP, concluding with Vigil Mass for the feast of Pentecost at 6pm. There will be an opportunity for us to renew our marriage vows too! Hope to see you there! See noticeboard for more details. Visit www.marriageencounter-scotland.org.uk
St. Andrew’s Primary PTA—is hosting a Ladies Night on Friday 30th May from 7pm in the school hall. Tickets £5 include a cocktail (BYOB). All profits will be divided equally between school funds and Brightest Star. There will be a disco, raffle, competitions and a variety of fabulous beauty treatments which are available to pre-book. Contact Anne MacIntosh 07866 009078 or Karen Hughes 07732 676253 for more information. All welcome
Fabric & Finance Meeting—Tuesday 5th June at 7pm in the chapel-house. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact Brian Donnelly 942 6085.
Special Collections over the next couple of months – 1st June Communications Sunday; 8th June – Day for Life; 15th June Archdiocesan Assisted Parishes Fund; and 29th June Peter’s Pence.
Human Trafficking - Can you spare a day during the Commonwealth Games to help end human trafficking? The ‘More than Gold’ ecumenical group and Stop The Traffik have teamed up to bring 4 UN GIFT boxes to Glasgow for the duration of the Commonwealth Games. The ‘Gift Box’ is an innovative project to raise awareness and inform people about this crime against humanity. Volunteers are needed to staff the boxes - with training provided. See porch noticeboard for more details or contact Marie Cooke on 07876787713 / [email protected] Interested in listening to the Gloria from The Mass of Christ the Saviour, which we have been singing recently at Mass? , Visit www.ocp.org/newmasssettings/newsetting/christthesavior.
We are looking for someone to take on the role of P1 to P3 Children's liturgy coordinator for the next one or two years . It would involve preparing the rota, and liaising with the liturgy leaders. We are also looking for more volunteer helpers, as some of our existing team are looking to "retire" after many years service. Leaders and helpers are on duty about once a month. It is a very satisfying role as well as being useful preparation for anyone considering training as a teacher. No particular experience is required, as you will work with an experienced leader for the first few months. PVG clearance is required. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Fr Mackle on 942 4635 or Lorraine on 942 1065.
Lego Appeal - St Andrew's Primary is very grateful for the donations made so far. They’re still looking for more, as they hope to set up two Lego Clubs.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am - June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Monday at 7.00 pm. All very welcome.
Mass Attendance – 17th/18th May. Vigil Mass - 138; 10am Mass – 261; 12 noon Mass – 621. Total – 1020.