"Man does not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from
the mouth of God"
During the Lenten Season you may notice some new aspects in the Liturgy for example there may be no recessional hymn emphasising the “mood” of the Liturgy and use of the Apostles’ Creed appropriate for the preparation of those preparing for full Communion with the church at Easter—the second collections at weekend Masses are for the Sick and Retired Priests’ Fund except on the 4th Sunday, when the collections are for S.C.I.A.F (17/18th March).
Lent on your Mobile Phone—The Archdiocese will provide “Lenten thought for the Day” service free to anyone who wishes to make use of it throughout Lent. The idea is to send a short idea or inspirational thought via your mobile phone or computer to help your focus on the message of Lent. Many people leading busy lives have found this a convenient and useful way to help focus their thoughts on spiritual matters in the midst of the buzz of everyday life. To make use of this service visit the Archdiocese of Glasgow Facebook Page and click “like”. This can be found at www.facebook.com/ArchdioceseofGlasgow or follow the Archdiocese of Glasgow Twitter Feed. This can be found at www.twitter.com/ArchdiocGlasgow.
Dates for the Children’s Choir—7th March (7.30pm service),11th March 10am Mass, 17th March 6pm Mass , 13th May 10am Mass, 20th May 10am Mass, 10th June 10am Mass, 17th June 10am Mass. Contact Annamaria Strachan 0141 942 9799, 07749715514, email [email protected]
St. Patrick's Night—Saturday 24th March. Tickets on sale from 4th February priced £15.00. Guest speaker—Father Joe Mills. See notice in porch. Tickets phone D. MacLean 587 7319.
2012 Gonzaga Lectures—St. Aloysius Church—see notice in the porch.
Parish Fabric & Finance Group—Meeting at the presbytery on Wednesday 29th February at 8.00 p.m. Please note change of time.
Parish Exhibition—For all groups to advertise their activities and to look for interested recruits on 10/11th March at the Upper Hall …..one of our church 25th Anniversary Events.
Parish Liturgy Group Meeting—In preparation for Easter—At the presbytery on Tuesday 13th March at 7.30 p.m.
Parish Pilgrimage September 7th—15th 2012—There will be a further meeting on Tuesday 28th February at 7.00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. In order to keep the reservations, we currently hold on flights and hotels, Final numbers must be confirmed by March 5th, as this is your last opportunity to book for another great Pilgrimage, which this year is visiting Italy and Switzerland based in Locarno on Lake Maggiore. We will celebrate Mass in Milan Cathedral, visit various famous Churches, places of interest including the world famous paintings of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”, sail on the lake to various resorts and the Borromeo Islands and a scenic rail journey inland. Mass is celebrate daily in our Hotel, so think about joining us for what will be another great Pilgrimage. Come to the meeting—all welcome.
Soup Run—The next soup run will be on Friday 2nd March. Donations taken at the lower hall from 7.00 p.m. Soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc. most welcome. Any queries, please call Phyllis 0141 570 1343. Many thanks as always.
St. Andrew’s Squad—For all Primary three children celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please come to the Lower Hall on Sunday 11th March 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Call Margaret Hendry 563 9993 for more information. Thank you
Elmwood Reunion—Sunday 17th June 2012 in Bothwell Bridge Hotel—See notice at the porch of the church.