consecrate us in the truth."
All P3 parents intending to present their child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent 2023, please collect before Mass an enrolment form from the sacristy.
P7 parents should collect an enrolment form for Confirmation. All forms are to be returned, please, by Sunday, Oct 30.
P4 parents are not required to re-enrol. Your form and all the details on it from last year (P3) will automatically roll on to the P4 list.
Children’s Choir ~ for all P4-P7s of the parish .Older children S1-6 who have missed out because of the pandemic, are most welcome to join too. Please contact Annamaria Strachan ([email protected]) with any questions and/or to sign up.
We’re still looking for the loan of a few more exercise bikes for our 3rd December youth event. (We can arrange pick-up and return.) The fundraiser, aimed at participants aged between 12 and 22, will provide a boost to our support for local foodbanks and the soup run. If we can borrow a stationary bike from you, please email us:[email protected]
St. Andrew's Lunch Club - "open to all" 12.30 -2 30pm 1st & 3rd Thursdays. Do come along ~ enjoy good company, delicious food, and a good friendly chit chat.
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive will take place on WEDNESDAY 28 th September in the Lower Hall, from 2pm – 4pm. Tea and coffee will be served. Entry £2. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some preparatory act of reverence such as a bow.
Season of Creation Week 5 This week, EcoCongregation Scotland has organised a Zoom discussion on the topic “Let’s talk about the Climate Emergency: Eating for a Greener World"”on Monday 26th Sept at 7.30pm. Register through their website www.ecocongregationscotland.org
The Season of Creation concludes on the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of creation – 4th Oct. You are invited to come along to the church to pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for the Care of Creation on Sunday 2nd Oct at 4.30pm. Some decades will be prayed outdoors in the Jubilee garden and in the upper hall garden – weather permitting.
“Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, now cares with maternal affection and pain for this wounded world” Laudato Si (#241)
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - Sunday 25 September - World Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees The true worth of the different countries of our world is measured by their ability to think not simply as a country but also as part of the larger human family. Pope Francis, Fratelli tutti , para 141
Evening trip to Carfin - Bus will leave from Milngavie Railway Station on Thursday 13th October at 6pm and return around 9pm. This is our final monthly trip for this year.
For women affected by separation and divorce – next meeting of this confidential and peer support group is Fri 7thOct in St Patrick's hall, Dumbarton 6pm - 8pm. All new members are most welcome. email: [email protected]
Forthcoming Special Collections – Sea Sunday 2nd Oct; Mission Sunday 23rd Oct
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent in by Tuesday (pm) before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the parish website and on our noticeboard.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick and housebound and those in hospital:
Recently Dead: Mary Frances Clark, Carmel Donnelly, Leigh-Anne Donnelly, Catriona Fraser, Maureen Love, Maria Musso, Eileen Quinn.
Anniversary: Tommy Allan, Rose and Charlie Boyle, Paul Donnelly.