“If anyone loves me he will keep my word
and my Father will love him
and we shall come to him."
Mission Appeal—Columban Sisters—1st—2nd October. Special second collections for the sisters and their Apostolate.
Family Service—In preparation for Confirmation—For the candidates, parents, sponsors—at the church on Thursday 6th October at 7.30 p.m.
Sacrament of Confirmation—Wednesday 9th November at 7.30 p.m. (Group1) and Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p.m. (Group 2). The school will arrange the groups later. If your child is not at St. Andrew’s Primary chose either date and inform Fr. Donnelly.
First Communion and Confirmation—Parents meeting on Thursday 27th October at 7.30 p.m. at the Upper Hall.
First Communion Dates—6th, 13th and 20th May at 10.oo a.m. and 12.00 noon Masses—To be arranged at the meeting on 27th October.
First Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation) - Group 1 Saturday 17th March at 10 30am, Group 2 Saturday 24th March 2012 at10 30am. For children not at St Andrew’s Primary chose either date and inform Fr. Donnelly
Parents meeting—For First Confession Thursday 12th January 2012 at 7 30pm in the Upper Hall.
Pasta Night—1st October 2011—Saturday 1st October in the Upper Hall. 7.30 p.m. til 11.30 p.m. Tickets, priced at £15.00 are available from Angela Bruno (942 7879) or Collette Shevlane (942-9854).
Dates for the Children’s Choir—18th September, 9th October, 13th November, 20th November, 11th December, 18th December—ALL AT 10AM MASS and 11th December—Family Advent Service at 3pm.
St. Andrew’s Pre Fives—The St Andrew’s Pre-school Lunch Club will meet every Thursday from 12pm to 2pm in the Lower Hall starting on 29th September. If you have a child who will be starting at St Andrew’s Primary School in August 2012 you are very welcome to come along. It is an opportunity for your child to meet and play with future classmates. Bring a packed lunch. Younger siblings welcome. Contact Sharon on 0141 562 9736 or 07876764719 for further info.
If you have you have younger children the Toddler Group meets every Thursday from 10am to 12pm in the Lower Hall. Contact Elizabeth on 0141 942 7129 or 07714241092 for further info.
Could all parish groups—Currently using either the Upper Hall, the Lower Hall or the hut please contact the Hall Letting Secretary, Gordon Reid, on 07528 425 698 to update your groups contact details and to confirm the timings etc of your lets. Many thanks , Gordon Reid.
White Flower Appeal—29/30th October. We are required to take up the collection outside the church.
SPRED—Welcomes people with learning difficulties into our parish community. We are desperately in need of someone who is free on a Wednesday evening to help with one of our friends. Contact Catherine 942 6984 or Lorna 942 0696 No previous experience is required as training is given.
National Old People's Week—2nd—8th October 2011
Flag Daly—8th October 2011. Any young people who can assist with the house to house collection (14 yrs of age and over) contact 221 9924.
Alter Servers—2 practices for all servers at the church on Sunday 2nd October and Sunday 9th October from 2 30—4 30pm.
All Parish Musicians—Cantors, Organists, Choral Group etc—a meeting to consider the music suitable for the new Mass texts on the 9th October at 2pm at the parish hall. Further information from Adrian Finnerty 943 1517.
Liturgical information: The New Translation-the four presences of Christ—Christ is always present in his church especially in the liturgical celebrations. Each time we come to Mass we experience the presence of Christ in four different ways;
Christ is present in the congregation-the people gathered together
Christ is present in the person of the priest
Christ is present in the scriptures that we listen to during Mass
Christ is present specially and uniquely in the bread and wine when it becomes Christ’s Body and blood.
The new translation will give us a greater understanding of the Mass because the words we will now use will say more clearly what our faith is teaching us.
Whist Drive—Please note change of date to Monday 3rd October 7 30pm in the lower hall. Contact Susan Morrison 563 7959 or 07580086381.
Vocations to the Priesthood and the 31 club—You’re invited by Serra Club of Glasgow to commit to offering one mass each month for this intention. Please see notice at the porch.
Finance & Fabric Team meeting—Please meet in Presbytery on Wednesday 28th September 2011 at 7pm.
Charity Christmas Card Fair—November 20th after 10am and 12pm Masses. Would any parish groups wishing to sell cards please contact either Annamaria Strachan 942 9799 or Anne MacIntosh. If any members of the parish have connection with any other charities and would like to sell cards please contact the above to book a table.